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Lollie Parker

Maya never really got an answer from Noah.

Lollie sat outside and Lucas sat beside her.

"You did great today."

Lucas smiled down at her.

"How long have you've known Will?" He asked.

"I've known him for a while but we lost touch once we moved."

Lucas brought up a new topic. He shouldn't have.

"I saw you two holding hands."

Lollie knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I was nervous."

"You said you'll be fine."

"Right. I said that to you. That doesn't mean I wasn't nervous." Lollie paused, "You're jealous?"

"What? No."

"Then you're mad?"


"You're mad or jealous or maybe even both."

Lollie stood and headed towards the door.

"Lollie. It's not that serious."

"Then why bring it up?" She asked, "It's not fair that you're mad at me. It's not like I kissed him knowing that I'm in a relationship or even liked someone else and that person knew."

Lucas knew what she was talking about.

That day. On that subway.

Riley kissed Lucas then proceeded to kiss Lollie that same night.

"That's old."

"That's old? To me, it isn't. Were you even going to tell me if I wasn't there?"

He didn't say anything.

"Exactly. I'm so tired of people being mad at over little stuff. You're mad at me? Fine. That's just fine."

Lollie headed back inside bumping into Farkle on the way in.


"It's okay."

He looked down at her, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

She got out of Farkle's grip and headed into her room.

Farkle went and knocked on the door, "You aren't okay. I've known you long enough to know when you aren't okay."

Lollie looked over at him.

"Lollie. I have something to tell you."

Lollie looked at him, "Okay?"

"I know you were there when Riley kissed Lucas."

Lollie sat on the bed and he sat beside her.

"I saw you. Your hair was blue at the time. You were crying too. I would of went after you but, Maya let me kiss her hand and I got excited."

Lollie sent him a smile.

"I didn't want to tell you because I knew Lucas would tell you eventually anyway. Is that what happened outside?"

Lollie shook her head, "He's mad because Will held my hand today when he was riding the bull. I was scared."

"We all were."

Lollie looked at him.

"I know. He knows how I get so I don't know why he's even mad."

"You're a pretty girl Lollie. If any guy were to take you away from Lucas he'd probably lose it. He really likes you Lollie."

"Thanks, Farkle."

"Anytime. I'll be outside if you need me."

She nodded and he left.

Farkle knocked on the door again.

"Hey, we are going out to eat. Want to come?"

Lollie sat up from the bed.

"Sure. Where are we going?"

"Chubby's. Guess what? It's all barbecue. I won't like it."

"I wouldn't say that. Chubby's it's probably the best out here."

"I'll take your word for it."

"While I understand barbecue is not your thing, Farkle, you do seem to have found a new appreciation for our hometown cuisine." Zay said.

Farkle's face was covered in barbecue sauce, "More."

"Easy, cowboy." Lucas said.

"You need to calm down." Noah said.

His face was probably more covered than Farkle's.

"Says you." Lollie told him.

"Oh, I have to calm down? They make a big deal out of you riding a bull for four seconds. Well, I ate him." Farkle said.

Riley tapped Lollie's shoulder and asked her to follow her.

"Will you please say something to him?" Riley asked, "I know that you care about him."

"I just don't want anything to change." Maya said.

"Maybe change is a good thing." Lollie said.

Riley sighed and walked over to the boys, "Hey, Noah are we dancing or what?"

Everyone was square dancing. Could Riley even dance?

"Oh, we can do that? Is that part of the new rules?" Noah asked.

"This kind of dancing? Sure." Riley said.

The two stood and headed towards the dance floor.

Lucas looked over at Lollie who was mixing her tea together.

"You really like her huh?" Will asked, "I did too, but she really cares about you."

Lucas looked over at him.

"I've know Lollie for a long time. She's one of a kind. You're lucky you got her."

Lucas looked back at her and she looked out towards the dance floor.

"I know Noah and Lollie both have to leave soon. I want to try to spend as much time with them as possible."

Will stood up and asked Lollie to dance.

She walked back towards the table and sat her drink down.

"I know Lollie was there at the train station that night." Farkle said.

"What are you talking about?" Zay asked.

"That's night Riley kissed Lucas."

