Chapter 2

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A/N every new day I'll add Kat's outfit.

Kat's POV.
It's now been one month since grampa died and right now I'm at therapy with Violet. I'm currently at the all so familiar turquoise room lying on my back on a pale cream coloured sofa when Violet asks "So how have the voices been with the medicine?" I sigh and say "they aren't getting any better. Worse thing is everyone has been walking on glass around me yet the voices are getting more horrible" Violet gave me a sorry look questioning as to why "and do you have any clue as to why there getting more frequent?" I answer saying "Well I still think there other people's thoughts on me or anything in general" Violet simply nodded, writing it down and that's how the rest of the hour went, me sitting there talking and drinking tea.

One Week Later - At Abe's old house. Kat's POV.
Me, Jake and Dad are going through grampa's old house and sorting everything when I come across a picture from when I was five and Grampa took me to the beach and there was no one there since it wasn't exactly sunny and we had the whole beach to ourselves. While looking at the picture dad came up behind me and said "That's nice, you should keep that one" I simply nod in response not wanting to talk, when dad says we're about to leave Jake questions him "How are you so okay with this?" Dad looked at us with a sigh saying "I wasn't ad close as either of you. He was an amazing grandfather but not such a great dad. He never seemed to pick a job that didn't involve late nights or long trips some times me and your Aunt Susie kind of thought he was cheating on our mum, sorry budds I know you two worshipped him" and after that we just didn't talk.

There House - Kat's POV.
Then when we got home I open the door just wanting to spend my fifteenth birthday in peace but then I see my entire family and they scream "Happy birthday". When fully through the door my younger twin cousins, aunt and uncle come up to me and the twins say "Happy birthday cousin Kat" then my Aunt said "I can't wait for you to be spending the summer with us Kat" my Uncle carrying on saying "Yeah wait till you see the new boat" I simply and agree with them until Jake dragged me to my room excusing us to have my 'Birthday Chat' though only I know that is what we say at the others party to have an excuse to leave for bit, while really we were just sitting on the birthday kid's bed and only occasionally talking. So in the end it became a sort of tradition for both our birthdays and even some times christmas, when we were lying on my bed talking, our other Aunt Susie came in saying "Happy birthday Kat, hello Jake I have presents for you two there from your Grampa found them while unpacking fought he was planning on giving them to you both soon" then she handed over a box to me and a smaller one to Jacob though I suspect it to not be a box, "Thank you Aunt Susie" I say to her while Jake nodded in agreement, aunt Susie simply nods and gave a smile to both of us. When she left I saw Jacob open his and saw a book, the book precisely The Complete Essays and Other Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Then it hit me Emerson this is the person grampa wanted us to find yet what was interesting was not the book itself but what is in it, a postcard to Grampa from a Alma Lefay Peregrine the owner of the children's home in Wales the one Grampa went to. Then I opened mine and found a book well a Journal and on the first page it said To Katniss and all the tales your sure to tell, love Grampa. I open the first proper page and see it empty and realise this is for my story's. When seeing that there's more in the box I take a look and find a necklace with a mini gun on it, smiling I put the necklace on.

Picture - Journal

Picture - Gun Necklace.

A/N Feel free to change them if you want to.

Looking at the same words To Katniss and all the tales your sure to tell, reading them again and again until Jacob interrupted my train of thoughts saying "Does yours have anything written in it" I nod "Yes it's says To Katniss and all the tales your sure to tell. What does your book say?" Jake answered saying "To Jake and all the worlds your yet to descover" I nod and begin writing in the journal about this story of a girl who could talk to the dead and a boy who could control death, the boy being based off of Enoch a boy at Grampa's old children's home who could reanimate dolls and dead things by using the heart and other organs from animals. Once the party was nearly over me and Jacob went out of my room for the rest of the day until all of the quests left. After the party I went outside as it was sunset and took a few pictures with my new camera I got for my birthday. Its now been a hour since the party and I'm currently in my room and hear the voices again does Kat believe grampa's old stories?, its Jake I wonder if she thinks we should go to the island? Will Miss Peregrine still be there? If so does she know Grampa's passed away? Why did it have to be grampa he's the only one that believes my theory on the voices being people's thoughts. Should we go to the island? Would Miss Peregrine be there? After thinking it over for a bit and deciding I want to go to the island, i walk to Jakes room and open the door seeing he's still awake I say "Hey Jake I think we should go to the island" and he replies "So do I and we can find out what Grampa wanted us to know" so after talking about it for a bit we decide we'll ask mum and dad about it tomorrow.

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