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I ran out of the Jedi training room, bursting through the two grand doors. Anakin was nowhere in sight, and neither were the four storm troopers that were stationed outside the doors just a few minutes earlier. 

Though, what I did see was innocent people scrambling and rushing through the halls of the temple as chaos rang loose.

I quickly ran down one of the hallways, though not sure where it would lead me. I haven't done much exploring around the temple due to the fact that there were always at least one clone trooper by my side.

As I neared the end of the hallway, individuals running past me in all directions, the sound of droid blasters grew nearer and louder.

I turned the corner, only to be confronted by Master Plo Koon. We haven't formally met yet, but I knew he was a Jedi council member, and I was sure he knew who I was.

"Y/n!" he yelled out, trying to become loud enough for me to hear.

"Master Plo Koon! What is going on?" I asked, though obviously already knowing the answer.

"I am not sure, but from what I can tell, multiple groups of battle droids have invaded the temple. We have since gone on lockdown, but many droids already made their way inside of the temple" he answered.

"Oh my gosh" I muttered, pretending to sound shocked. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Grab your lightsaber and fight. We don't know the reasoning for why they have come, but they are not invited to stay" he responded.

I nodded, grabbed my saber from my belt, and ignited it. Its yellow hue glowed brightly as I swung it to my side, ready to fight.

Master Plo Koon started to run towards where all of the commotion was occurring, insinuating that I follow. I started to run behind him, almost forgetting why all of this fighting was happening in the first place. And then my mind snapped back into place, only one objective in mind: get to Count Dooku.

Master Plo Koon didn't stop running towards the fight, and didn't even turn around to see if I had been following. I took this as an opportunity to make my way towards a back exit behind the temple, which is one that I had once seen when traveling back to my cell a couple of nights ago.

Count Dooku's message had started to replay in my head over and over again as I remembered what my directions were: 15 miles behind the temple. Grab a speeder, and make it out to him in time without getting captured. Only 20 minutes before he leaves. That should be easy enough, right?

As I fled out the back exit, I made my way to where all of the temple's speeders were parked. Luckily, nobody had seen me go out this way, probably because they were too preoccupied with the destruction that was being caused within the temple.

I hopped onto the speeder that was nearest too me. As I started it, the sounds of people screaming and blasters shooting rang through my ears. 

Before any thoughts of doubt about this plan could rush into my brain, I shut out the sounds, and began my journey 15 miles behind the temple.


The journey was short. Actually, it was a lot shorter than I expected it to be. I was now nearing Count Dooku's solar sailer, which was a heavily modified Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop. It was a seemingly dirty ship, colors of brown and green over its exterior, but it worked perfectly well.

From my speeder, I could see the figure of Count Dooku standing in front of his ship, awaiting my arrival. 

And then I heard it. Two more speeders were trailing behind me.

Kriff, I thought nobody saw me leave.

I pushed down the peddles of my speeder to increase my speed, hoping to gain enough distance between the other two speeders and I. 

As soon as I was close enough to Count Dooku's ship, I knew that at the speed my speeder my going, there was no way I could stop it or slow it down in time. 

I stood up on my speeder and jumped off the side, perfectly landing on my two feet as my speeder continued to go off into the distance at full speed. 

Not long after, the two speeders that had been trailing me from behind had neared. As I stared at the two individuals who rode the speeders, I was surprised to see that it was Anakin and Obi-Wan who had followed me.

They did exactly what I did, standing up on their speeders and jumping off, landing perfectly on the ground as they did so.

I saw Anakin glare at me with anger. Though, it wasn't a hatred type of anger, it was betrayal. I had completely forgotten about what had happened in the Jedi training room just before the battle droids had invaded into the temple. It felt like it happened ages ago. 

Anakin continued to stare at me as I could see the dismay fill his eyes, though he tried to play it off like he couldn't care less about what I had done.

"Hello y/n, I'm glad to see you're still living" Count Dooku spoke. "It seems that you have brought your Jedi friends along with you."

"I had no idea they were following me, master" I retorted.

Anakin and Obi-Wan walked over towards Count Dooku and I, though still keeping a safe enough distance away.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Obi-Wan queried.

I took a deep breath in. "I'm leaving. I belong with the Sith, it's what I'm destined to be, to become."

"She's right" Count Dooku interjected sinisterly. 

He looked at me as he said these next few words, which he had told me countless times before. "You're nothing without the Sith".

Flashbacks of when Count Dooku and I trained rushed back into my head, times where I would fail missions or mess up while training. Instead of trying to help me, Dooku would scold me, tell me I was nothing without him, without the Sith. He even told me that without him, I'd be "as good as dead".

I didn't reply to what Count Dooku had said. Instead, I diverted my eyes to the ground, just like the nothing person I was told I was.

Anakin didn't like this very much. "Now we both know that's not true, y/n" he spoke up. 

I fixed my gaze upon him, confusion in my eyes.

"I've seen you, y/n. You've grown, changed. You're not the person you used to be, or you think you are."

