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Lollie Parker

It was a first for Mr. Matthews to be late for class, Lollie, not so much.

Mr. Matthews finally came into the classroom, as for Lollie, she was down the hall.

She walked down the hall with Noah by her side.

They head a lot of, "I'm sorry." Being thrown around.

The two walked inside and sat down.

"Lucas. Why are you the only one here that didn't say I'm sorry?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"Because I never do anything." He said.

"No. Because you respect the rules. Because you know without them, civilization becomes chaos. The rest of you are gonna spend the afternoon thinking about that, with the exception of Lucas the good." Mr. Matthews said.

Lollie smiled, "I'm so glad I walked in on this conversation."

"Oh, boy! Is that gonna stick?" Lucas asked.

"I'm already making t-shirts." Maya told him.

Lucas got up and talked to Mr. Matthews, "You put me in a real bad position here, sir. I gotta do something."

"You can fight this, Lucas." Mr. Matthews said.

"No, I can't, sir. Everyone's looking."

"Okay. Do what gotta do what you gotta do."

Lucas pulled out his phone and texted Mr. Matthews.

"Detention." Mr. Matthews said.

Lucas smiled, "Oh, thank you, sir."

"Feel better, Huckleberry?" Maya asked.

"I'm just like you now." He said.

"Yeah, we're exactly the same."

"Yeah, you're all the same. Detention, all of you." Mr. Matthews said.

Noah raised his hand, "Mr. Matthews? I have an emergency that's happening after school."

"How do you know there's going to be an emergency after school?" Mr. Matthews asked

Noah sighed, "You're smarter than what I thought."

Riley then raised her hand.

"What do you want?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"I'm going to be home late today, daddy."

"I know, honey."

"I've always allowed you to bend the rules. But the best of students know just how far they can push before those rules are broken. Today you are not the best of students." Mr. Matthews said.

"But you know we're good people most of the time, don't you, daddy? Daddy? You're my daddy."

"Why do we need rules at all?" Maya asked.

"You think you could make it in a world without rules?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"I think I could do fine in any world." Maya said.

"The rest of you believe that?" Mr. Matthews asked.

The majority of the class raised their hands.

"Okay. School's out. You've got the whole place to yourselves. No rules. One hour to behave however you want. Let's see what becomes of you." Mr. Matthews said.

"Well, I think we'll be perfectly behaved ladies and gentlemen." Riley said.

Lollie rolled her eyes.

"And I think within one minute you'll be eating each other."

"Where are you going?" Riley asked.

"I'm locking you in. The best punishment I can give is to force you to spend some time with yourselves. I'll see you in an hour. Whoever's left."

"I can't believe it. He locked us in." Lollie said.

Farkle began gasping for air, "That's fine. I don't have a problem with that. I'm not claustrophobic or anything. We're trapped. I can't breathe. There's more carbon dioxide than oxygen! The ratio is all wrong!"

"Okay, Farkle gotsa go." Maya said.

"I gotsa?" Farkle asked.

"Stop. This is exactly what my father wants." Riley said, "He wants us to panic and fall apart. We have to show him that we can get through this without turning into a pack of wild animals."

It was silent for a moment, "I'm hungry." Lucas said.

"What do you mean by that?" Farkle asked.

"Nothing, I'm just really hungry."

Lucas walked around Farkle.

"Because we're best friends." Farkle said.

"Yeah, you know what else? I don't think I've ever been this hungry." Maya said.

Noah and Riley followed.

"You guys can't eat Farkle." Lollie said.

She was ignored.

"I feel ya, Ranger Rick." Maya said.

"I'm kinda hungry, too." Riley added.

"And it's not like a regular kind of hungry, right?" Noah asked.

"No, no. This one's deep. It must be attended to." Maya said.

Lollie stood up, "Oh, guys, you can't just eat Farkle. He's a human boy who eats human food."

They all looked over at the clock, only a minute passed.

They all faced Farkle and Lollie again.

"What? What are you looking at? Guys! What are you seeing right now?" Farkle asked.

Lucas took a step forward,"Stop talking, chicken."

"No! Okay! You're crazy if you think you're going to eat Farkle, we can do this okay. We've all had detention before we can prove Matthews wrong." Lollie said.

Riley made her way to the front of the classroom.

"Let's form our own perfect society. Rileytown is a land of goodness and rainbows where everyone folds their hands nicely like so. Who wants to live in Rileytown?" She asked.

"Nobody wants to live in Rileytown! It's too lollipop!" Maya said.

"You're too lollipop!" Riley told her.

"Sister, I'm a lot of things, but I ain't no lollipop." Maya said.

"Rileytown has order, structure, and our hands folded like so!" Riley shouted, "What do you got?"

"I got Mayaville! No rules, no laws, no hand folding, and nobody says no!" Maya said.

Farkle moved away from Lollie and up to Maya.


"You got chaos is what you got! I got order, you got chaos!" Riley said.

The two of them looked at Lollie.

"Whatcha got?" Maya asked.

Lollie made her way towards them and smiled, "Nothing."

"Huh?" Riley questioned.

"I've got nothing. I've never had my imaginary place to call my own."

Noah jumped into the conversation, "What about that one place yo-"

Lollie cut him off, "Nope. Never had a place."

"You got lollipop, you got dreams, I got whoo! And you, you've got nothing." Maya said.

