chapter 3

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Captain marvel has been stunned looking around seeing nothing but destruction

Captain marvel:How did this happen

Star:fucking civil war 3

Captain marvel:What?! civil war 3!?

Star:Yup this time the people who we were protecting got balls and tried to kill us all

Captain marvel:people vs heroes what about shield,

Star:joined to fucking kill us all all because one man wanted to control us and something like a slave

Captain marvel:Who was it

Star:our own president

Captain marvel:Why would he do that

Star:He was afraid that we would one day we would take over and own the country guess people are always afraid of what they don't understand
My father told me that

Captain marvel:Who is your father

Star stood quite

Star:There only a few of us not many left

At an abandoned mall run down mall

Carol enters and see a mess

Erika:Nana drew we have someone you have to see


Jessica drew came out all olden due to age


Jessica:oh carol god i missed you

Erika:Ill leave you two
Erika leaves

Carol:God you gotten old

Jessica:War ages faster

Carol:How long has it been

Jessica: 24 years

Carol:God where is everyone


Carol:What about me us


Jessica:in civil war 2 rhodey died it breaks you and when the 3rd war started you left cause you didn't wanna go through that again

Carol:What happened to me

Jessica:no one knows just went away

Carol:Who survive

Jessica:all we have left


Gerry:Hey carol

Carol:you were just a baby

Gerry:time flies

Carol:What about that girl that star girl her powers are like mine

Gerry:No one really talks to her she prefers to be alone

Carol:Who is she

Jessica:no one know she just said her name is star and is here to help but she is a daughter of a hero

Carol:Could be moonstone


Carol:Or maybe a clone


Carol:Or she got affect like me

Jessica:carol she could be your daughter

Carol: what?!?How

Jessica:She looks kinda like you and has your powers

Carol:no no no no no

Jessica:Carol think hard

Carol:That is not my kid

Gerry:She does have your eyes

Jessica:true and your bad attitude

Carol:No way listen i gonna talk to her

Gerry:not sure that's a good idea

Carol:i know how to deal with bad attitude

Jessica:be careful

Carol goes to a store that was stars room

Carol:Excuse me star

Star Was sitting on a stool with a table drawing

Star:What do you want

Carol:To say thank you for saving me back there

Star:Sure whatever

Carol:so where do you get your powers

Star:I was born with them

Carol:ok so who trained you

Star:My dad took me to the x men and with the fantastic 4 to help me control my powers and use them

Carol:whos your dad

Star:ok Where are you getting this we just meet and i saved you what more do you want

Carol:i just wanna know something that i was told and want to make sure

Star:what is it*annoyed*

Carol:are you my daughters

Star didn't answer and kept drawing

Carol:Hey im talking to you

Star:and i refuse to answer that

Carol:just answer the question

Star:Why does it matter

Carol:Cause i wanna know so i can know what to do to raise you better

Star:*slaps the pencil down*oh Bullshit

Carol:excuse me young lady

Star:oh shut up you don't get to do that cause you never raise me

Carol shocked

Star:you gave birth to me while you where out in space never gave a damm about me cause i was given to dad

Carol:what?*tears started to form*

Star:dad went to look for you but noo you already making out with Rhodes and forget about him

Carol:so you are my daughters

Star grabs a file and throws it at her

Star:there's some proof now leave me alone

Carol:star listen why didn't he tell me

Star:Why didn't you know i existed dad wanted to tell you but you where always so far away and alway focusing on your ego till dad decided not evolve you in my life

Carol:Who is your dad

Star:It doesn't fucking matter he dead because of you

Carol:Star please

Star:Do what you do best and go away

Carol:Im your mom

Star:YOU ARE NOT MY MOM my mom is Susan storm,ororo munroe,mary jane Watson who took me in when dad died and raised me along side my brothers and sisters so do me a favor and GET THE FUCK OUT

Carol:im..sorry*with tear coming down her eyes*

Carol walks away and goes to jessica

Jessica:what happened

Carol opens the file and sees dna 99%compatible

Carol:Oh god my poor daughter

Gerry:She is your daughter

Carol:and i failed her

Jessica:When were you pregnant

Carol:I dont know!

Gerry:What she say

Carol:her dad wanted to find me but i was dating rhodes and i was always gone when he wanted to tell me

Jessica:Oh god carol how is the father

Carol: i Don't know!

Jessica:she said your dating Rhodes so maybe she born already

Gerry:carol you have a chance to go and fix it

Carol:*pause in realization*your right but how will i get back

Emma frost walks in
Emma:If i may

Gerry:White queen

Emma:Easy son

Gerry:yes ma'am

Carol:Emma frost

Emma:Good to see you

Jessica:Whats up emma

Emma:my squad found a teleporter at the old avengers building but probably secured with militia

Jessica:If we can sent carol she can stop this war

Carol:that could work and i could save star

Emma:We should leave at sunset

Carol and along side other heroes including star where walking down the destroyed streets

Gerry:This gives me bad vives

Dani cage:i kinda wanna go back

Star:Stay strong we can finally end this hell

Carol notices that she has a spider man mask on her head like a hat

Carol:so spider man huh

Star:He was my favorite hero i liked how he was always saving people

Carol:You know i dated him once

Star stayed quiet

Kate bishop came to carol

Kate:Dont take it personally she is just sad she lost people she cared about even her adopted mothers

Carol:and i was not there

Kate:actually when the president sent sentinals to kill the avengers spider man saved you and that's what go him killed

Carol:he did?

Kate:star was heart broke to see her hero dead and thats why she saves people and goes around protecting us just like spider man

Carol:Wow she must really love spider man,im guessing her dad must have put a good heart in her now i wish i could put a good part in her heart.

Gerry:every one down!

Everyone drops down
And hears the roaring of an engine

Carol:What are those

Star:unmanned tanks they made them cause they knew we have not left

Kate:quite and slowly everyone

Everyone sneak out and hides in a building

Gerry:where gonna hide here while until they search

Star sits down with her knees to her chest

Carol sits next to her

Carol looks at her and sees that the spider man mask was from the real spider man

Carol:Is that from the real spider man

Star:yea it is best day ever when i got his mask i was 6

Carol:why do you call yourself star

Star:Dad always said i was his little star and he always told me this bullshit that if i look at that the brightest star you are looking over me

Carol felt the hurge to cry


Star:why do you care you weren't here you just left

Carol:What is your real name

Star: why do you care

Carol:i know you exist i can save you protect you and raise you as my daughter

Star:how do i know you wont take me away from dad

Carol:I wont please tell me...i want to be your mom

Star sighs

Star:my real name is erika....erika danvers

Carol in shock

Carol:your dad kept my last name

Star:cause he thought you would come never fucking did

In carol mind
I have a daughter...i need to fix this...i need to tell her.....i need to hug show her i love her.

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