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"What am I being paid anyways?"

"The honor of being graced by YN's presents!"

I noticed Kurtis typing something into his phone but I didn't really pay much attention to it.

"That's no where near enough. I quit." Gun said and left, laughter erupted throughout the room.

"Asshat!" I called and ran after him.

Gun was looking for some food so I kicked his butt.

"Hey!" He laughed and I huffed.

"Fuck you." I huffed again.

"Hey, give me attention! You haven't seen me in ages." Julie smiled and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Fine, what do you want to talk about?"

"I'm mad and annoyed."

"Why, what is it?"

"I have to go to Japan for a week, in a few hours, I don't have a fucking plane to go on and I don't have a place to stay."

"Oh..." I looked at Gun who was leaning against the counter watching us both.

No, I can't ask him. I can't, I have no right.

He waved his hand as if telling me to tell her.

Why's he being so nice?

"Gun and I are going to Japan for a week. Wanna ride with us?"

"What, really?!"

"Yeah, he has a house there we can stay at."

"Thank you! I have my bags packed already. They're in my car. I'll just stay the night with you guys and the next day I'll have a hotel, okay?"

I nodded and suddenly there was loud banging at the front door.

I heard Cody yelp in surprise and Julie now had two kitchen knifes in her hands.

"Calm down, I'm sure it's just-"

The windows trembled as the person knocked again.

Jordan pranced towards the door and I sighed before following him knowing he was bound to run in to some kind of trouble.

"Heeellllo?" He asked and swung the door open to reveal Gabriel and Emma on the other side.

"Jordan!" Gabriel's eyes were practically hearts at this point.

"My love, at long last!" Emma gasped.

Jordan screamed at the top of his lungs and ran deeper in to the house.


Kurtis burst into laughter and I closed my eyes.

"Kurtis...I can't do this." I whispered and pulled Gun out of the way as the two love sick fans ran after their senpai. Taking out my phone, I texted Kurt's fan club.


"Huh?!" Kurt almost screamed.

"WHAT?!" The two crazy fans screamed and I grabbed Gun and Julie.


We ran into his car, Julie hopping in the back with her bags. I watched Kurt's main fans run into my house.

A great war between canfield would take place in this house.

Rip Cody and Sebastian, they didn't ask to be stuck and abandoned like this.

"Well, it was nice while it lasted." Julie hummed.

"Yup." I agreed and Gun pulled out of the driveway.

Julie and I sipped our Starbucks on the jet.

Sancus was happily running up and down the isle, seemingly having a mild case of the zoomies.

Mew tilted her head curiously and tapped one of Gun's cards.

He put that one down and I grinned evilly at him. Mew seemed to understand the situation and walked on to my lap, sitting and examining my cards.

"Trader." Gun smiled and I laughed.

"Sorry Bun Bun, she needs to be on the winning team, right baby?" I asked scratching under her chin.

She purred and I giggled.

"Uno, Uno out." I grinned and both Gun and Julie groaned.

"This game is rigged." Julie laughed handing over the 50 dollars she bet and I laughed.

Gun handed me the 500 he put in and I took back my 10 dollars that I placed on the table.

This is a fun and easy way to get rich!

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