The militia where in constant watch over the avengers
Danvers was Getting mad as the men who where always in every corner she turns to
Captain America:easy we don't wanna cause a scene
Carol:there always looking at us i hate it
Captain America:if you hate it here with them feel free to head to the mansion
Carol:not yet i wanna know what these guys are capable off
Captain America:keep your distance danvers
Phone rings alerting
Captain America:We have a situation down the street its hydra
Brute:we will keep a close eye on you
Captain marvel:fine *whispering*damm bastard
Brute:what was that
Captain marvel:nothing
The streets of new york was filled with hydra agents stealing a mysterious technology
Iron man:stop them from what there stealing
Falcon:no kidding
The heroes fight hydra
Then the militia come
Soldier:stay close we don't want get in there crosshairs
Crossbones comes
Crossbones:heard you guys where under supervision mind i make you guys look bad
Captain America:stand down
Hydra fires rockets
Falcon:look out
Iron man:this makes no sense what are they up to
With crossbones and captain America
Captain America:what are you up to
Crossbones:mr president want to keep you all in check *pressing a button*put he is just scared
Hearing the a truck roar going through a building
Captain America:what are you doing
Crossbones:hope you can save them
Crossbones flys away with jetpack
Captain America notices that building are collapsing and that they have civilian
Captain America:avengers help the civilians
All the avengers run to save people but they building fall killing people
Militia walk up to the avengers and point there guns at them
Brute:you let that happens
Captain America:please we tried to stop them
The brute punches captain America down
The brute:you will all be under house arrest until further notice
Carol sees this from above
Carol:no i cant be stopped i need to find gonna have to hide in the mansion for a while
She flys quickly to the mansion without alerting the militia
At the mansion
Mary Jane was talking to tony stark
Stark:every one settled in
Mary jane:yes they want to know that if they can still go save people
Stark:unknown for the moment but we need more space incase other heroes arrive
Suddenly carol comes crashing in here
Carol:the avengers are under house arrest because of hydra
Stark:stay calm well fix this
Carol:i cant go back to the tower
Stark:its ok you can stay here until we figured it out but if your gonna continue your search i recommend doing it without powers
Carol:Fine i just need to rest
Stark:is there anything i can give you
Carol:yea my stuff and also there is a teddy bear that has allot of sentimental value can you bring that
In carols head
I cant afford getting stopped by the militia...i need to figure out where is my daughter
Spider women:CAROL are you alright!!
Carol:yea i em just a little warn out
Stark:im gonna go get your things feel free to rest or eat*leaving*
Carol:im gonna rest i feel like im gonna pass out again*leaving
Spider women:go ill get you something to eat
Spider women walks into the kitchen to see spider man cooking for his daughter
Spider man:hey jess what's up
Spider making dinner
Spider man:yea i made for everyone since were all living together
Spider women:carol is here do you mind making a plate for her
Spider man froze for a second and continued
Spider man:s...sure
Spider man makes a plate and hands it to Jessica:
Jessica:thanks smells delicious
Spider man:try some later*cleaning his daughters face*
Spider mans head:great carol is here...i hope she doesn't drink here or work on her ego....i wish i could tell her but i don't want her to take erika away.
Mary Jane:hey pete
Peter turns to see the red head hungry?
Mary jane:yea
Peter serves her a plate of food
Mary jane:you got better cooking
Peter:yea for her
Mary jane looks at erika eating
Peter:eat your vegetables sweetie
Mary jane laughs:you came a really good dad
Peter smiles:yea*sitting down with his plate
The trio eat and resemble what peter always wanted a family
Secretary:Mr president the avengers were involved a dangerous attack killing innocents
Mr president:we are gonna need some more help call up a man with high intelligence with no association with the heroes
??? I believe i can help with that
The president looked in shock seeing a man walking in
Secretary:who are you how did you get in here
???:my name is phineas mason i believe i can give you somethings to tip the balance of war
President:this is not a war
Phineas:any 2 characters fighting for control is a war
Secretary:what do you want
Phineas:i want to help my country and give it support
President:what will this support be
Phineas:well equipment to help out all i need is the material and the equipment and more importantly your approval
Mr president stood up and looked out the window
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