"Oh wow. That's crazy." Zay said.

"Did she tell you?" Lucas asked.

"No. I saw her. I didn't tell her I saw until tonight. I knew you were going to tell her. That's who you are Lucas. You didn't want to hurt her, so you told her. That's because you're a good guy and you love Lollie." Farkle said biting into another rib.

Maya walked over towards the boys and sat beside Farkle.

"You wanted him to sit with you because you care about him." Farkle said.

"I care about all of us."

"You care about him."

"I care about all of us."

"You care about him."

"I will kill you." She said.

"I'm not gonna care about anybody for the rest of my life, all right?" Zay said, "I tried it once. Didn't work. From now on, I like nobody."

A girl walked over when Lollie and Will got back.

Lollie sat on the other side of Zay.

"Zay?" The girl said.


"How's New York been treating you?"

"Good, yeah. Just trying to fit in.

Making new friends."

"Well, looks like you made some.
Wanna introduce me?" She asked.

"Yeah. Um, this is Farkle."

"Texas lady." Farkle said.

"And these are my friends, Maya and Winter."

"You did not just do that." Maya said.


"You did not just introduce your girlfriend as your friend." Maya said.


Lollie smiled, "Isaiah Mark Babineaux."

"Your middle name is Mark?" Vanessa asked.


"The next time you introduce your girlfriend as your friend, we are through." Maya said, "Do you hear me?"

"I mean, I hear you, but-" He said.

"Put your arm around me. Twirl my hair. Call me honey nugget." Maya said.

"Hi, honey nugget." Zay said.

"Hi, hunkalicious." Maya said.

"A little possessive, no?" She asked.

"No. The good ones you don't let get away, you know what I mean?" Lollie asked, "With all the girls chasing him around New York City, you have to swoop right in or he'll be gone."

Lucas looked at Lollie. He knew she was telling the truth. Get the good ones before they get away.

"She said, "you have to swoop right in or he will-"

Riley ran over and stood behind Zay.

"Isaiah Hank Babineaux." Riley said.


"I don't care. I only care that you don't let Maya get her hooks into you when you know you are mine."

"This is my friend, Riley." Zay said.

"Now, how do you like it when he calls you a friend, Riley?" Maya asked.

"I like it."

"No, you do not like it." Maya said.

"I do not like when you call me just friend."

"Well, what would you like for me to call you?" Zay asked.

She smiled, "I would like for you to call me Cotton Candy Face."

"Creative." Lollie said.

"I know that was hard." Maya said.

"Zay, is it possible I've misjudged you?" Vanessa asked.

"It's possible, Vanessa." Riley said.

"How do you know my name?"

"Too much." Riley said.

"Too much." Maya said.

Farkle threw a bone on his plate, "Too much."

The group stood up and headed towards the dance floor.

"Hey, everybody. Welcome to Chubby's famous barbecue, home of the best ribs in Texas." The announcer said.

"I grew up here!" Farkle shouted.

"Okay, well we're about to introduce two lovely ladies and one of them grew up here as well, about two hours down the road in sugar land. Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome Maddie & Tae!" The announcer said.

"Well, it feels real good to be back home in Texas. This first one's a love song."


"And it's called No Place Like You."

Lucas looked over at Lollie once more and saw her dancing with Farkle.

He smiled.

At least she was out of her funk.

The group made it back to Pappy Joes and he was still sitting on the porch.

"You've just been sitting here, Pappy Joe?" Lucas asked.

"Oh, after you run around enough, you'll find that a comfy chair on your own front porch is your favorite destination." He said, "Oh, by the way, Lord Chesterfield's letters to his son."

"What?" Lollie asked.

"Lord Chesterfield had a son who traveled the world."

"What is that? What are you doing?" Riley asked.

"It's a blackboard."

"My daddy made you do this."

"He's good people."

"No, he's not."

"Chesterfield writes him letters about how he should behave himself because a father knows The only way for a kid to really learn anything is to go out into the world and find out who he is."

"My daddy is trying to teach us from beyond the grave."

"Matthews wrote us a letter, didn't he?" Maya asked.

"He did. Someone else did too but it's for the siblings right here."

He handed Lollie and Noah the note.

