"Your Uber is here." I whined sadly. I didn't want her to leave.
"You're not staying?! I was going to invite you three over for dinner!" Cindy gasped.
"No, I have a job to take care of two hours from here."
"Ah." She nodded in understanding.
"Wait, you need your bags!" I jumped. "Gun, can you open the car please?" I called into the house.
I heard him grunt as he stood up and made his way over.
"Thank you! Sorry for bothering you so much." Julie apologized.
"It's fine." Gun said walking past us. He grabbed her two bags and walked to the waiting car outside of the gates.
"Have a safe trip!" Cindy waved as Gun put her bags in the trunk. He closed it and walked to my side.
"Call me when you get there!" I reminded and she nodded.
"Thank you Gun, bye guys!" We all waved and watched the car.
"How long will you two be here?" Cindy asked and we both crossed our arms from the cold.
"Uh, two weeks I think. Right?" I asked looking up at Gun who nodded but stayed quiet.
"We should have dinner soon, it's been so long since we hung out. Even if you ran away with my boyfriend and didn't make him call me or tell me where he was hiding." She smiled.
"It has! Sorry I didn't visit you earlier. And for the last, I didn't know he broke up with you, I thought he told you he had to leave!" I said with an apologetic smile.
"Oh please, it's fine, you were busy, I understand. And I thought he told you everything."
Before I could answer, a coat was placed on my shoulders.
"Gun?" I asked confused.
"It's freezing, you'll catch a cold." He said flatly.
"Well so will you, go inside. Better yet, take your coat back. I'll be fine."
"I'm alright." He shrugged.
I looked him up and down. Usually, I would hug him but I think he feels to tuff for that. I should wrap things up.
"Okay, let's make plans then! Text me or I'll go to your house to talk about it. I better get this guy inside before he get sick." I smiled and she grinned.
"Okay, have fun! But not to much or else I'm killing you." She narrowed her eyes at Gun who seemed surprised.
"Me? Why me?"
"You're the one with the dick. You're the one that can get her pregnant, this is your only warning."
I snorted and shook my head.
"Calm down Cindy. Come on Gun, let's go. Bye!" I waved.
"Bye!" She waved back.
I elbowed Gunny who gave a slight wave.
"Come on, it's cold! Want hot chocolate?" I smiled up at him.
"Alright. I don't know of I have it premade though."
"Do you know how to make it from scratch? Go back inside." I nodded at San who was carrying Mew on his back. His cute tail wagged happily before he made his way through the two feet of snow. Mew licked her paw calmly as she rode on his back, happy to not have to step in the cold.
"....well...I...um." He cleared his throat and I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. He seemed to be embarrassed. Maybe I pushed him to far.
"It's fine, I know how to make it." I smiled, making sure the door was properly locked.
"Yeah, I think it's better if you do. Mine isn't very good." He scratched the back of his neck.
"I'm sure it's great!" I hugged and smiled up at him.
"It's really not. I would drink it because it's the only way I know to make it, but I wouldn't serve it to anyone." He mumbled.
"Well, mine isn't the best in the world, but I'm willing to share it with you if you promise not to judge." I giggled.
"I'm sure I can agree to that." He nodded and I beamed happily.
"Good. Now come on." I took his hand and led him to the kitchen. I dug around and thankfully, everything we needed was there.
"Get a big bowl and measuring cups." I chirpped and put the last of the ingredients on the table. He brought the items and I got to work.
"Where did you learn how to make this?" Gun asked passing me the sugar.
"Uh, I taught myself."
"You did?"
"Why didn't you just get the premade one?"
"It was usually so expensive and not very at hand where I was. That and it gave me something to do." I shrugged thinking back to when I was on the streets with my friends, hunting down good locations and people we could recruit.
There wasn't fancy hotels we could stay at, especially not deep in the wild, so we had to sleep in the cold and stuff. I was sort of experimenting to try and cheer us up and to help keep us warm. Overtime, I came up with this recipe, which I personally think is pretty good.
"And now?" Gun whispered in my ear, his eyes fixated on the dark milk on the stove, watching over my shoulder.
"Now we wait for it to boil." I smiled.
He nodded slowly as if this was new found information. I giggled and stirred the liquid in the pot.
"This smells better than the one I make..." He mumbled and I softly bonked heads with him.
"I'm sure yours taste great. Don't be so hard on yourself." I smiled gently at him.
"It had barely any sugar and was always bitter and thick. Trust me, it's not good. I still make it when I'm alone, but it's not very good."
"It brings back memories?" I asked, pouring two mugs.
"Yeah, but I wouldn't say that they're very good ones." He shrugged, putting some bread to toast.
"I guess we hold on to what we have, even if we don't like it. Old habits are hard to break." I nodded.
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