𝟏 𝟒 . 𝐓 𝐚 𝐬 𝐭 𝐞 𝐨 𝐟 𝐃 𝐞 𝐚 𝐭 𝐡

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The sounds of Anakin and I's lightsabers crashing against one another sent loud crackles and distinctive hums through my ears. Our feet moved together in unison as we struck each other's sabers, almost like we had rehearsed this a thousand times.

Like we had known each other our whole lives.

Even though it has only been a couple of months since I've made my decision to stay at the temple, I could already predict all of Anakin's next moves when we were training.

If I move this foot forward, then he will move his left food backward. And if move my saber this way... gotcha.

In an instant, my yellow saber swung swiftly to the side of Anakin's neck, though, it came to a halt before it could get close enough to touch his hair.

I tilted my head slightly as a cocky smirk appeared across my face. He seemed to accept his fate because after a moment, he disignited his saber and threw his hands up in defeat.

"You gotta be smarter than that, Skywalker," I teased, pretty amused with how advanced my moves have gotten in the past few months compared to Anakin's. "Or I might just give you a new haircut with my saber."

A devilish smirk grew across his face as he stared into my eyes. "Yea, or..." 

Suddenly, almost as if my life flashed before my eyes, Anakin grabbed my hand and saber. He disignited my saber, swung me around, and put me in a headlock before I could even think.

"Maybe it's you who has to be smarter, y/l/n," he snickered.

Unable to speak due to the headlock, I tapped Anakin's upper arm three times to signal that I wanted to be let out. As he let me go, I gasped for air, and he let out a quick laugh.

"You're not funny," I spoke, rolling my eyes and clearly unamused.

He didn't respond to me and instead just kept his dorky smile spread across his face. He knew he had won that round, but whatever, I'll let him have his victory moment.

As Anakin walked over to grab his water bottle from the other side of the training room, I stared at him for a few moments. In regards to attire, today was not too formal, so all we wore was our training clothes. Anakin wore a dark cream colored sleeveless shirt, paired with some baggy gray sweatpants. I mean, I'd be lying if I said he didn't look good.

I wore a tight, black and cropped long sleeved workout top with some black high wasted workout leggings. I picked it up at a shop in Coruscant a couple days prior. It wasn't anything too fancy, but it fit well and did the job.

Even though we didn't necessarily have to wear our Jedi robes on training days, Anakin still encouraged me to bring mine to training sessions just incase we were needed somewhere during our session.

"Alright Miss. y/l/n, let's pick up where we left off," Anakin spoke as I quickly turned my gaze away from him.

He started walking back towards me as I took my fighting stance position, igniting my lightsaber in the process. As I twirled mine a couple of times in my hand, illuminating a bright yellow streak, Anakin ignited his own saber.

"On the count of three," he stated. "One... two..."

Suddenly, as if someone had planned for this to happen, Anakin's comlink sounded from the other side of the room, laying right next to his Jedi robe and water bottle.

We both shot our heads back to face his comlink in unison, confused and unsure as to why anyone would be contacting him during our training session. We had our assigned training time, and all of the Jedi and nearby clone troopers were notified of it. It was considered rude to interrupt anyone's training session, unless if it was to notify them of an urgent matter.

Static sounded as a broken up voice struggled to come through the comlink clearly.

"Ana- Anakin. C- Can- you hear- me. This is Mas- Obiwa- Come through- Anakin."

Anakin shot his head back at me for a brief moment as a new unsettledness set into our guts. Nobody ever contacted us during training sessions, especially Obi-Wan. If he ever needed either of us, he would either wait until our session was complete, or he would come and meet us in-person.

Anakin ran to grab his comlink and I quickly followed after, both of us disigniting our sabers. As he retrieved his device, we both eagerly listened to the broken up voice that was desperately trying to come through.

"Anakin- d- do- you- copy-?" the voice sounded again, who we now understood was Obi-Wan.

"Yes, yes, I'm here," he spoke back urgently. "Master? What's wrong?"

Obi-Wan, who was still barely comprehensible to us, spoke. "Anakin- there has been an ambush- we are- under- att- attack-"

Anakin shot his eyes up at me as his face began to fill with worry. "Wha- What do you mean? What is going on?"

"My mission with Master Windu- General Grievous knew all along- they planned an attack on us- we need backup-"

Anakin clutched his comlink as he finally pieced together what was actually going on. I, however, still did not understand the situation all together. From what I knew, Obi-Wan and Mace Windu were supposed to be here at the temple, doing whatever Jedi Masters/council members do.

"Alright Master, I'll notify the council and we'll send backup troops," Anakin asserted confidently. "Hang on, we're coming."