"You don't know that" I retorted with a loathsome tone. "You don't even know me. Didn't you hear? I'm nothing without the Sith. I would be dead if it wasn't for Count Dooku who saved me."

"No y/n, Count Dooku didn't save you" Obi-Wan chimed in. 

He looked at me as he took a deep inhale, preparing to speak his next few words. "Do you want to know what really happened to your parents?"

My mind went blank as Obi-Wan finished his sentence. I have never really thought about my parents before, or what had even happened to them. All I knew was that they were dead, and therefore, they were no longer in my life. 

I stared at Obi-Wan as he awaited my answer, and then spoke up.

"Do tell" I spoke, a repulsive tone ringing throughout my voice.

Honestly, I was curious to know what Obi-Wan was about to say, and whether or not I would believe it. 

"Your mother was part of the Sith, and your father was part of the Jedi. Your mother met your father on a mission. She was sent to kill your father by Emperor Palpatine, but instead, your father caught her." He paused for a second, and then continued.

"Soon enough, they fell in love."

This sounds a little familiar...

"Though, even with all of your father's tryings, your mother never changed her way of life. She stayed with the Sith, with the dark side. But that didn't stop your father from loving her so deeply."

I couldn't process what was being said. All I did was stare at Obi-Wan as he spoke, while I could sense that Anakin was staring right back at me.

"Eventually, your mother and father secretly had a child, you. The council had found out about your father's doings, and gave him an ultimatum: choose to be with the Jedi, or choose to be with your mother."

My breathing became heavy as my head filled with numerous thoughts. However, I allowed Obi-Wan to carry on.

"Your father chose to leave the Jedi and to stay with your mother, but your mother chose differently. She made it her goal to stay with the Sith, and she took any and all necessary actions so that you would be raised and trained by the Sith as well. She knew of your powers, of the strength you possessed."

Obi-Wan continued. "Your father was completely against this, and wanted you to stay far away from the Sith. Before he died, he went to the Jedi council to ask them to try and save you. He wanted you to be trained by the Jedi, and to become a Jedi. Not long after he visited the temple, your mother had found out about what your father had done, and she killed him."

Those three words rang through my ears, like someone had been screaming them over and over again to me. She. Killed. Him.

"Her loyalty lied with the Sith, and she brought you in to be trained by Count Dooku. The council had trained many times to rescue you and save you, but you got away every time. Your mother was eventually killed during one of your rescue missions."

As Obi-Wan finished his story, tears began to fill my eyes. I never really had a connection with my mother or father before, and I wasn't really sure if I should even believe what Obi-Wan was saying. Though, for some reason, I did.

Despite what I had just been told, whatever sadness I was feeling didn't last very long. Anger started to boil within me as I now diverted my eyes away from Obi-Wan and towards Count Dooku.

"Is this true?" I seethed.

He looked at me for a second, and the answered. "Every single word."

I stood there, completely shocked at what I was hearing. I bit my tongue, trying to keep the tears from pooling out of my eyes and onto my face. 

"See, y/n. What you have been told, what he's been telling you, it's all been a lie" Anakin finally spoke.

I didn't acknowledge Anakin, as my focus was now solely fixed on Count Dooku. Rage built inside of me as I gripped my saber tighter at each breath I took.

(I suggest playing the song "No Time To Die" by Billie Eilish for this next part).

All of these years, I was fed lies about my parents. Lies that they had left me, that my mother was killed by my father because he didn't what me around. That my father lived freely in this galaxy, still alive, as my mother laid dead because she wanted to save her daughter. But, those were all just... lies.

I immediately ignited my lightsaber and swung it at Count Dooku. Instantly enough, he had grabbed his red saber and ignited it with enough time to block my hit. I heard Anakin and Obi-Wan ignite their sabers as well, ready to fight Dooku.

I lifted my saber over my head and struck it down on my master. The clashes of yellow and red brightly shown as Dooku continuously blocked each of my hits.

Anakin and Obi-Wan were on high alert, circling around the fight to see when the perfect time to intervene was. Though, I didn't give them a chance to intervene. This was now my fight, my battle. If anyone was going to kill Count Dooku, it would be me.

Both Dooku and I had been moving in pervious sync with each other. Each movement corresponded with the other, and still, no one was getting the upper hand.

Rage continued to boil within me, only growing more and more as Dooku continued to block each of my hits. That is, until I was flown through the air by a force push. 

As I flew backwards, my back eventually hit the hard ground, and my saber had been jolted out of my hand. It continued to roll backwards, far away from my reach. 

Not even taking the time to process what had just happened, I reached out my hand and used the force to bring my saber back into my grip.

As it came flying back, I immediately got up and ran back to where the fight had been raging on. To my surprise, Anakin and Obi-Wan were now both on Dooku.

The two Jedi continuously flung their sabers towards Dooku, trying to get a hit, but my master's fighting style, which was form II makashi, was seeming to prove advanced for the two Jedi. From what I could tell, still nobody was getting the upper hand.

Before I could reach the battle, Obi-Wan flew back through the air from another force push from Dooku.

