The x men were walking outside while some militia were put in captive
Peter used the car to pull the sentinel way to clean the area
Colossus were taking there ammo and weapons and firestar melted them with heat
Wolverine was testing out how to break the metal from the tanks but failed
Forge was busy making a small upgrade to the car
Cyclops was looking out for any innovators along side other mutants
Inside the mansion
Carol was walking through the mansion cleaning out and helping the mutants when she saw a wall of picture
Carol eye caught a picture of erika when it was easter dressed as a bunny and being hold by peter
Another one was erika wearing sunglasses at a party with kitty,jubilee and rogue and in the back ground she saw dazzler singing
Another one was peter in a classroom with student and erika sitting on a desk
Carol laughed at that one
Carol saw one picture of erika in white with the cuckoos kids
One picture was one titled "x men fathers" and it was a picture of wolverine with laura Cyclops with rachel and Peter with erika with a big smile
Carol smiles knowing erika was happy with the x men
Carol saw one of Erika dresses as spider man at a Halloween party
Carol:Of course
Carol moved and saw one peter and logan but erika was in logans arm
Carol:What the...
She hulk and jessica came in
She hulk:You supposed to be helping
Carol:Sorry its just...erika...she looks so happy
Everyone saw what carol meant
Jessica:woo is logan erika god father or something
She hulk:and is erika technically a student
Carol keep looking
Carol then saw one of her 2nd birthday
Carol saw erika sitting down with most of the x men and erika cake was a giant cookie
Carol:Of course a god damm cookie
Jessica:She loves cookies
She hulk:Look she is eating a burger
Carol saw erika was eating burger but on top of sentinel head with laura
Carol:Ok what happened over there
Then there was one that caught her eye it was titled X women mother
They saw jean with rachel,emma with her clones but what caught her eye was storm with Erika and erika was hugging her tightly
Then someone came from behind
Emma:Hurts doesn't
Carol saw her
Carol:Not now
Emma:Whats wrong mad that your daughter was mostly becoming storms
Emma:Danvers i can read your mind
Carol:Agh...fine i have a chance for a better life and im think how ill i make erika happy
Emma:I know...dont...go run away or something
Carol:Excuse me
She hulk:Get ready to grab her
Emma:You know i figure you would be a terrible mom since you didn't you had a kid
Carol:I had an accident
Emma:And so thats why you went and dated another man
Carol:That doesn't matter what matters is im here for my daughter and me and peter are gonna take her safe far away
Emma:Let me guess chicago
Carol:Read my mind again
Emma:Nope...he told me
Emma:Yup well he told ororo because he wanted to bring her along and help raise erika because needs mother
Carol:Damm it leave me alone i can raise erika i can take peter spot in raising her
Emma:Pfft peter is so much better than you
Storm came in
Storm:Enough emma go on scott needs you
Emma left with a smile
Storm:I hope your done looking at the picture now move along we have work to do
Carol:Wait ororo
Storm:Its storm to you
Carol:Right listen thank you for helping peter
Storm:Not problem
Carol:How was erika when she was infant
Storm:Well i remember nights were was it was a mess...peter put erika im the danger room Everytime she was crying also cause she had the power of a supernova in her
Carol:What else
Storm:Well then she started flying which happened when peter feel asleep and erika was floating infront of his face
Jessica:wow she develop powers early
Storm:Which is why in her and his bed room has padding all over it
Carol:you and peter must be close
Storm:You can say that basically i help him he helps me and trust me he owes me alot and he does alot for me
Storm:Hmm lets see...he covered by class when i was on a mission....he help me clean up around the mansion when i was needed help for logan....oh needed help to watch my garden...he helped me
Carol:He did a lot for you
Storm:and for the mansion...see the walls they have an energy force an electricity zap or anything will just repeal and he help make our servers better
Spiderwomen:Wow should have helped us
She hulk:Wow he must do much for you
