chapter 30

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Spider man fired but it was like it did nothing


Spider man rev back and retreated

Taskmaster:Get back here

Spider man;Danvers we have problems tank has hard shell

Carol:How the hell are we gonna beat it

Spider man:and more importantly where the hell is the avengers

Carol:I don't know


Spider man:Come on*gaining speed*

Taskmaster:You know what you and the other guy have in common.....i got them the second time

Spider man:Great

Carol saw a bright light where a tank was firing

Carol shot her laser but then the thank fired some missies


Then hearing thrusters land next to her

Iron man:Need some help

Carol:Where the hell where you

Iron man:Hiding those milita tech have something that keeps us down it was designed to stop us

Carol:Ok now help spider man

Iron man:we gotta analyze who knows we could make the gas worse

Carol:Oh you motherfucker

Captain America:Language

Carol:Shut Up Peter is there fighting that thing

Hearing rumbles

Carol pressed her com

Carol:What was that?!

Peter:nothing just destruction that tank just went 0 to a 100

Carol:Dammit  stark do something

Stark:My armory should hold the withstand gas

Iron man flew down

Captain America:How the hell did peter do it

With peter

Peter parked the car hidden from taskmaster

Taskmaster:naive and should have left and never came back

Spider man:whos gonna stop you

Taskmaster:Why should i be stopped im saving the city from threats like the avengers

Spider man:uh huh what about the x men there's just children

Taskmaster:have you seen magneto we would be dead one day

Spider man:The x men stopped him

Taskmaster:But they could have prevented him...and what about stark

Taskmaster fired around

Taskmaster:Son of a bitch has done some shady thing remember the ambassador....the iron monger

Tony stark stopped making ass he made the weapon all over his body

Iron man was hiding and scanning

Taskmaster:Im not a bad man im trying to save the you.....this is your one chance to leave

Iron man finished scanning

Iron man fired a unibeam and broke several parts

Taskmaster:I knew you would come back

Spider man saw this and fired where stark hit

Taskmaster:do you know what im carrying the core of this thing can collapse a building....not bad

Taskmaster speed off

Iron man:You bastard get back here

Spider man chased taskmaster

Then seeing he was at avengers tower

Taskmaster:come on hit me i dare you

Iron man:avengers he is planning on collapsing the tower

Spider man:think think

Then he thought of it

Spider man:jarvis i need you to hit heavy on the after burners

Jarvis:what are you trying to achieve sir

Spider man:NOW

The car went full speed and rammed into the taskmaster tank

Spider man:Come on!!!!

Taskmaster aimed his tank at him then iron man lifted it aiming at the sky


Then taskmaster rev forward and pushed both of them

Taskmaster:Your no match for me

Then noticing something

Taskmaster: i see what you are trying to do it wont work

Then she hulk captain America and other heroes pushed

Captain marvel:Together!!!

They all pushed and pushed until it feel into new yorks river

Everyone was wearing an aim suit

Spider man:how

Captain America: aim has bases all over the city

Iron man:ok now we wait for the gas to fail...avengers let reclaim our tower


Everyone went in the tower and everyone was surprised to see the tower intact and unguarded

Iron man:check for bombs

She hulk:Nothing

Wasp:Yea weird

Iron man:nothing stolen

Black widow:Nothing not even information stolen

Hawkeye:No they did steal

Everyone looked

Hawkeye:They stole the last cookie

Peter laughed and thought of erika

Tony:Well web head i Should be mad that you took jarvis and my stuff....but you kicked off the hook

Captain America slapped his back


Captain America:we appreciate you more than over why did you get up

Peter:Same reason why you guys been seeing me daughter....i want her to be safe

Tony:so carol jr is it

Captain marvel:Her name is erika

Everyone awwed

Spider man:where have these army been

Iron man:That where we dont know there suit are amazing acid,fire, conduct electricity, absorb knife and punched but not to much and the helmet full if lead to stop telepath

Spider man:to stop us

Iron man:We have the tower and the gas will soon descend now get some rest you earned it


Peter was laying down on the floor of his room when he heard a knock

Spider man:Come in

Carol came in

Peter:Hey how you doing

Carol:Fine do you mind if i lay down with you


Carol laid down and stayed silent until

Carol:Did you....really love me


Carol:Did you love me for real


Carol:How much

Peter:So much that if i told you it be boring

Carol held his hand please

Peter:ok....i had a crush on you for so long and so did you we keep our feeling a secret and then one day i saved you i remembered seeing your eyes how beautiful they were and then i just kissed you

Peter:We had ideas different liking but we both liked it...who knew i enjoyed a plane right

Carol:Im trying to remember what we had but i just cant

Peter:It will take time but we have our daughter to show how much we love each other

Carol layed her head on his chest

Carol:Thanks peter

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