(Hello my Lovely Bun Buns! I have a special announcement to make! I have officially finished writing book one! That's right! All 200 chapters are completed and patiently waiting for their turn to be uploaded and read by you all! With that being said, there will be a second book which continues this plot. Why? Because I could not fit all my wonderful and amazing ideas into 200 chapters which is all that is allowed by Wattpad, so be prepared! I know a large book may seem intimidating but I am trying my best to make them interesting! Plus, they're more intimidating when you actually have to write them...anyways, only 98 chapters until the end of this book! Alright, thank you all and I love you!)
I jumped up and punched him in response.
"Ow! You can't just punch your fiance like that! It's abuse!" He grinned and I tried to punch him again, but he snatched my arm, pulled me forward, grabbing me and made us do a dip.
I gasped and held on to him then glared in embarrassment.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, gripping his hand while my other hand was gripping the back of his shirt.
"What ever do you mean?" He smirked.
"Put me down, you bastard!"
"Okay." He shrugged and let me fall.
"Ack!" I fell on the floor and wheezed. He got on top of me and I blinked in surprise.
He smirked and pinned my wrists to the floor.
"You asshole, get off."
"Or what? What are you gonna do? You can't even beat me in training, now you're going to get me off of you?"
I lunged forward and bit his nose.
"Ow! Bitch!" He softly bonked his forehead against mine and I winced before I gasped.
(This may or may not have been where I had three heated lemons written but deleted them :D they were ..wow, They were INTENSE!)
"Say you're sorry."
"Say it."
"Let me do your make up and I'll forgive you."
"Excuse me?! You'll forgive me?! What did I do?!"
"You said fuck to me." I huffed at him.
"Oh, so you can say fuck, bitch, cunt, shit and everything else to me, but I can't say one thing to you?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sensitive...🥺👉👈"
"And I'm not?"
I laughed, accidentally snorted, gasped and then laughed even harder.
"YN, calm down! You need to breathe!"
"You're not sensitive, dumbass."
"See, there you go again, calling me rude names. Now I need to lay down and cry." He laid down on me, using my chest as a pillow.
"You perv, get your head out of there."
"Sorry, I can't hear you over my tears."
I laughed, stroking his hair and patting his back comfortingly.
"There there my dear fiance. You're alright." I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.
"No. I'm inconsolable."
"Awww, poor baby! Whatever shall we do?"
"Suck my dick."
"Would you like me to toss you in the frozen pond and leave you there?"
He chuckled and I heard the clink of San's collar getting closer. He panted happily as he climbed onto Gun's back.
"UGH! You guys are crushing me!"
Mew jumped on top of San and Gun laughed.
He pushed them both off and helped me up.
"Thanks." I dusted myself off and smoothed my clothes out.
"Let's go on that walk then." He made his way towards the door and I hurried after him.
"Yay!" I cheered and dropped to put on my boots. I made sure they were nice and secure before I stood up. Gun handed me my coat, but I have a suspicion that he meant to help me put it on, and I impatiently waited for him to get ready.
I untied my hair and made sure it looked alright before opening the door.
Cold snowy wind blew in my face and I shivered, but I was determined to take a stroll.
Gun chuckled and I looked at him confused. He shook his head and I stepped out. I yelped as I slipped on the icy stairs but Gun caught me.
"Ah, thank you." I chirped and happily trudged along.
We talked about this and that, joking around and poked fun at each other until I noticed a figure in the near distance.
He was well dressed and obviously very rich. I moved closer to Gun and looked up at him. He was looking down at me and I raised an eyebrow.
"What?" He asked.
"You're the one looking at me."
"I just forgot how dumb you look." He shrugged.
"ASSHOLE!" I punched him and he laughed. "You're mean, don't laugh! You crazy bitch!"
"You're the crazy one. You have the biggest mood swings I've ever seen."
(Um...did I spell that correctly? Sorry!)
We both looked over to the kneeling man in front of us.
"Huh?" I asked confused and looked at Gun.
He stared at the man and his playfulness was replaced with his usual strict persona.
I frowned sadly but turned my attention to the man in front of us.
"It is an honor to see you again sir, if you had notified us of your arrival, we would have prepared something for you."
"That's fine. I'm just here for a vacation."
"Why are you kneeling? Get up, it's cold. You'll wet your pants and get sick." I frowned.
"I kneel to show respect to him."
"He won't die if you look him in the eyes." I waved my hand dismissively.
I could tell he wouldn't listen to me so I elbowed Gun. He frowned at me and I glanced at the man, then back at Gun meaningfully.
He rolled his eyes and looked slightly annoyed.
"Get up."
The man stood and looked me up and down.
"Who are you?" He asked and I blinked in a bit of surprise. I didn't think he'd acknowledge me.
"Me? I'm YN."
"Who are you to シロオニ?"
I blinked, surprised again. What was I supposed to say? Can I say that we're friends? Do I lie and say we're a couple or fiances?
"What does it matter?" Gun snapped and the other man jumped from being caught off guard.
"Right, I'm sorry, sir." He bowed and I heard a high pitched, "Meow."
I looked down and saw a small little cat at my feet.
"Aww, baby kitten!" I knelt down and he purred as I pet him, giving him scratchies behind the ear.
"What's your name, handsome?"
"My name is-oh. You were talking to the cat..."
I looked up in shock but then smiled.
"It would be nice to know your name too." I said with a kind smile.
"Uh, I don't know if I'm allowed so..."
"That's fine, I won't die without it."
I looked back down at the little kitten and checked his tag.
"Neko...they literally named you cat?" I laughed and pet his little head. "You better get back home buddy, it's freezing. It'll only get colder the later it gets. Go on now, they're probably looking for you as we speak.
He rubbed himself against me and I picked him up.
"Sorry handsome, my own baby will probably kill me if she smells some other cat on me." I giggled and slipped him through the gate. He meowed a farewell and made his way to the house.
I turned and saw the stranger staring at me and Gun was... glaring at him?
Mr. Stranger looked at Gun and jumped.
"I have to go now, good bye sir. Good bye ma'am."
"You can just call me YN, I'm okay with that." I gave him a friendly look.
"Thank you. Goodbye." He left in a hurry and I tilted my head.
I walked to Gun's side and watched him walk away.
"ツ口オニ... White Ghost... That's really cute if I'm honest." I smiled.
"Shut up...."
"You should be nicer to your friends."
"He's not my friend."
I rolled my eyes and resumed my walk.
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