Storm:Yup but he does things around for his daughter only for her and he shares everything he is a mentor to most of the students here and more importantly little erika
Carol just sigh
Storm:So what was it like spending time with her
Carol:Man it different me and her were so happy and she called me mom and she has that love of cookies and her bear
Storm:Yea...susan storm gave her that bear cause peter had no idea what to give her
Carol:God i owe him alot
Storm:I see no ring
Spider women:That what i said
Carol:Oh come on i mean he loves me and he might give me a ring...i hope
Storm:I don't know just don't hurt erika or corrupt her
Carol:I wont trust me
Storm:i have a hard time believing that*leaving*
She hulk:Why do i have the feeling they sleep together
Carol:No he wouldn't
Spider women:are you sure peter wins the hearts of many women
She hulk:I mean he has a big one
Carol:Shut up matter affect lets go help the others
Peter was working on the car
Wolverine:Ok seriously how did you make this
Peter:Lots of hours of mapping and trust me lots of material thanks to castles
Wolverine:Wow so real minigun
Peter:Yup i feel like i shouldn't have brought it here
Wolverine:No no no we need things to break those tanks like seriously i never seen that type of metal
Peter:yea also taskmaster is super pissed off
Wolverine:You literally humiliated those soldiers like serious that big one no change and did you see the one who was insulting us
Peter:Yup nearly scared him to death
Wolverine:Yup so hows erika
Peter:Couldnt be more happy having her mom
Wolverine:your aunt must be mind blown why didn't you tell her again
Peter:I didn't want her to blow up the house
Wolverine:Right.....are you gonna tell her
Peter:Told her..... she was mad that i was gonna take Erika and not tell her
Wolverine:Also why ro erika never called her mom
Peter:Rasing a kid is not about blood its about love
Wolverine:Wow your mighty right
Forge came
Forge:alright your upgrade is ready
Forge:a weapon generator a bigger punch and fast reload should make quick work on those tanks
Peter:Thanks now to see secure other places
Wolverine:Avenger tower is full of them
Peter:What about the Baxter building
Wolverine:Should be good enough maybe we use there technology
Peter:Good now only if---
A drone came fast droppings something in the x mansion garden
Cyclops shot his lazer at the drone
Spider man went to investigate
Carol and the aforce came
Cyclops:What is it
Spider man scanned it
Spider man:Its a bomb a well armored one
She hulk:Ill toss it away
Spider man:NO!
She hulk froze couldn't realize she got yelled at by spider man
Spider man:Pull it out it will exploded,cut it open and it will exploded
Forge:any other ideas
Spider man:Seem like there is motherboard in it*pressing a button*
The car came close to Spider man
Spider man:This powerwinch can send several electro information
Carol:What is your plan shock it
Spider man:No jarvis has several virus that tony used against hydra...i need to find one to shut it off
Spider man quickly checked
Spider man:damm
Spider man:It has no off switch they made it so it doesn't turn off what
Spider man:I have an idea
Wolverine:What is it
Spider man:We detonate it
Spider man:If we find the right virus we make a control explosion
Wolverine:are you sure it works
Spider man:do we have any other ideas...get jean to make a force field just incase
Jarvis:Sir seems like the militia are on to you
Spider man:What are they saying
Militia broadcast:Its just like you said sir he is trying to disarm the bomb
Taskmaster:Detonate now!!
Milita:Failed sir
Spider man:How
Forge:I build a scrambling device just in case
Spider man:Oh thank god
Taskmaster:Send in an assault to take down the mutants and reclaim the mansion
Militia:Yes sir
Spider man:Great...still haven't found the right virus and there coming
Forge:Ill active the shields have the tank aimed at the gates
Spider man:Everyone get ready the walls will hold the gates wont
Wolverine:Oh im ready for this one
Emma:All young mutants head inside!!
Carol:Are you sure about this
Spider man:we got no other choice
The gates broke through
Wolverine:Alright let them come let me show them hell
Militia:Hold it right there*pressing a button*
The bomb beep with a timer
Spider man:Damm it
Jarvis:Seem have 60 seconds
Spider man:Great
Militia:Move forward and kill them
Spider man:This is not how i wanted to come back to the mansion
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