Peter woke up in his old childhood room with erika sleeping next to him
Peter slowly got up and went down stairs to see aunt may making wheat cakes
Peter:wow been a while since i seen wheat cakes
May:they are delicious and the best one in new york
Peter:thxs may
May:you know peter i thought i be the first one to know about my granddaughter existence
Peter:its complicated and very over whelming
May:Where is the mom
Peter:She is well...away on trip
May:peter i raised you and know everything about you even about when your lying
Peter:well its complicated
May:try me i saw a purple prune face man try to take over the world
Peter:Well her mom is alive and well but she doesn't know she exist
May:im sorry..what?
Peter:yea its complicated but im trying to get her back
May:well better enjoy these wheat cakes for now
Erika comes down the stairs
Peter:morning sweetie
Erika hugs her father
Peter:come on lets eat breakfast
Erika eats aunt may's wheat cakes
May:aww im glad you enjoyed it*kissing her head*
Peter:I should go check on my apartment to see if its alright and if that explosion didn't mess anything
May:you go i want to spend time with Erika
Peter:are you sure
May:yes of course i wanted to be a grandmother
Peter:alright erika sweetie daddy gonna be gone for a while be good to grandma
Erika:ok..*eating wheat cakes
May:go on it will be fine
Peter:just don't let her her scared
May:alright she will be safe
Peter leaves outside and swing to new york
At avengers tower
Carol was laying in the infirmary
Carol:why is this happening to me why em i a failure
Knocking down a tray
She hulk comes
She hulk:hey easy we lost the mansion we don't wanna lose the tower as well
Carol:i almost found out
She hulk:i know jessica told me..just stay calm well figure it out together
Carol:Im a horrible mom i don't deserve to have a life
She hulk:dont say that well find her just stay calm
Carol:God i know she is safe and her father is taking real good care of her and he loves her but i hope i can show him im good enough to be her mom
She hulk:Then help us stop this war
Carol:war? started
She hulk:yes carol its on they just want to take back new york not kill is yet
Carol:God at least its not going to hell yet
She hulk:rest up we need everyone's help
With spider man
Spider man headed to the ruins of the mansion
Seeing it destroyed
Spider man:Jesus Christ how did every thing go wrong
Militia comes up to spider man
Militia:hey you cant be here please leave the premises
Spider man:Sorry just wanted to see if i can get some stuff
Militia:Sorry but all thing will need to stay there
Spider man:uh...alright*walking away
Spider man:Dammit i need my thing*looking around*maybe i could sneak in
Spider goes to the edge of a fence and hops in goes into the wreckage without being spotted
Spider man:so far so good
Going to his room in the destroyed mansion and taking his person things and getting some of Erika's
Spider man:alright were good
Going out into the hall way back where he came from
Hearing footsteps of soldier come near by
Spider man:oh no
He quickly goes inside a room to hide for a bit
Spider man notices that its danvers room
Spider man:i hope she doesn't mind
Spider man looked around and saw her room and notice Erika's teddy bear
Spider:Erikas teddy bear wow she must really want her back
Spider grabs the bear
Spider man:who em i to not let someone be a mother she made me happy to be a father....i need to tell danver she shouldn't suffer this long
Slowly sneaking out and seeing soldier grabbing other peoples stuff
Spider man:great now stealing there stuff
Getting out of the area where once was the avengers mansion
At the avengers tower
Iron man:its settled we are going to war for control over new york the militia are placing checkpoint all over new york placing roadblock and sky blocks
Hawkeye:so we fight till the very end
Captain America:No that's not the right way well just give them a reason to fear us those who are parent are needed by family member can leave and not be a part of this
Spider women*sighs in relief*
Falcon:so we must fight to get new york. Back
Spider man arrives hearing the commotion
Spider man:Whats going on
Hawkeye:going to war and telling parents they cant serve
Spider man:Im a parent
Hawkeye:then lucky you
Suddenly a screaming voice came
iron man:We are the avengers we can stop them
Iron man:We will fight and that's that
Carol punches stark and goes to choke him
Spider man:CAROL STOP
carol just keep going
Spider man:I KNOW WHERE Erika IS JUST STOP!!!
Carol froze and some heroes where confused
Carol:Where is she Tell me now!
Grabbing his neck
Spider man:Carol stop please i never wanted Erika to see you like this please
Carol lets go of spider man
Carol:Sorry i know your trying to help but im just really ashamed of myself
Spider man:I know carol there one more thing i want you to know about erika
Spider man:Im the father
Carol froze in shock and the heroes where surprised
Spider man:Carol i just want to know how did you forget erika
Carol:There was an accident and i lost memory but why didn't you tell me
Spider man:You ended up with Rodney and i didn't want you to think i was using her to win you back and i was not sure if you where ready to be a mother.
Carol realizes that the girl she saw eating the cookie and eating next to her was her daughter.
The heroes were in shock knowing how carol forget she gave birth
Spider women:Wait how did you guys end up together
Spider man:Me and carol had a secret relationship away from our hero life for 3 years
Carol covered her mouth feeling like crying knowing she had a relationship with a great man
Spider man Show carol Erika's teddy bear
Spider man:I don't want you to suffer anymore and i told Erika that you will come back so please don't do anything that you'll regret
Carol goes and hugs spider man
Captain America:avengers assemble
Carol felt her heart stop and remember what her daughter said in the future
Then she saw a sentinel point its arm at her
Spider man:CAROL*running to her*
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