And with that, the comlink lost connection and switched off. Anakin immediately started to grab his belongings as I continued to stare at him, obviously confused about what had just happened.

"Uh- What's going on-"

Anakin cut me off before I could even finish my sentence. "Grab your things. Obi-Wan and Windu have been ambushed on their mission to Dathomir, and they need backup immediately."

I ran to grab my robe as everything now started to make sense. "Is there anything I can do?" I queried.

Without hesitation, Anakin stared straight into my eyes. "Go to my ship at the landing pads and power it up," he instructed. "I'll notify the Council about Grievous' ambush, and they'll send in backup troops."

I nodded in acknowledgement as I threw on my new robe that the Jedi Council had given to me one week prior. As we both made our way to exit the Jedi training room, Anakin stopped and grabbed my arm firmly.

He stared at me for a moment as I looked down at his hand, which was tightly gripped around my forearm. "Wait for me before you do anything. I'll be there in 10 minutes- tops," he spoke.

Without saying a word, I nodded again, not really knowing what else to do. Everything and everyone seemed to be in a rush at this point. Suddenly, trying to predict Anakin's next fighting move was the least of my worries.

As Anakin and I parted ways, walking, no- running, in opposite directions, I made my way towards his ship that was located at the temple's landing pads. My Jedi robe flowed through the air behind me as the wind picked up due to my fast pace.

Suddenly, shocks were sent down my spine as the temple's alarms started blaring loudly. An automated robotic voice sounded from loud speakers that were located all around the temple, high up on the walls near the ceilings.


It was three loud beeps from the alarm, and then the robotic voice. As this continued to go on, my breathing sharpened. I began to realize that this situation was probably a lot worse than I had expected.

Once I had finally arrived at Anakin's ship, I noticed troops of clones already lined up. One by one, they were being loaded onto huge ships that looked like they could carry hundreds of them. Along with the troops, there were numerous Jedi scurrying onto their own ships, some already taking off and flying away.

To my surprise, R2 was there greeting me at the entrance to the ship, which was already ready for me to board. I quickly made my way straight to the pilot's seat. As I searched around the control panel, I realized that I was completely unaware of how to turn on, or better yet- operate, Anakin's ship entirely.

Kriff- kriff- kriff...

My hands swiftly grazed over what seemed like millions of tiny buttons and large levers, trying to figure out what exactly I needed to press, or pull, to start the ship.

Where the hell is the ignition?

I've operated many different ships in my day, but never a Corellian G9 Rigger-class light freighter, which was Anakin's ship (don't worry, I still knew my ships, just not how to use them). Suddenly, R2 sounded from beside me.

"The blue round button to my left," I repeated to myself.

It wasn't hard for me to understand droids. Actually, I understood them almost perfectly- I have the Sith to thank for that. I guess you could say that was one of the perks with being with them.

As I pressed the blue button, the ship immediately turned on. I sighed, grateful that R2 was there to help me out. "Now we're rock n' rollin. Thanks R2," I spoke with a relieved smile. "But don't think I forgot all about the two times you shocked me."

R2 beeped again, which caused me to roll my eyes. What a sarcastic little fuc-

At almost the perfect timing, Anakin walked onto the ship. I quickly got up from his seat and made my way to sit in the passenger's seat.

"I see you figured out how to power on my ship. Not used to ones looking like this, huh?" Anakin spoke as he switched on a couple of buttons and prepared to take off, closing the door to the ship.

"Yea, you'd be surprised..." I responded. "Where'd you say we were going again?"

The ship began to hover off of the landing pad as Anakin answered. "Dathomir."

My eyes widened as I shot my gaze towards Anakin's face. "You mean, Dathomir. With the Gorgaras?" I questioned.

"Yea," he replied. "Dathomir with the Gorgaras."

I bit my lip slightly as all of my anxiety started to set into my gut. I can't even begin to imagine what Obi-Wan and Master Windu might be going through at this exact moment. I've been sent on a couple of mission to Dathomir when I was training with Count Dooku, and let me tell you, Gorgaras are definitely not the creatures you want to mess with...

"Hang on, I'm going to fly this ship fast," Anakin asserted as he cut off my train of thought.

Before I knew it, we were already outside the atmosphere of Coruscant. As I looked outside the ship into the black sea of space, I could see fellow troop ships and Jedi all flying in the same direction as one another.

"How far away is Dathomir?" I queried.

Anakin looked over his control panel until his eyes met the center consul. "GPS says it'll take more than a week to travel there because it's about seventy parsecs away, but, we should be there in about 2 days if we use hyperspace. Not to mention how fast my ship goes-"

A wave of anxiety brushed over my face as Anakin spoke, but I tried to hide it as best as I could. Two days?! Obi-Wan and Windu would've been lucky to even survive 10 hours on Dathomir without getting severely injured.

