-Two months later-
I stumbled into the house, throwing the door open and slamming it closed. I held in my screams of pain and tried to make my way to the kitchen, half blind.
"YN? What's-OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Goo shouted and ran up to me.
Oh please, not now.
"Move." I said pushing him away, trying to make my way to the sink to wash the stupid ass pepper spray from my face. Like, it wasn't even my fault! I was literally minding my own business and some guy tried to fuck with me so I punched him and his girlfriend scratched my face and pushed me into a FUCKING THORN BUSH!
Then I was walking back here and some stUPID OLD LADY decided I was on my way to rob her when I was already bleeding and shit, and she got me with her pepper spray and BEAT ME WITH HER FUCKING CANE! LIKE, THOSE TWO TEENS, I BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF THEM CAUSE THEY TOOK IT TO FAR, BUT WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO TO AN OLD LADY USING A WALKER? SHE WASN'T EVEN USING HER CANE EXCEPT FOR WHEN SHE WHOOPED MY ASS WITH IT! AHHHHH!
"YN, your eyes are so red!" Gun gasped.
"Oh really? I didn't notice!" I snapped ripping my shirt off, tossing it in the trash can.
I finally made it to my destination and washed my face properly.
"What happened?" Goo asked holding my hair back.
"You think an explanation can wait till I'm not on fire?" I asked rinceing the soap of my face.
"Get a paper towel and soak it with milk." I ordered as I kept slashing my face. I heard them get to work and I turned off the water.
"Why are you bleeding all over the place?" Gun asked helping me to the couch.
"Is that a tattoo?" Goo asked and I glared. Gun placed the milk soaked towel on my face and laid me down.
"Here, I'm going to clean you, okay?" Goo said and I felt the burning sensation of the alcohol on the cuts.
"How did you get these?" Gun asked.
"Jealous bitch and a thorn bush."
There's no way I'm telling them an old lady wiped the floor with me.
"You still have some thorns in." Goo frowned. "Here, don't move. Gun, get a plate or something."
Gun let go of my arm and I heard him leave and come back. I grimmanced as I felt the two small metal sticks enter my skin.
"Fuck!" I snapped as Goo tried to pull it out.
"Hold on, don't move." Gun said holding me down.
I winced as he pulled out ten thorns from my body.
I was tired after the burning had worn off and they cleaned me up. I turned to look at Gun.
"So no training today?"
"You're fine." He said and got up, going back to count his money.
Damn, I was hoping he'd give in. Not that I expect him to....
"AHHHHHH!" I screamed as I flew backwards. I don't feel like hitting my head this time. I landed on all fours and smiled. "Oh hey, I did i- AHHH!" I screamed and rolled out of the way as Gun's foot came for my face. Gun jumped for me but I held myself up with my hands and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying backwards.
"Oh." I said dumbly as I watched him stand up.
"You could have attacked me while I was down." Gun said shaking his head.
"Yeah but the 'rule' is whoever throws the first punch is blamed, don't be excessive, and don't attack when they're down!" I reminded crossing my arms which was a big no no.
He punched at me but I dodged. He grabbed my hair and I spun around, elbowing him in the face. He let go, stumbling a bit. I took the chance to kick him in the side and swipe his feet out from under him. I kicked his wrist as he tried to catch himself. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me down.
Gun climbed on top of me with a huge smile.
"Nope." I said and kicked up between his legs. I flipped him over, got on his back, pinned his arms and got him in a choke hold. He licked his lips and tried to breathe as he got to his knees, dropping down on top of me. I didn't let go of him and there was laughter. We looked over to see Goo laughing at the door way.
I'm supposed to be weaker then this, I need to tone it down.
Gun flipped me and I crashed on my back.
"Ow." I mumbled and Goo laughed again before continuing to the laundry room, a basket of dirty clothes under his arm. Gun walked up to me, looming over head.
"Hey." I smiled in pain.
"Not bad, but you can do better."
"Is that the best compliment I'm getting today?"
"I'll take it." I grinned and winced when I sat up.
I was pulled up by my hair and I hissed.
"Ow ow ow ow, I thought we were done!"
I kicked him and punched his throat. I jumped and curled up, dug my fingers into his shoulders, wrapping my legs around his neck and flipping us both. He fell on his back and I landed the super hero landing.
"Where did you learn that?" Gun asked sitting up.
"Uh, movies and videos." I smiled embarrassed.
"Well you did it well." He said and we stared at each other. I could tell what he was thinking. I had done that move on him as Sargent Death for about a year and a half. He had wonder for a second.
Is YN Sargent Death?
But he pushed that idea out of his mind. It was to ridiculous to him. Me, a 5'2, 17 year old girl, Sargent Death? I ran from cockroaches and hated it when he fights. Now I'm supposed to be this person that can bring him down in two seconds? Why would I slow myself to be harmed when I could defend myself so easily.
"Are we done?" I asked as I stretched.
"Okay. You've gotten much better than anyone I've train in only two months. Not even Johan was this talented."
"I wouldn't say I'm talented, more of just being desperate for survival." I chirped.
"I doubt I'll kill you." The 19 year old said.
I smiled and stood up, dusting myself off. I told him the truth. I learned to fight because I was desperate for survival. I didn't want to be kill and I wanted to get out to find Goo. That's what made me so good. Desperation and the need to help others. Maybe that's why Goo can fight so well . He learned to fight because of me. He was desperate to save me. We just didn't have the same teachers.
Tom Lee, that bitch, he taught these two and then gave them to Choi. But I was trained by assassin like Miss Grace (total and complete bitch...) who didn't care about children dying. I know how Tom is. He's a disgusting man who I wouldn't mind gone. When I take Choi down, I'll take him down as well. Although, Choi might keep his mouth shut in jail, Tom won't. I'll have to send him to Siberia. One of my men, perhaps Kurt, can take his place.
"Gunny Gun Bo Bo!" Goo teased as he walked back into the gym.
"Don't call me that!" Gun snarled.
"It's Gunny Gun Bun Bun." I correct.
"Shut up Princess."
"DON'T call me Princess!" I snapped at him. Goo laughed like this was the funniest thing in the world.
"Anyway Kitty." He put his arms around Gun and my shoulders.
"Lose that name too, I'm not five anymore."
He ignored me.
"I gotta steal your boyfriend for a while, business matters."
"He's not my boyfriend." I huffed.
"Good, I'd have to kill him."
I snorted and bumped his arm off.
"Take him, keep him, lose him, I don't care. That means I won't have to go on the night run!" I smiled and Goo grinned. Gun frowned down at me and I winked at him.
"Well, we have to go, bye! See you later!" Goo chirped and dragged Gun along with him.
Gotta follow them now, ugh.
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