Chapter 32

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Spider man was looking out in the city

His home over run by machines by men

His daughter lives here,now he wants to take her away to some where safe..some where better

Spider man saw the x men arrive safely and the fantastic 4

And then saw something bright and gold floating around

Spider man:there's my little star

With Carol

Carol:See she has my cosmic powers

Wanda:how adorable and here I said avengers shouldn't have kids

Black widow:Do you hate kids's just guess I wanted kids with hank but never worked out and here I thought Carol would the last person on earth to have a child


Black widow:I mean you and Rhodes were similar with the military yet always separated

Carol:right....I'm trying to remember what me and Peter had so I can raise's just it always haunted me that she hates me and that I wasn't there for her

Black widow:Hey don't give up

She hulk:and we can help you raise little Erika

Storm came in looking at carol


erika flew towards her and gave her a big hug

Storm:Little erika i missed you too

Carol wanted to get jealous but seeing her daughter happy meant meant allot

Storm:How has mom treated you



Carol:Wow she loves you

Storm:Well she was a cute baby

Carol:Well i don't wanna take credit

Storm:But i hope you can lead her right

Carol:I will

Storm:I will watch

Mj:GUYS YOU might wanna see this*turning on the tv*

President:Hello my fellow Americans we are gathers here to discuss a major threat here with me its new york finest j johna Jameson now Jameson explain to us what is our enemy

Jjj:Yes mr president you spider man has been a public menace for years now years and now he has a armor tank destroyed the military and breaking streets laws

President:Well noted now as of now we will have put an order to capture spider man and bring him down

Spider man:oh great now jjj has the president looking out for me

Captain America:Something is off way off

Spider man:super off what the..shoot

Carol:save your self with that one

Iron man:ok we serious need to find and interrogate one soldier

Spider man:Yea most of them were knocked hard by me and well us

Black widow:Leave that to me find me one

Spider man:Right now there hidden well

Iron man:There after you so let's use you as bait

Captain marvel:Hell no

Erika: Hello mo

Captain marvel: Erika no

Spider man:He does have have a point lets use me

Iron man:Ok we will go easy


Spider man was swinging

He was moving slow looking both sides

Spider man:Nothing

Iron man was speaking from a com link

Iron man:just wait its not like they made something to fight against you

Spider man sense hit hard

Then he saw a drone

Spider man:any chance it shoots bug spray

Then it shoot bullets

Spider man:dammit

Iron man:Hang on kid

Spider man saw as she hulk and spider women launched at the drone and destroyed it

Spider man:Done

The hearing a roar

She hulk:Thats a giant tank

Drone:procedure destroy spider man

She hulk grabbed spider man tossed him out

Iron man came and fired missiles but it lead to no effect

Then seeing an apc chase after spider man

Spider man:oh come on

Militia fired the there machine gun

Militia:were gonna kill you freak

Spider man:Why em i bait

Then seeing colossus ram smash into it

Colossus:Now stay

Then as spider man was swinging

Spider man:NO!

Spider man feel and saw taskmaster

Taskmaster:How in the hell does someone like you take on an army made to stop the avengers

Spider man:Lots of practice

Taskmaster:Then lets home you had enough

With the heroes

Iron man:I lost track of him

Spider women:oh boy i dont wanna see carol when she hears about this

Then seeing the tanks retreat

Iron man:dammit what are they made off

With spider man

Taskmaster knocked him down and kicked head

The moments spider man feel down something silver dropped out of spider mans pocket

Taskmaster saw this and was curious and went and picked it up

Taskmaster:a guessing you wont be needing th--- *kicked in the face*

Spider man:made you look again


Spider man swung to the others with someone

Taskmaster:damm you all to hell

Then the heroes carried and went to the holding cells

Black widow:ok tell us who set this up

Taskmaster:who do you think

Black widow:the president we know how did you get involved

Taskmaster:gee i don't know i get my own army

Black widow:There is more

Taskmaster: i don't know

Iron man:i have an idea

Captain America:What is that

Iron man:a mind reader machine

Everyone put taskmaster head in and it scanned

It showed

Mr president:my fellow American we must exterminate the avengers they have killed so many

Gather the mutants and then gas them to death

To avenger collected them in one place and collapse the building

Take over shield

Then take the young heroes and shall have a new raise of agents


Mr president:spider man who is he

Taskmaster;just a grown man too old and saying jokes easy kill

Mr president:then why haven't you

Taskmaster:he makes it hard

Mr president:I gave you Everytime and you can't kill!!! A man in onesie!!!!

Taskmaster noticed his eye was lose

Mr president:KILL THE SPIDER!!!

Everyone was shocked

Spider man:oh aint that just great....?im going to see erika

Spider man left

And carol thought if something


Carol:ok we all good

Medusa:are you sure about this

Carol:i mean he is technically my husband

Spider man came in

Spider man:Whats the problem

Carol:i need you to do me a favor

Spider man:What

Carol:i need you to check the machine

Spider man:Ok seens fine

Carol:Well stick your head in

Spider man:im not sure

Then carol pushed his head in and everyone held him

Spider man:carol not again

Carol:I wanna know what we had it so i can remember

Then the machine played

Peter and carol were on a roof top

Carol:this is always something i look forwards too

Spider man:same...its great to know what we fight for


Next scene

Carol and peter were walking down the park

Carol:i always wondered if only the like me only as captain marvel

Peter:i love you both

Carol:awww you just saying that

Peter:no i mean it

Carol:oh this i wanna know

Then after a plane ride

Peter:That was pretty fun

Carol:see told you it was good


Carol:You know there so many feeling you made me feel that I never knew I could feel So I just wanna know some thing


Carol:What the spider conda can do


2 mins

Carol:oh i think i know were this is going no need to see

She hulk:let it play

Spider women:how bad can it be

Carol:~oh god why didnt you warn me

Then seeing the plane make a dent

Carol:you know that makes sense why when i repaired my plane where was that dent

Later showing
Peter saw yon rogg

Yon:human your danvers has beem out of commission

Peter:no way

Yon:We traced its other half of dna to you human will you take this child as we cannot afford distraction

Spider carries the baby in his arms and sees it bits of golden hair and its soft skin sound asleep

Spider man:Does the mother know

Yon:unknown but not our problem

*They are leaving*

Spider man Looks at the child sees how soft and cuddle it is

Spider man:I Hope she know and doesn't take you away from me

The child opens its eyes and extends its arms

Spider man sees it bright beautiful blue eyes like stars

Spider man:your beautiful

Medusa:so that's how peter got her when you where with yon rogg

Later it shows how erika was raised

Erika was crying

Peter:What?Do you want to get out of your crib

Erika was picked up

Peter:now where to put you

Erika then feel asleep in peter arm

Peter:little cheater

Next scene

Peter had Erika in his arms

Peter:see erika this is new york my home

Erika was trying to fly up

Peter:no no

Then showing one thing

Spider man was heading back and saw erika awake in bed

Spider man:What are you doing up erika


Spider mam:oh

Erika:Wheres mom

Spider man:Right your mom is long and far but*picking her up*if you look up at that star there's your mom smile at it and it will smile back

Then peter got out

Peter: i should go see Erika

Carol:When we were together did it mean allot to you..did you see something in me

Peter:not gonna lie as the years went by i knew we were gonna be something other than heroes but didn't expect parents before married couple

Carol Hugged him

Carol:We ended making something beautiful

Peter:Well i did do the hard work

Carol:Well i had erika

Peter kissed carol

Carol:But i know it was love that made her

Then the tower shocked

They felt the tower rumble

Carol:the tower under attack

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