Meet The Subs

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(Ten more chapters until Book One is over! AHHHHHH!)

I walked into class and sat at my desk.

"Hey Jay, how was the beach?"


"Oh, how fun! I wish I could have gone! I'm really sorry, maybe next time, okay?"


"Oh, I'm fine Jay, really. Hm? Why did you put a bandaid on my neck? I'm not even cut there."

"Okay, listen up, your teacher is absent so I'll be your substitute for today, got it? You can call me Mr Park, that's all. Not Mr P, no bro, only Mr Park."

Jay and I jumped and looked to the front of the class in horror.

"GUN?!" Daniel gasped and leaped to his feet.

"What are you doing here?!" Zack demanded and Jay stood shielding me with his body.

"I said it's Mr Park, now sit down."

"Omg, he's so hot!"

"Did Daniel say his name was Gun?"

"Look at his clothes, they're expensive!"

"He's rich AND hot!"

"Do you think he'll be my sugar daddy?"

"Okay, but why is he so fine?"

"God really woke up and chose a blessing, hm?"

"I'd go down on that so hard...."

What the hell is he doing here?! He's not a sub!

Well...I once asked him what he would be if he wasn't a crazy fighter and he said a teacher.

And he's DEFINITELY not a sub in the bedroom...


What's his problem?! He knows he can't be here, he has a record, how did he even get in the school?!

"G-guys, just sit down. Don't cause trouble."

"But YN! He's-"

"I know, but what are you going to do, beat him? You can't so just sit."

They frowned and then glared at him but did as I asked.

"Come on Jay, sit. I'll be fine you don't need to protect me." I smiled and held his hand.

He looked uneasy but sat down, scooting closer to me nervously.

I smiled and pat his head.

"Anyways, now that we've all settled down, let's take out our math books and get ready to take some notes."

"Excuse me Mr. Park, we usually have a bell assignment in the morning."

"Bell assignments are busy work. It's useless and most of you won't even do it. Those who do it won't even try. There no point, so we'll get straight to work."

Damn, Gunny Gun Bun Bun isn't messing's kinda hot.


"Now I get it!"

"Wait, it's that simple?!"

"Bruh, I'm so dumb! How did I not understand that?"

"Wait...I'm still lost..." We all turned to a confused looking boy.

"Even I get it, how do you not?" Zack asked confused.

"It's fine, we all learn differently. What are you stuck on?"

"Where did you get 8 from?"

"Oh, okay, look."

Gun went over it again, shushing the kids who giggled and poked fun at his student.

"Oh! Now I see! Thank you Mr. Park! I'm sorry for making you repeat it so much..."

"It's fine, as long as you understand it, that's all that matters."

Aww he's so sweet!

My mind began to wander to sinful places, imagining Gun railing me on the teacher's desk... teaching me a thing or two with his-


I jumped and everyone turned to look at me wide-eyed.

What the hell?

I looked down at the floor where the white eraser lay.

"Miss Kim, stay in during break."

"Huh, why?!" I gasped.

"You've been day dreaming for the past hour so you'll make up for it during your break. And stop smiling like that."

"That's so unfair..." I huffed and leaned back. "Wait, Mr. Park, can I go buy a water?"

"Don't you have a bottle?"

"I forgot it in my car."

"You mean your sugar daddy's car." A girl huffed and everyone laughed.

"Yeah, my sugar daddy's car, and what? What are you going to do about it? Stay fucking mad, bitch." I rolled my eyes and everyone laughed again.

"Now, now, let's calm down. Can someone go buy her a water?"

"I can go." Mira raised her hand.

"Okay, thanks." He went back to writing on the board and I gave Mira some cash.

I watched the class walk out the door and then glanced at my three friends that stayed behind.

Zack, Jay and Daniel stood in front of my desk, blocking me from Gun's view.

"You three may leave."

"Like hell we will! You think we'd leave her alone with you?" Zack snapped.

"You're insane, how did you get in here?!" Daniel demanded.

"Guys, it's fine, really. I'll be fine."

"YN, this guy is crazy! He could kill you!"

"He just a sub, I'll be fine."

"You're our friend, we're not leaving you!"

"You'll worry the girls if you stay. It's only 15 minutes."

They looked uncomfortable and glared at Gun.

"You guys will be right outside, now go. The girls will come back and if you guys are on edge, they'll get worried. Do you want them to get scared?"

They still didn't seem 100% convinced.

"Mira, Joy and Zoe are waiting."

Something flashed in their eyes when they heard their names.

"If you need help...scream, alright? We'll come back as fast as we can...then we'll kill him." Zack placed a hand on my shoulder and shot Gun a look.

"Thanks, guys." I beamed.

Jay and Zack slowly walked towards the door.

"You coming, Daniel?"

"You guys go on." He said.

God damnit...

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