(a/n - sorry for the long wait, this chapter was a hard one to write. it is one of the longest ones I have written so far, so without further ado, enjoy!)
Y/n's POV
My eyes fluttered open as I slowly began to regain consciousness. That stupid R2 droid got me again, and in all honesty, I was actually embarrassed about it.
I quickly realized that I was in a bed, a pretty comfortable one to say the least, but the bed was not mine. I laid in the clothes that that I was previously wearing on Dagobah, but I got the feeling I was no longer there.
As my eyes scanned the room to try and figure out where the heck I was, I noticed that Anakin's robe was hanging off at the end of the bed.
Kriff, of course he got me... again.
Then, I saw Anakin. He was talking to someone outside of the door that lead into the room. Anakin's tall body just about covered the entire person, so I had no idea who it was.
Their muffled conversation swiftly ended as Anakin turned around to see me becoming wide awake. He parted ways with whoever he was talking to and shut the door behind him.
As he turned around again to face me, I managed to finally speak.
"Where am I," I mumbled as I laid upwards in the bed, rubbing my eyes.
"Back at the Jedi Temple, specifically my room. I brought you here after you passed out," he replied.
I couldn't help but scoff as I rolled my eyes. Of course he brought me back to the one place I was trying to avoid the most.
"Listen, I really don't appreciate you literally kidnapping me," I sneered as I pulled the covers off of me and swung my legs so that they were now dangling to the side of the bed.
Anakin sighed. "You made it perfectly clear that you weren't going to come back with me willingly, so I had to find, well, another way."
A laugh escaped my mouth. "Yea, electrocuting me using that stupid droid so I fall unconscious, its very sweet of you," I spoke as sarcasm filled my tone.
"Oh, don't mention it sweetheart," he retorted, mirroring my tone.
I shot Anakin a disgusted look as I now made my way off of the bed. I got up and proceeded to walk towards the door.
"Thanks for the hospitality, but I really need to get going..."
Almost instantly, Anakin stepped in front of the door so that I couldn't make my way out of it.
My eyes quickly shot to his. "Move," I demanded.
"No," he asserted. He is so stubborn, it's infuriating.
"Move right now or I swear to god i'll-"
"You'll what? Attack me like you did before? How'd that turn out?" he jabbed as he cut me off.
I looked slightly away and laughed. "We both know that I could take you down if it was a fair fight, meaning no droids. And besides, I had the chance to multiple times."
"Then why didn't you?" he queried.
Honestly, I didn't know what to say back to that. I truly didn't know why I didn't kill him after having so many chances to.
"This is a waste of my time-" I spoke, not answering his question.
"You're not leaving," he declared as he stood his ground in front of the door.
I stared into Anakin's eyes for a few seconds. Then, I swiftly reached my hand to my belt to try and grab my lightsaber. To my surprise, it wasn't there.
A troubled look plastered across my face as I looked down at my belt, and then back to Anakin's eyes.
"Looking for this?" he spoke as he held up my lightsaber, amused that he now had some type of leverage over me.
Without saying a word, my hand jolted upwards as I tried to grab my saber from his right hand. I had successfully retrieved it, though, Anakin was quick to stop me before I had the chance to ignite it.
In an instant, I was pushed back to one of the walls in his room. My back slammed against the hard wall as our faces became extremely close to one another, so close that I could feel his breath on my skin. He held both of my hands slightly above my shoulders tightly with his own.
Slowly, Anakin leaned his head down, close to my ear.
"You better watch yourself princess. Incase you forgot, I'm here to help you," he whispered.
I gulped as chills were sent down my spine. As he moved his head back a little, my eyes stared into his. We stayed in this position for a few seconds as silence filled the air.
Anakin then let go of my hands and moved back a couple of steps. To my surprise, he left my lightsaber still in my hand. He still trusted me, even after everything I've done.
"I need to show you something here at the temple," he finally spoke, now no longer a whisper.
"It's from your father. Let me show you this one thing, and if you still want to leave after you've seen it, then I won't stop you."
I stayed quiet for a few seconds as I tried to process what had just happened, and what he was now saying.
"Fine," I responded, surprisingly in an assertive manner.
We both had finally come to an agreement, which we aren't really known for doing well.
Anakin handed me my shoes that sat on the ground near his bed. As I put them on, he grabbed his robe and also put it on. When we were both finished, Anakin opened the door to his room and signaled that I follow him.
We walked in complete silence. There was no talking at all. In fact, all you could hear were the sounds of our shoes hitting the polished marble floors of the temple as we walked.
I trailed behind Anakin for almost the entire walk, replaying the events that had just previously occurred back in his room. I told myself not to overthink what had happened, but still, it was all just so... different. Strange, even.