"Ah!" Anakin exclaimed. "And to our luck, we should be entering hyperspace in three... two..."

Suddenly, as if almost all of this was set up, a blast came from behind our ship, knocking R2, Anakin, and I forward. Then, there were two blasts. Then three. All three of the blasts hit the ship's engines as red lights started flashing in our faces.

I shot my eyes at Anakin as I awaited his explanation to what had just happened. Continuing to stare forward into space, he began. "Our small left side engine is down. Must be Grievous' troops."


"Well, can we still make it into hyperspace?" I questioned.

Anakin let out a quick sigh as he grip tightened around the steering wheel. "Yes, but it's really risky. We need to get that engine repaired as soon as we land, or we might just lose all control of the ship." Anakin answered. "Hold on, this is gonna be bumpy."

"Anakin- don't you think we need to go back and repair the ship... what if they hit us again?"

"Obi-Wan is in danger, possibly dying right now, and so is Master Windu. We CAN'T go back now," Anakin asserted as I could see that he was clearly starting to stress out. "Besides, R2 can fix the engine good enough, right buddy?"

R2 beeped as I stared at Anakin while he took full control of the ship. I grabbed onto my seat as he steered the ship left to right and up and down, trying everything he could to avoid the blasts that were coming from whatever ship was targeting us (image above). As I stared outside the ship, I could see other Jedi and troop ships being targeted as well. Some of them fell back, while others were just steering all over the place. I could see most of the aircrafts firing back, but the enemy ships seemed to take out each ship one by one.

"Alright!" Anakin now yelled, trying to be heard over the loud firing that was going on.

"Get ready! We are entering hyperspace again in three...! two...! one...!"

And with the pull of a lever, Anakin's ship had entered the bright blue void of hyperspace. All of the red flashing lights and blaring alarms had finally turned off as R2 returned back to us at the front of the ship.

Anakin loosened his grip on the ship's steering wheel as he sat back in his chair a little. We both finally had a moment to relax and to take a deep breath, when just like that, we were interrupted once more. Another blast hit the ship again, sending us all bumping forward and back into our fight or flight mode. Anakin's face grew angrier as we both realized what had just happened.

Someone had followed us into hyperspace.

Trailing from behind, the enemy ship shot once again. Anakin grabbed the wheel as he tried his best to maneuver the ship out of the line of fire, though it proved no use. We couldn't risk going outside the lines of hyperspace, so with each hit we took, the closer we came to coming down as a whole.

Alarms started blaring again as the flashing red lights appeared once more. Now, the two new blasts had already threatened to take out the smaller engine on the right side of the ship. 

One shot. The complete right side engine was out for good. Second shot. There goes our second right side engine. And then finally, the third shot. This was the shot that sent us down.

Immediately, knowing what had just happened, Anakin pulled us out of hyperspace. Even though the enemy ship proved to be no longer a threat to us as it no longer followed us, we still had new problems to deal with: our ship was plummeting through space at an alarming pace. As alarms continued to blare and lights flashed, I held onto my seat as tightly as possible.

Anakin grabbed onto the steering wheel as he tried to navigate us onto any close planet that was in range. R2 let out a blaring scream as we all started to realize that we were falling to our death.

"Anakin...!" I yelled, trying to figure out whether he was going to save our butts or not.

"I'm trying, y/n!" he retorted, also reciprocating the yell.

To our rescue, Anakin had spun the ship around, and we were now falling straight onto some random distant planet. It seemed to be the only planet around, and to my gratitude, it was hopefully going to save us. That is, if Anakin were to land the ship correctly without killing us altogether.

As we fell into the atmosphere of this unknown planet, Anakin pulled back quickly on the steering wheel. This sent us all flying backwards into our seats as gravity pushed us back. R2 flew backwards with another yelping scream, but that seemed to be the least of anyone's worries.

The planet's land started to come into view as we neared the ground. Completely horrified from the sight, I squinted my eyes, fearing that we might just get a taste of death.

Holy kriff, this is where I die, isn't it?

"Hold on...!" Anakin yelled from beside me as he continued to pull back on the steering wheel with all of his might.

In an instant, we started crashing through multiple trees. I gripped onto my seat with all of my strength as I tried not to fall out. The ship had flown through what seemed to be almost all of the planet's tall greenery, completely destroying anything and everything in its path.

As huge bumps sent us all bouncing in our seats, we finally fell towards the ground. A loud thud occurred accompanied with a massive crash, which sent us flying straight backwards into our seats.

And with that, I was out like a light.

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