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"Do you remember what you need to do y/n."

"Yes, Count Dooku. I go to the Jedi Temple and place the tracking beacon on Anakin Skywalker's ship. Once he goes and flys to his next mission, I will follow the beacon to where he is located. Then, I'll capture him and take him to you."

"Very good, my young apprentice" Count Dooku responded to me as he handed me the tracking beacon. "I'll see you once you get back from your mission. Do not fail me."

Do not fail me. Those four words rang in my ears as I boarded my ship on my way for the Jedi Temple. I've gone on missions before, but this one was way bigger than anything I have ever done. Count Dooku has had his eye on Anakin Skywalker for a while now, and he chose me to go capture him. A lot was riding on the success of this mission, and if I fail, I don't know what will happen to me. Sith Lords usually aren't the ones to be forgiving.

As I sat down in the pilots seat, I set my destination for Coruscant. If I was ever going to mess up or fail a mission, I hoped to Ajunta Pall that it wasn't going to be today. 


As I neared Coruscant, I decided to land far away from the Jedi Temple so that the Clones wouldn't start bugging me through the commlink, asking who I was and that kind of stuff. 

About 20 miles away from the temple, I got out and started my walk towards the city (just to be safe). 


I slowly started to near the Jedi Temple. Stealthily, I moved towards the building, trying to find where Anakin Skywalker's ship may be. Just then, I saw the bright yellow and gray starfighter, which was his Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor. 

I threw on my hood from my robe that Count Dooku had given me, and preceded to move towards the starfighter without looking too suspicious. 

I had a bag from a nearby store in Coruscant, which I had stolen off of some random lady walking by me about 12 miles away. She didn't even notice it was gone when I had walked off with it. Boy, I liked being part of the Sith. All those years of training on how to be stealthy really did pay off.

My plan was to drop the bag right near Anakin's ship, where I would then lean down, place the tracking beacon on the starfighter, and pick up the bag. That way, it would look less suspicious than me randomly touching a Jedi's ship. Obviously, this was Dooku's idea. If it were me, I would rush into the temple and put up a fight, but, like always, I had orders that needed to be followed.

As I neared Anakin's ship, I heard footsteps trail behind me. Kriff. I couldn't just drop my bag now. Uh, and his ship was so close to me too. 

"Excuse me" a voice behind me said. Please don't be a jedi, please don't be a jedi. 

I turned around only to notice the infamous Anakin Skywalker. He squinted as he tried to scan my face under the hood of my robe. Then, in the blink of an eye, he ignited his bright blue light saber (image above).

"Huh, a Sith apprentice. Am I right?" Anakin asked with this confidence in his voice. 

"Do I seriously give off a Sith look? It's the robe isn't it" I answered.

"Could be, but I took the tracking beacon inside the shopping bag as a Sith-like thing to have" he replied.

Uh, I hate Jedi.

"So, since you know that I'm part of the Sith, this definitely makes things a bit more difficult for me" I said with a sarcastic smile. "Come surrender yourself so I can get back home in time for dinner."

"Haha, very funny. I could surrender to you, or you could surrender to me to make my life easier" he retorted as he held his light saber firmly to his side.

I've got to admit, for a Jedi, he was a pretty good looking dude. He had medium length curly hair that looked effortlessly perfect. I swear I thought Jedi were all old. Awh, too bad I have to ruin his life.

"Yea, I think I like my idea better" I commented back.

"Well then, I guess we are just going to have to battle and see who looses." 

I quickly ignited my red light saber. I honestly wish the Sith had other colors besides red, like the Jedi, but I guess this color did suit me best.

Almost immediately, Anakin started to run towards me. Within seconds, our light sabers clashed with one another. 

As he swung his saber towards me, I instantly blocked all of his hits, though, he was good at reciprocating the blocks. One by one, our sabers would confront each other as they worked to strike the other person.

One swing after another, we continued to fight. That is, until Obi-Wan Kenobi turned the corner. As he saw us fighting, he immediately rushed to Anakin's aid. Great, two against one. This should be very easy battling two trained Jedi Masters.

To be honest, I was doing fairly well for being an apprentice battling two trained Jedi. Well, I was, until I was eventually cornered up against the wall outside the temple. 

Both of their light sabers where pointed at my neck, allowing a blue tint to appear upwards on my face. 

"Well, I see we have a Sith apprentice with us" Obi- Wan said under his heavy breathing. Glad he knew I could put up a fight.

"Yea, and guess who she is" Anakin replied.

"Oh, I know exactly who she is" Obi-Wan said. Since when did they know me? Its not like I was a famous trained Jedi Master like they both were.

"What should we do with her?" Anakin said as he stared me down.

"You should let me go" I said with a devilish smirk.

"No can do, we have to take her to the interrogation center. Figure out what she's doing, or planning on doing, and why she's at the Jedi Temple" Obi- Wan responded.

"Well, I don't really like that idea" I retorted. And just like that, I stuck my hand out and used the force to throw them backwards with just enough room for me to run. 

"Bye bye, boys" I said as I started to run back to where I first came in from. 

As I ran quickly to get away from them, I had a realization. I cannot believe I escaped two Jedi Masters. Well, that is, I almost escaped two Jedi Masters.

As I turned the corner to make my way towards the crowded city of Coruscant (in order to get them off my tail), I was immediately shocked by a 4ft blue and white droid. And just like that, I was out like a light.


Hey babes! Im assuming you came here because you absolutely loveeee and adore Anakin as much as I do. I know, he's a cutie :))

There is definitely a lot more coming to the story, so stayed tuned!

How did I do for my first chapter ever loll? Lmk (I hope its not bad haha).

Hope you guys enjoyed the book so far <33

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