As we neared wherever we were going, Anakin made his way next to me so that we were now walking side by side. He finally spoke up.
"We are arriving at the Jedi Archives, also known as the Jedi Temple Library. The Archives are the Jedi Order's repository of knowledge on Coruscant, and it holds the sum total of all galactic knowledge."
I didn't respond to Anakin, but I looked at him to show that I was listening. He didn't return the look back at me, and just stared forward to where our destination was.
As we arrived at the doors the led into the Archives, Anakin made his way in front of me to open the door. He held the door open for me as he signaled for me to walk in.
I stepped into the Archives and was quickly amazed at how considerably large it was. It was truly a grand place.
The room was a two-story cruciform chamber that was centered around a large rotunda. Four wings branched out from the rotunda and held what seemed to be tens of millions of books. The central reference desk was located at the heart of the Archives, and the room seemed to stretch as far down as I could see. Tables and chairs that held various computers stood at the center of the Archives, and even though this place was so grand, there seemed to be almost no one else here besides Anakin and I (image above).
The two of us walked through the Archives as we passed all of these extraordinary things. Anakin once again appeared at my side as he prepared to speak.
"When your father realized that your mother wanted you to become part of the Sith, he started to plan for what might happen. Before he came to the Jedi council to ask them to rescue you, he recorded a hologram. He gave it to the council and told them to show you this hologram once you were finally safe in the temple, away from the Sith."
My breathing became labored as Anakin brought up my father and mother. The last time this happened, it didn't end so well.
Anakin continued. "When we started your training here at the temple, Yoda chose to wait to show you this hologram for a little longer. He said it was just to make sure you were really ready to see it, but in my opinion, I truly feel like you are now. Honestly, you need to see it."
As Anakin finished speaking, he led me up to the second floor of the Archives. We arrived at one of the shelfs that held some of the tens of millions of books in this chamber. Anakin took his index finger and ran it across the books as he scanned the titles that were written on the spines.
His finger abruptly stopped at some random book, with a title spelt in a language I couldn't understand. Anakin grabbed the book and took it off the shelf, as well as two other ones that stood on both sides of it. He handed the three books to me, took both of his hands, and pushed the back of the book shelf with a good amount of force.
As he did that, I watched in awe as I observed the wall of the back of the book shelf move slightly back. A secret compartment now opened in the back of the book shelf, and I could see that one single item laid in it.
Anakin reached his hand inside and pulled out a small, flat, circular shaped item, which I soon recognized it to be a holoprojector.
I was actually quite familiar with holoprojectors. I used a lot of them when I went on missions, back when I was still with the Sith. It's a device that could record, send, receive, and/or display holograms, and I would use it to see maps, technical plans, and other important information during my missions.
Anakin closed the secret compartment of the book shelf, and then handed me the holoprojector as I handed him back the three books he gave me.
After he had put the books back where they came from, he spoke.
"Follow me," he commanded as he started to walk away from me.
I followed Anakin as he led me into a somewhat small room. As we both both walked in, I noticed that there was nothing other than a table and a chair that were stationed in the center of the room.
I guess Anakin had read the confusion on my face because he answered my questions that I hadn't even said out loud.
"These rooms are concentration rooms. They are for any Jedi and Padawan who need to really concentrate on what they are reading from the Archives. It completely sound proof, so no one from outside can hear what is going on in here, and no one from in here can hear what is going on out there."
As he eased my confusion, I sat down at the one chair that was stationed behind the table in the small room. Anakin shut the door and stood with his hands crossed in front of it while I placed the holoprojector on the table.
"Well, go on. Play the hologram," he insisted.
I looked up at him as I hesitated to turn on the holoprojector. Both of my parents died when I was so young, so I barely had any memory of them. Though, for some reason, I was still extremely nervous to watch whatever my father had filmed.
Anakin quickly noticed my uncertainty. "Unless, you're not ready?" he queried with a tone that made it seem like he felt that he might not have thought this through.
I understood that he didn't want to push this on me, but deep down, I knew I needed to see whatever was on this holoprojector. I might never be able to see what it is if I don't take this chance.
"No, I'm fine," I spoke calmly.
Anakin's tense face eased as I reassured him that I was okay.
I stared at the holoprojector for a moment, took a deep breathe, and then clicked for it to turn on. A man popped up as the hologram. It glitched for a little bit, then become fully visible. It was my father.
A blue tint covered the entire hologram, but I could still see the true colors of what my father actually looked like. He stood tall, what seemed about 6 feet, and had short, dark brown hair. He had a beard and a mustache (kind of like Obi-Wan's) that were both the same color as his hair, though you could see some grays here and there.
My father wore the average villagers clothing, one that you would see anyone wearing on really any planet with warm temperature.
