"You guys want me to order pizza? We're hungry."
"Pineapple pizza?" I asked and Gun nodded.
"Sure, pineapple pizza."
"I'll never understand how you can eat that." Goo shook his head.
"It's good, okay? You used to eat it all the time!"
"Cause you liked it."
I tried to tackle him but he just tossed me back and I landed on the couch.
"Bitch!" I tried again but he just kept blocking me and tossing me aside.
Goo snorted as he grabbed me and picked me up.
"No!" I hissed and wrapped my arms and legs around his arm. "Fuck you, you're not getting rid of me this time!"
He shook his arm to try and shake me off.
"You're like a little monkey. Let go, sticky hands."
"How dare you?!" I tightened my grip. "I will bite you. I'll do it, bitch!"
"Pizza is here." DG poked his head into the living room.
"Yay! Goo, carry me."
"You're such a lazy ass."
Still attached and hanging upside down on his arm, we entered the kitchen where the others were waiting.
My mood immidetly dropped when I saw Crystal who was sitting next to Gun. There were two empty spots, one next to him at the end of the table and one in front of him.
I honestly didn't feel like sitting next to him but there seems to be no choice.
I sat next to him but leaned more towards my brother.
I don't need no man, I'm a strong independent woman. There's no reason for me to be so upset over a guy not liking me.
I'm so confused, I thought Crystal has a crush on little Daniel and Jordan, but she's with Gun? The fuck? It's probably to get back at me.
"Once we get back to Korea, we should have Jordan over for dinner. We're business partners after all, and we should become better friends. A friendship will insure future agreements and partnerships. We could use a powerful man like him on our side. We can all meet at my house." Crystal said glancing around with a small blush on her face.
She's talking about getting closer to her crush next to her boyfriend?
Hm, maybe it's an open relationship? Maybe he's okay with sharing? Gun doesn't seem like that kind of person though.
But I still think it's strange
Jesus Christ, these rich people are weird!
What if she's looking for a threes or foursome?
I shook my head wildly, trying to get the thought out of my head.
"YN, what are you doing?!" Goo grabbed my hair and stopped me.
"There was a ringing in my ear and it gave me a headache." I shrugged.
"You're probably getting a cold. I told you to dress warmly but you always run out practically naked.
"You have a weird idea of naked. Wait until you find about complete nudity! The most common times for that are when you shower or have se-"
"Finish that sentence and I'll cut out your tongue."
"Oh my God, you're so aggressive. I guess your still to young to know about that kinda stuff." I shook my head and DG snorted.
"Sorry." He cleared his throat and pat his chest.
Goo gave me a look and I gave him a innocent smile.
"No pizza for you."
"What?! Why?! I did nothing wrong, it's not my fault you're a virgin!"
I know he's not a virgin. He was not a virgin, even before he left to work for the Chois'
"Okay and what if I am? You're a virgin so who are you to talk."
I choked on my own spit and began coughing. I covered my red face with my shirt and kept choking.
"The hell are you coughing about?"
"Can't cou-gh normAl?"
I couldn't even talk properly, but holy shit! I didn't think he'd ever ask something like this! What do I say, if he finds out I'm not a virgin, he'll flip and never let me within 100 feet of any other male!
He'll make it his mission to find out who it was! What am I supposed to tell him! I can't tell him it was rape! I don't want to tell him that!
"Do you want some water?" Crystal asked and I shook my head.
(Just a reminder, shook is no and nod is yes.)
"Can you get her some water?" Goo asked patting my back. "Calm down and breathe woman."
"I'm dy-ing."
"No you're not, just drink your water."
"I'm fine." I coughed and laid my head on the table.
How fucking embarrassing!
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