"Jordan, no!" I shouted as he jumped through the broken window.
I let go of Gun, who seemed shocked to have someone punch faster than him, and ran after the other two. I felt the glass cut my cheek but I ignored it. I hit the ground running, being an expert on sprinting in heels.
The poor man was running for his life, but it was no use. Jordan was just letting him get a good distance away from the party.
The less witnesses, the better.
Either way, most of the people in that room were either drunk, making out, having sex or already passed out.
No one was paying attention.
Jordan and I run at about the same speed, despite the fact that his legs were longer and he took fewer steps then me.
It was funny.
We ran the at the same speed, but if either one of us has a head start, it's hard for the other to catch up.
They went around a bush wall and I lost sight of them.
He's going to kill him. I need to stop him or I'll have to pull a few favors with people I rather not talk to again.
I ran around the bush and looked around.
"Shit." I whispered before I heard some water splashes.
I ran towards the lake and saw the water rippling and I hissed before running and diving in.
I swam down and spotted them in the dark water. Jordan had his sweater wrapped around the other man's neck, pushing him down against the muddy floor.
The man looked terrified and was quickly loosing his breath. I grabbed onto Jordan's belt, pulled out the knife he always has on him, and swiftly cut the sleeves of his coat.
What can I say? It's a super sharp knife.
I punched Jordan in the stomach to give me a few seconds and swam up with the man.
I dragged him out and began to pull him away from the water.
Jordan was only a few seconds behind.
"No, stop it!" I shouted but he crawled on top of the man, punching him repeatedly. By the third punch, the guy already was on the edge of passing out.
"Stop it!" I tried to pull him off but Jordan had his hands around his neck, a familiar wild look in his eyes.
He wanted to kill this guy.
"TOUCH MY BEST FRIEND AGAIN, I DARE YOU!" He whispered and I began to panic.
I crawled in between both the males and pushed my body up, pinning the other guy back down. I managed to get Jordan off and dragged him away.
"I'm going to kill him!" He snarled and stood up, walking towards him again.
"No!" I snapped, kicking his knee and flipping us both so that he was on his back, one of his arms under him, the other one pinned to his back. I had a hand and his wrist on the back of his neck to keep him down.
He wouldn't hurt me.
"Stop it, he's a dumb ass, but he's also a civilian!" I hissed and did a double take.
"Gun?" I asked confused.
He was standing about five yards away and was watching in surprise.
I didn't feel like explaining to him so I checked the other guys pulse.
He was alive but badly beaten.
I took out my phone, called up The Clean Up Crew and Silencers before looking at Gun.
"Come on, we should go home now." I said standing up. Jordan was wringing his shirt out and looked up at us.
"I'll see you two later. Take care." He waved before leaving. I glanced at Gun as he watched him walk away.
"He's to old to be your successor." I reminded and he raised an eyebrow.
"Come on, it's freezing!" I smiled and hurried away.
After we got home, I took a shower, got dressed and slept a sleep of pure nightmares.
I looked up at the big building and sighed. Tony was waiting for me.
"Hello ma'am, please follow me."
I smiled at him and walked behind him.
"I'm afraid I can only give you two 30 minutes today." He apologized before opening the door to the visiting room. I smiled at Tony before walking to the chair in front of the glass.
"Hey Jakey Wakey." I grinned and he grinned back.
"Hey honey." He smiled back.
"Why do you always call me that?" I laughed.
"Because you're sweet."
I laughed and shook my head. Gun is always calling me Princess. I don't know how to get him to stop. I hate him calling me that. I hate it because I love it and because I loved Jake. It's just...I don't know. Jake's nickname for me is....eh.
I pushed the thought away and smiled at him.
"So how's life?" I asked him.
"It's been alright. There's not much to do in this place. Although seeing you makes it all worth it."
I laughed and tucked some hair behind my ear.
"You know, you could be seeing me almost every day if you had listened to me and stayed away from him."
"I know, but it's okay. Because I'm going to kill him when I get out of here."
"No you are not." My eyes hardened. "I will snitch to the cops that you confessed to plotting murder."
"YN." He glared.
I crossed my arms and glared back.
"I'm doing it for your own good. I know for a fact that you won't be able to kill him. Congrats, you made him cough up blood, but you still lost your teeth and your position." I stood up and walked towards the glass, stopping in front of it. "You think any amount of training in here is going to help you kill him? Even if you train when you get out of here, you can't do it. Let it go Jake."
"What happened to your face?" He asked.
"A glass cup broke and cut my cheek. Listen hun, you never wanted to be part of a gang. You hate gangsters, just leave it be! Just...just stop it. You never wanted this."
"But now it's my life. I'm not going to run away or just stop."
I shook my head and rubbed my forehead.
I forgot how stubborn he is.
I forgot how he use to make me cry about once a week because of how stupid he could be.
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