Chapter 17 |Dream|

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Udos POV


Everything was white....but I heard voices.

"Isn't he adorable...." Mom?

I hear a baby cooing....

"Yes....he is...he looks a lot like you..."

I hear mom and it them?

"He has your eyes....Levi"

Levi? Why is Levi in my the person holding me Hanji?

I see a blurry person looking at me....they are was a woman....Hanji

"He's beautiful...."

I felt someone gently rub my cheek....

What is going on....why are they portraying my parents?

"He's our baby boy Hanji...what should we name him"

I hear Hanji giggle softly "how about James..."

James....who's James?

Dream ends...

I sit up and touched my cheek feeling tears fall...why am I crying?

I look around and see everyone sleeping...

I sigh and lay back down...that....that was a weird dream....

I sigh and stare at the floor...why was Hanji and Levi acting like my parents....

Maybe since I've been here they have been acting like parents to all of us....

I moved all my thoughts away and tried to sleep again hoping to have a different dream.

Levi's POV

Later in the day

Today is cleaning day and unfortunately the day me and Hanji lost James....

As much as it sounds bad I try to take my mind off him on this day....I miss him and failed him as a father....

Cleaning is the only way to clear my mind, Hanji is sleeping....probably for the best.

I look around to see if the brats cleaned their rooms properly.

I reached the kids room and it was a mess...

I tch and began picking everything up and putting it back properly and making the bed properly as well.

While I was fixing udos bed I picked up the sheet then something fell...looked like a looked like it wasn't washed for years....disgusting.

I pick up the cloth and my eyes can't be...

It was my cravat....the one I gave James so long ago....I recognize it because it belonged to my mother before it I gave it to him....

Why does he have this....more importantly how did he get this...

I clench on the cravat and leave the room....Hanji needs to know about this.

I walk to our room and open the door and closed it locking it.

She was passed out and I started shaking her awake.

She started slapping my hands away getting annoyed.

"What the hell levi! It's so early"

"It's the afternoon...Hanji"

She sighs "oh..."

She sits up and rubs her eyes waking up.

"What's up?"

I frown "Hanji....we need to talk..."

She frowns "what's wrong"

I sigh "this may be shocked me that's for sure..."

She looks worried "what is it Levi?"

I sigh and pull out my cravat from my pocket and threw it in front of her.

She puts on her glasses and he eyes widened "I-is that?"

I nod "the cravat I gave to James when he was born...."

She puts her hand over her mouth and starts to cry "do you think he is alive?" She asked.

I shrugged "I don't know....but the person who has This may know"

She looks at me "where did you get it?"

I frown "from udos seems he has had it for a long time..."

She nods "are you going to get him?"

I nod "yes....he has some questions to answer"

I left and went to get udo....James....I hope you're ok....

Udos POV

I began panicking I CANT FIND MY CRAVAT!

Falco and everyone begins helping me find it....I left it on my bed last but now it's gone!

"Udo it's around here somewhere" falco says comforting me.

"We need to find it!'s all I have left of them...."

Falco nods "I know"

Our door opens and Levi stands there....he looks pissed.....

"Udo....come with me" he said coldly

I gulp "y-yes sir"

I look at my friends and they look just as worried as I began to follow Levi.

We arrive at Hanji and his room while he opens the door and invites me in.

I walk in and see Hanji with a cold expression on her face her cheeks had stained tear marks....I've never seen her like this.

Levi closes the door and locks it.

"W-what's going on?"

Levi points at the bed and I sit while he stands in front of me.

"Tell me you know what this is?" My eyes widened as he holds up my cravat....

"Ah you found it...thank you"

Levi clench's it and frowns "this doesn't belong to you"

My eyes widened "yes it does-"

He raises his voice "no it does not! This belongs to my son! Right before he was taken now you are going to tell me and Hanji where he is"

I frown "I don't know where your son is! But that cravat is mine, my par-" I was cut off as Levi punched me in the face.

"Levi..." I heard Hanji say as he kicked me in the stomach.

"Listen here you little shit, I'm not up for your games....just tell me where James is"

I frown "I DONT KNOW!"

Levi grabbed my hair and pulled my head up "you have 5 seconds to tell me"



"Please let me explain"


"I swear I don't know!"






He lifted his arm to punch me when Hanji spoke up.

"Levi stop...let him at least explain" she sounded
So sad....and dead inside...

Levi tchs and let's go of me as I stand up and sit on the bed wiping the blood from my nose...

"My parents gave that to me....I swear they did....I've had it since I was a baby....I don't know where James is....I'm sorry"

Levi sighs and Hanji squints at me "Udo...when did your parents die?"

I sigh "well according to my foster that's why I wanted to get my cravat....I miss them"

Hanjis eyes widened and she walks up to me she bends down to my level and she holds my face.


I look at Levi who had a shocked expression "there's no way....Hanji there isn't...."

Her eyes widened and tears form in her eyes "look at him Levi....if we really took the time to look at him....he has so many of our quality's....we can't keep denying it....every time I see him...he reminds me of you levi...."

I didn't understand what was happening.

"W-what do you mean"

Hanji begins crying "I can't forget those eyes Levi....I was the one to see them when he was born...."

She pulls me into a tight hug and cries "he's grown so much...."

I push away and I looked at them, there's no"but my parents died-"

"Udo...your parents died the same day we lost James....and the fact that you don't know anything about them? Lost at childbirth? Don't you find that weird?"

I began crying she was right....everything just clicks the was telling me....that they are my real parents.

"Udo you have my brain and Levi's strength and looks....same eyes...same hair and you wear glasses like me....and you have Levi's cravat" Hanji began crying.

I jumped onto Hanji crying she was my mom....I have a parents are alive.... "mom...."

She hugs me back tightly "James...or Udo....I've missed you so much...." She cries softly hugging me.

I looked at Levi who was rubbing his head "I...I don't understand....

Hanji looked at him "Levi..."

"I need time to process this..." thats all he said before leaving...

"Wait Levi!" Was all Hanji said before he left the room.

I frown and hug Hanji tighter, she strokes my hair "I'll go talk to him...just stay here, ok?"

I nod and she kisses the top of my head before leaving....

My parents are alive....if they are from paradise...does that make me and enemy too?

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