I stared at the hologram, eyes wide open. I bit my tongue as I waited for him to begin speaking.
"Oh, uh, okay. I think this is working, hopefully. Gosh, I was once a fully trained Jedi Master, yet I still can't figure out how to properly use these things."
My heart began to beat so fast, probably the fastest its ever beaten.
This was it. This was my father. The man who I always thought had screwed me over. The man that I thought was an absolute monster, who killed my mother and left me to die, but was really the one who was trying to save me all along.
My right hand clasped onto the other as I dug my nails into my skin, trying to divert the pain that I was feeling deep down in my heart to the surface of my skin.
Yes, I know I've said that I didn't care about my parents, that they meant nothing to me, but after what Obi-Wan had told me about my father the day I, well, I killed Count Dooku, my perception has changed completely on just about everything that I've ever known.
"Okay, so, hello, y/n. I presume that you are finally safe in the Jedi Temple, away from the Sith, hopefully for good. My name is Darjon y/l/n, and I am your father. If you are seeing this, I am most likely dead, though, let us not dwell on that. I'm here to fill you in on everything that you need to know about your life, everything that was kept from you and everything that you were never told."
I could feel my face heating up as I watched my father speak to me for the very first time that I could remember.
"Okay, so where to begin? Oh, yes: Naboo. What a beautiful place it is. Your mother and I moved to Naboo many years ago. After we settled down, we decided that we wanted to start a family, one of our own. Nine months later, your mother gave birth. We had to keep her pregnancy a secret from everyone for fear of any dangers that may present themselves if it were to get out. Though, eventually, the Jedi Council found out, and I ultimately chose to leave the Jedi and raise a family with your mother. Ever since you were born, I wanted you to train to become a Jedi. I pledged my life to them and the Jedi way, but my priorities changed, and I left them for good. Even though I couldn't continue to fulfill my duties as a Jedi, I know that you can. You are worthy of becoming one. The Jedi are good people, and I know that deep down, you are good too."
Tears filled my eyes as I struggled to keep them in. My father stared through the hologram for a couple of seconds as he took in the last time his daughter will ever hear his voice.
"God, I love you so much, and I already miss you more than you will ever know. I wish I could be there with you, and I wish that we could all be a family once more without any worries or any dangers."
All of a sudden, my father began to speak with urgency.
"Listen, I don't have much time left to speak. There is something you need to do. There is a planet named Tython. It is located in the galaxy's Deep Core region, and it is strong with the force. Go there and sit on top of the seeing stone at the top of the mountain that used to be an ancient Jedi Temple. Here, you will be directed towards a certain path, your path. Follow it, for it will lead you to where you need to go. I love you, y/n. We will meet again, I promise. Before I- I go, I- I need-need t- to tell you one la- last-last thing."
My eyes quickly shot to Anakin's as we could both see the hologram glitching, repeating words over again in the process.
"You-you have- twi- Ka - Katia- si- si..."
And then just like that, the hologram shut off. The last words my father spoke were barely audible to my ears.
Tear filled my eyes as I began to feel uneasy.
"What- what was he going to say? What did he say?!" I anxiously asked Anakin, hoping he somehow had the answer.
"I don't know, it just cut off. I don't know-" Anakin responded as he quickly walked towards me and the hologram.
The sounds of my father's voice were now ringing through my ears as I tried to figure out what he had said.
"No, no, turn it back on. I'm serious, Anakin. He wasn't finish!" I yelled out.
"Anakin, bring him back! Please! Bring him back. Bring- bring..."
I suddenly felt very dizzy, and my hands started to shake.
Finally, it all came out.
Tears rushed down my face as I began to sob. I tried to stand up from my chair, but immediately fell into Anakin's arms as my legs gave way.
"No, no, no, no," I repeated over and over again to him, despair plaguing my voice.
Slowly, Anakin lowered him and I down towards the ground and up against a wall. He sat with his back towards the wall as I was held in his arms, laying and sobbing into his embrace.
"It's okay, y/n. You're okay" he repeatedly told me. Though, those words weren't changing how I felt at all.
"Wha- what am I supposed to do?" I asked Anakin, hopelessly, in the midst of my sobbing.
Anakin didn't know what to say, I could feel it. I mean, how could he? He had most likely never dealt with something like this before.
"We'll figure that out later, okay?" he reassured me.
Anakin held my head into his chest as I laid next to him. He rubbed my back slowly, trying to calm me down, but I just continued to cry.
Once again, I was feeling pain. A lot of pain. This was the same pain that I felt when I first learned about what truly happened to my parents. Though, even with feeling all of this pain, this was different. This time, I wasn't all alone.
And this time, I had new beginnings to face.
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