""Dear my favorite children" Take care of each other. Enjoy the world."" Riley read from her note.

Lollie opened her note and read it aloud, ""I know Cory is going to beat me on writing this letter, but hey. Hope everything and everyone is okay. Love you both. Take on the world. Love Finnster.""

"I don't want this night to end." Farkle said.

"What do you do around here when you just want to look at each other's faces a little longer?" Riley asked.

"Or just sit in silence." Lollie asked.

Pappy Joe led them to a campfire that wasn't far from the house.

"Please do me the great favor of dousing these embers real good when you're done. That house and me might be real old, but we ain't quite ready to burned down yet." Pappy Joe said.

"Well, I never thought I'd say anything like this, but I'm real sad I don't have a Pappy Joe of my own." Maya said.

"Thank you, Maya. I wish you'd consider me yours till the time I you know, bleh."

"Okay." Maya said.

Pappy Joe walked away from them.

"You guys were lucky." Farkle said.

"How come?" Zay asked.

"To grow up out here to have this sky and the stars this has been the best weekend of my life thank you."

"Promise we'll always be friends no matter what." Riley said.

"Riley." Maya said.

"Promise. No matter what happens, I am telling you that I will always be your best friends. No matter what."

"Okay. There's nothing I could do-" Maya started.

"No, there's nothing you could do, Maya. Do you understand?" She asked.

"You can't control your feelings Maya." Lollie said.

"It's us until the time we, you know.."

The three put their hands over their hearts, "Bleh."

They all hear a rustling noise, "Zay." Vanessa said.


"Pappy Joe told me you were out here."

"You were looking for me?"

"I wanted to tell you I was sorry."

"What'd you do?"

"I never really gave you a chance.
Now I'm too late because I could never steal you away from your new friends could I?"

"Steal me from these people?"

"No. No, you couldn't." He said.

"What if I bought you ice cream?" She asked.

"You know, Vanessa they're not really my girlfriends. Or either of 'em."

"I think I knew that. That's not what impressed me. They're your friends who stuck up for you, so I must have missed something or you must have changed."

"Well, I've learned that people change people."

"Hm, from beyond the grave, he's teaching us." Riley said.

"We're breaking up with you, honey nugget." Maya said, "Let her buy you ice cream."

"Vanessa, you made a mistake with this one. He's pretty wonderful." Riley said.

"Well, let's go see." Vanessa said.

She and Zay walked away hand in hand.

"Do you want me to buy you ice cream, Farkle?" Riley asked.


"Do you want me to buy you ice cream?" She repeated.

"Oh. Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Let's go." Riley said.

"Riles, where are you going?" Maya asked.

"You need to feel whatever you feel, Maya. It's us forever. There is nothing that you could ever do to change that." Riley said.

Riley faces Noah, "Maya likes you."


"She's been hiding it all this time.
That's why she wanted you to sit with you at the rodeo."

"What are you doing?"

"I saw you, Maya. I saw how much you cared."

"Riley, what are we?" Noah asked.

Lollie felt bad for Noah. He was genuinely confused.

"I told you what we are."

"What if that's not what I think we are?" He said.

"Well, then you better start thinking of us like that."

"Riley, I-"

"Noah we will always be there for each other."

Riley faced Maya, "You stepped back. I know that you stepped back."

Riley walked off with Farkle.

Lollie stood up and held her hand out for Lucas.

Lucas grabbed it and the two walked off.

"Lollie." Maya said.

"You'll be okay." She smiled, "You'll both be okay."

It was pretty dark. The only light was the moon shining down on Lollie's face.

Lucas stood walking and pulled Lollie back.

"I'm sorry."

Lollie looked at him.

"Do you trust me?" She asked.

"Of course I do."

"Then you have to believe I would never ever hurt you like that ever."

"I know that. I wouldn't hurt you either."

"Well. That's good." Lollie started, "A relationship can't work if we don't trust each other. I trust you, you trust me. Deal?"

Lollie stuck her hand out and Lucas smiled.


Word Count: 2379

Episode: Girl Meets Texas Part 2

Pages: 39

ye motherflicking ye

this isn't their last argument 😈 comment arguments they could have or I'm never uploading again🤧👊

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