Anakin was now dueling my master alone. The blue and red sabers from the two men clashed against each other as each tried to gain the upper hand, hopefully defeating the other (gif above)

I rushed over to try and help Obi-Wan, but he declined my offer.

"Y/n, go help Anakin! Count Dooku cannot escape!" he yelled to me as he could see that I was rushing over to help him.

I nodded and continued to run over to the ongoing fight. Though, before I could even get there, Anakin was now flying through the air as Obi-Wan had just done. The force push seemed to be liked by Count Dooku.

"My battle is not with you, Jedi" Dooku seethed. "It's with her."

My master, that I had once trusted and bowed down to, was now trying to kill me, as I was doing the same to him.

Count Dooku and I now stood about 30 feet away from each other. The wind had picked up, and my hair was now blowing to the side, still in its high piny tail from earlier that day.

The rage I was feeling had not stopped, but I now decided to channel my anger into my fighting more than ever. I could be upset about the lies that I was told, the lies about my parents, but not now. Now, I had to kill Count Dooku.

I started to run towards Count Dooku, saber in hand, ready to strike him at any given moment. My feet picked up speed, taking my body along with it. 

I leaped into the air and struck down on Count Dooku's saber. He clashed his red saber into mine, trying to get a hit at any inch of my body that he could get too. Though, I wouldn't let him.

I continuously blocked his hits as I had once done at the start of this battle. Then, I had finally gained the upper hand.

As I swung my lightsaber, I had tricked Dooku into thinking I was going to hit the right side of his neck. As he tried to block this hit, I immediately sung my saber to his wrist, which had held his red saber.

In that instant, his wrist and hand had been detached from the rest of his arm, along with his lightsaber. Both items had fallen to the ground as Count Dooku yelled from the new pain he now felt.

He grabbed his arm as he began to realize that he no longer had a hand. I was now mere feet in front of him, taking deep breaths, trying to regain my balance.

I watched as he wallowed in pain, though I knew it wouldn't last for long. 

Before he got the chance to force-retrieve his lightsaber, I leaped into the air, screaming out of anger as I did so. I held my saber downwards above my head, and brought it down on Count Dooku.

My yellow lightsaber plunged directly into Count Dooku's body, straight into his heart. 

My master had now fallen onto his back, unable to produce any words or expressions, except fear.

As I stood over his now fallen body, my saber still in his heart, I watched as the life slowly drained out of his eyes. He tried to form words, I could see it as his mouth quivered, but none came out. And to be honest, I couldn't care less about what he had to say.

I continued to keep my saber in his heart even though I knew he was already dead, or close to it.

I guess I was so full of rage and fury that I hadn't noticed how long I was actually holding the saber in his heart.

"Y/n, he's dead" Anakin spoke up.

I stood there, still with the saber that had sunk in his heart, trying to just process what had just happened.

"Y/n" Anakin spoke once more.

Fear now began to fill my eyes as I had noticed what I had just done, and what I was currently doing. Within an instant, I pulled the saber out of his heart and dis-ignited it.

I slowly moved away from Count Dooku's lifeless body, staring at it as I did so, my mouth quivering a little from the disbelief I now had.

I looked over at Anakin and Obi-Wan, who had shock plastered across their faces, and then back own at my master's dead body.

And then it all hit: pain.

Pain I had never felt before filled my body as my breathing became ragged. 

I fell onto the floor as my legs gave way, unable to produce any words. All I knew was that tears were beginning to fill my eyes, eager to break loose. And so I let them.

I began to sob as I now registered what had happened. I just killed my master, both of my parents were dead, and the truth was now out.

I dropped my lightsaber down on the ground and looked at my hands. The hands that had just taken a life that I once cared for.

I had killed before, it was no secret, but this felt different. This felt... horrifying.

I now sat mere feet away from Count Dooku's body as I sobbed into my own hands, shaking as I did so. I hadn't even noticed Anakin appear at my side, sitting on the ground next to me. 

I could tell he didn't know whether to comfort me, or to just let me be alone. However, before he could make the decision, I looked at him as the tears, including the fear, fell down my face.

"Y/n..." he finally spoke.

Before I could let him finish, I force-retrieved my saber and got up from the ground. I didn't speak a single word, but instead I had now stopped crying.

I backed away from Anakin, still looking at him as he was now getting up from the ground where we both just sat.

I continued to shake as the last few tears left my eyes. At that moment, I began to run towards Count Dooku's ship.

I didn't look back as I ran towards the ship, but I heard Anakin yelling at me.

"Y/n! Wait, stay! Please!" he yelled.

I didn't acknowledge him as I boarded the ship.

I sat in the pilot's seat, one that my now dead master had sat in not too long ago, and prepared to take off. I looked out the window towards Anakin and Obi-Wan, who had just been watching me as I began to leave.

I saw the hurt that shown through Anakin's eyes, though, it meant nothing to me after what had just happened. I needed to be alone, for a while.

As the ship I was in lifted off the ground and began to exit the planet, I didn't once look back and my dead master, Anakin, or Obi-Wan.

And with that, I was gone, away from Coruscant, and into hyperspace.

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