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Days past and we finally headed back to Korea. Japan was beautiful but I was a little homesick, and I think the babies were too.

I was still dreading to see Goo.

But hey, best yet worse case scenario, he's not there and I never see him again!

I haven't answered any of his texts or calls, I was to nervous.

"I have school in two days." I sighed, leaning against Gun.

"Yup. You ready to see your friends?"

"Yup! Jay has already invited me to go to his beach side house during our break! I get to hang out with them for about a week."

"Oh, have you asked Goo?"

My smile faltered and I sat up at the thought of talking to my older brother.

I haven't asked him.

Should I?

I don't want to bother him.


"Who needs Goo to tell me what I can and can't do, right?"

He looked at me then pat my head.

"You're a strong independent woman that doesn't need any man."

"Heck yeah! Feminism for the win!"

We high fived and I giggled, leaning against him again.

"Imagine not being a feminist?"

"Cut those people out of your life."

"Heeeell, yeah! Trash!"

We laughed and I hugged his arm.

"When are you going to tell the girl you like her?"

"I've tried countless of times, she's just to clueless to understand."

"Is she a dumbass?"

"Just a bit."

I clicked my tongue and thought.

"So you two aren't together?"


"But you two are so close! I would think you guys are already together."

"Wait, who?"

"You and her?"

"Who's her?"

"The girl you like?"

"Who do you think it is?" He asked confused.

"You know who it is." I huffed.

"No, I don't think I do."

"Don't play dumb! You two are all over each other!"



"Who the hell is her? I don't know who your talking about!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"YN, you're the girl I li-"

My phone rang and I looked down at it.

"Oops, hold that thought, I need to answer this."

I answered and put the phone to my ear.

"What is it?"

"Ares Water has chosen 50 skilled agents and they'll be shipped out on the 14th of this month." Marco informed.

"Sounds good. Send me the info, yeah?"


"Okay, bye! See you soon!" I chirped and hung up.

"What was that?"

"Hm? Oh, Sebastian's cousin is taking the GED test and he wants me to check his practice exam."

Gun nodded and I looked at him.

"You took the GED already, right?"

"Yup, a year ago."

"Was it fun?"

"Do you enjoy taking tests?"


"Then what do you think?"

I snorted and put my phone down as the plane landed.

"Yay! We're here!" I jumped up and stretched.

I slowly got out of the car and made my way over to the back of Gun's car to get the bags.

Goo's car is here.

I helped Gun grab the bags because neither of us wanted to make two trips.

San also lent a paw with the lighter bags and Mew supervised us.

We closed the trunk and I saw Goo was standing at the doorway.

We made eye contact and I lowered my gaze.

"Do you need help?" He asked as I passed him.

"I'm okay, thank you." I said and made my way upstairs.

I'm so tired, I just want to shower and go to bed. It's already 4 am. Why the hell did we leave so late?

I thought back and remembered Sancus and Mew had disappeared. We couldn't find him till I called Jordan to see if he'd seen the babies and he said they both had dinner at their place, were pampered with love and affection, and were currently asleep with Sebastian and Cody.

When I went over to get them and say bye, the babies didn't want to leave the warm bed so Gun and I had to carry them out.

San howled in protest the entire way to the airport.

We were supposed to leave Japan at 12 in the evening. It took us more than 12 hours to find those dumbass bitches. 

I didn't bother unpacking, that can be done tomorrow.
Instead, I hopped into the shower, got cleaned up, brushed my hair and teeth, got dressed and exited my bathroom to find Goo sitting on my bed.

"Oh, you're finally out."

"Yeah, sorry." I said and looked away.

"I'm sorry I pinched you." He said and I blinked in confusion.

"It's fine, I deserved it anyways."

"No you didn't. I was in a bad mood, and that's no excuse."

"I'm not bothered, just tired. Can I go to sleep?"

He blinked and nodded.

"Okay, rest well." He stood up and I nodded.


He closed the door and I crawled into bed before falling asleep.

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