Chapter 12

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The heroes where at the mansion waiting for the event to blow over until hearing a roar of a machine sound

Everyone looked out the window

Carol eyes widen seeing What was outside

Carol:no it cant be this cannot be happening

Spider women:calm down

Mary jane contacting stark

She hulk:they better attack i can break in to

Carol:there made of a strong metal not even my energy can destroyed it

Wasp:why are they here

Mary Jane:stark said we can leave now

Wasp:with that thing no way

Mary Jane:there gonna be supervising the streets

Spider man Comes:ill go outside

Mary jane:wait no

Spider man:there is no reason for them to shot me or kill me im gonna walk out slowly

Spider man goes outside and walks out to the streets and the tank immediately points its lazer  at him

Soldier:keep moving

Spider man swung away to finally go patrolling

She hulk:wow brave idiot

Spiderwomen:im taking my son out he need fresh air carol you coming

Carol:no i need to see how much of those damm tanks are there

Carol flying out
Avengers tower

Iron man sighed in relief

Captain America:we have try not to get into many fights

Black widow:we also need to make sure people don't get hurt by the militia

Hawkeye:well keep your eye them

Captain America:good we need to still protect new york

Falcon:those tanks could kill any one we have to stay away from those

Hawkeye:but who made those

Banner:a unstable matter that repels anything physical

Black widow:ill check over them

Falcon:ill find the factory that makes them
Spider man was swinging through new york seeing road blocks with military men

Spider man:great these men are bothering people now..what next waffle house
Hearing a person scream

Spider swing saving the person

Soldier comes:Freeze

Spider man lifts his hands:easy i just stopped a mugging

Soldier goes and takes the man

Soldier:you alright for now

Spider man swings away

Spider man:great cant do anything without getting looked wrongly this is getting out of hand

Suddenly green goblin comes and throws bombs

G.g:well spider man nice to see you again from the undreadful event

Spider man:Goblin you need to get out before they kill you

Goblin:Throwing bombs*im here to kill you once and for all,no one can save you

During the fight the militia take notice

Green goblin:Time to en--*gets cut of with a tank shooting him down killing him*


Soldier:we are taken out an enemy

Spider:you cant just kill him

Brute:we do what we can so no one dies
So i recommend you head back to the mansion and stay hidden

Spider man:your going to far

Brute:Where just doing our jobs and you should be thankful

Spider man swings away from the militia back to the mansion

Captain marvel headed to the prison again to get more information

Captain marvel looks at yon rogg

Yon rogg:wow danvers didn't know you had a heart

Captain marvel:who is the man you gave my daughter to

Yon rogg:i may be a man who can do bad thing but handing an innocent child into evil arms that far from me

Captain marvel looked at him confused

Yon rogg:I saw goodness in that man he was a real hero and im surprised that... that man is your lover i always thought you would be loveless but if i knew i could have taken my chance with you

Captain marvel slaps him

Captain marvel:Who is the man

Yon rogg:i don't know and i don't care

Captain marvel:who is he

Yon rogg:just a good man and i recommend that you find him before he forget you

Captain marvel felt the rage to kill him but left not wanting to let rage control her.
Spider man was helping erika use her powers

Spider man:ok Sweetie now with a small amount of energy you can make a ball of light on your hand

Erika did what her father said and made a ball of energy around her hand

Spider man:there you go simple

Erika smiles

Spider man:nice and bright like a star

Spider man:yes my little fly like a shooting star

Erika puts on her pilot googles and starts flying around

Spider man looks at her with joy :you got this sweetie

Erika:weeeeee*doing a back flip and lands

Spider man:alright now your showing off*picking her up

Erika:can i get a cookie

Spider man:sure

Mary jane:her you go*mary jane hands her a cookie

Erika takes it and eats it

Peter looks at her:you came prepared

Erika:thank you red

Mary Jane smiles:your welcome

Spider man:my little star why don't you play over there

Peter leaves erika on the floor and she runs away to a tree

Peter:you know you don't have to look out for her

Mary Jane:just making sure she is alright cause you cant take care of her

Peter laughs:your never gonna let that one go

Mary Jane:you need help and she needs friends also can i ask who is her mom

Peter stood quite

Mary jane:you can trust me i can make it up to you by helping you with Erika

Peter:fine but you must never tell anyone

Mary jane:i promise*grabbing his hand*

Peter:her mom is carol danvers or as you know her captain marvel

Mary jane is suprised:wow you and her how did it happen

Peter:long story


Peter saw from a distance a mushroom cloud forming

Peter:dammit..erika get inside!

Erika ran inside

Peter:Mj watch over her

Peter put on his mask and swung to the problem


Carol came back from space and saw the mushroom cloud

Carol:dammit no

Carol saw spider man swinging along side other heroes

Carol:maybe his fans can help me find her

Carol flew to the flight and saw one person she didn't wanna see

Carol:no not you

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