Lollie sighed, "At least we're killing time."

Another minute passed.

"Eat Riley!" Maya shouted.

"Okay. But no biting."


The desk were moved and the girls had gathered two different groups.

Maya's group was stacking chairs.

"Why are you guys over there? Why can't we just be one happy society that runs the way I think it should?" Riley asked.

"Because you want us to be all you." Maya said.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Riley said.

Lollie sat at a desk watching things unfold.

"We're not all you, Riley. I mean, you know the only reason I've never been able to choose between you?" Farkle said.

"Because if it was you all the time, life would be like, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la." Farkle said.

"La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la." They sang.

"And if it was you all the time, life would be like Descensus in cuniculi cavum!" Farkle said to Maya.

Farkle made his way to Lollie, "I appreciate all the things you've done for me, so maybe living in your world wouldn't be so bad and for some reason, I need to be with all three of you guys."

"But who are you going to be with right now, Farkle?" Riley asked.

"Before you answer that, You may want to consider a little thing I call this." Maya said.

She opened the back door.

"He forgot to lock the back door?" Noah asked.

"Maya, we're in detention. You can't leave." Riley said.

Maya rolled her eyes, "Hey. School's out. He said we get the place to ourselves. He said to make our own rules. Rule number one: See you around, Suckers."

Her and a couple of others walked out.

"Farkle?" Riley pleaded.

"Hey. What part of "Descensus in cuniculi cavum" do you not understand?" Farkle asked.

"All of it." Lollie said.

"It means we drop down into the rabbit hole, man." He said.

"Noah?" Riley asked.

"Maybe if I leave with her I'll make it to football practice." He said.


He looked over at Lollie who was fiddling with a pencil.

He grabbed a desk and placed a desk beside her.

Riley got the message, "Okay."

After a while, Lucas and Lollie sat on the floor and shared a sandwich.

Riley walked over towards the two and moved the desk in front of them.

"What are you doing Riley?" Lollie asked.

"We are different towns which means you have to use that side of the classroom." She said.

Riley backed away and saw the line of desk in front of them.

"We can still see what you're doing." Lollie said.

"Well at the rate we're going at, I hope I won't be able to see you until detention is over."

Riley sent the two a wave goodbye and made her way back to her group.

Lollie softly laughed and bit into her sandwich.

"My mom wants to know when you're coming back over."

Lucas smiled, "How about today?"

"She would like that." Lollie gasped, "You can finally meet Nona."


Lollie swallowed her food, "My grandma. She's visiting from Flushing, Queens."

"So she doesn't live far."

"No, she used to, well I used to."

Lucas looked up, "That's right. You're not from here. Where'd you come from?"

"New Mexico. My mom went to college there and lived there up until her and my dad got married."

"Your dad?"


The two of them talked for hours about what they wanted to do with their lives, which is saying a lot since they're still in middle school.

"I think I would be too scared to watch someone ride a bull, let alone get near one."

Lucas laughed, "It's not that bad in person, I think it would be fun to ride on one."

He looked over at her.

"You okay?" He asked.

She nodded, "Yeah."

He didn't believe her.

He pulled a sucker out of his pocket, "Sucker for your thoughts?"

"You remembered?" She asked, grabbing the sucker in the process.

He could have said a million and one things to that one sentence, but instead said, "Of course."

She smiled, "There's nothing wrong, I was being honest."

"How are you and Maya?"

"I haven't really talked to her since we've made up."

"She'll come around, trust me."

The two of them were now laying on the floor watching Riley's group play duck, duck, goose.

"Can I push my boundaries?" Lucas asked.

"Since you asked."

He was hesitant to continue, "Do you know who your dad is? Like, have you ever seen him?"

Lollie sighed, "No I don't know who he is and if I met him it's when I was younger and I don't remember him."

"Do you want to know him?"

"I don't know anymore."

She didn't know what to say after that. She didn't talk about her dad often.

"You know, I've always liked you."

She smiled, "I like you too."

The two hear the door up and peeked over the desk.

Janitor Harley opened the door, "What are you doing in here?" Riley asked.

"They're having a lot more fun out there." He said.

"We're in detention, Janitor Harley."

"How 'bout that? little zippy crossed the line." He said.

"Maya influenced me."

"I've noticed that over the years." He said, "You do realize the back doors open don't you, Zippy?"

"We're aware."

"And yet this group stays in here, while the other group is rampaging down the hallway, and the last group is behind this wall.

"Well, what do you make of that?"

"I'm sure we'll find out. This lesson has your father written all over it." He said.

He made his way over towards Lollie and Lucas.

"So I see zippy has you two cornered."

"We are not apart of her society." Lollie told him.

"I see, how's it going over here?"

"Fine, nothings different."

"Well, I hope things don't change over here."

He walked back to the door and left it unlocked.

"You're supposed to lock the front door." Riley said.

"Actually, I'm not. It's time to find out what Maya is up to. Goodbye." He said.

"Maya will be fine. Noah and Farkle won't let her get into trouble." Riley said.

"She's stronger than them." Dave said.

"She's better when you are with her." Sarah spoke.

"Oh, please. Fourteen years of good influence can't possibly come apart in-"

Another minute.

Lollie and Lucas looked back over at Riley's group, who only continued to play duck duck goose.

"Without Maya around, she's actually getting worse."

Lollie giggled, "This is sad."

They heard the side door open and some people from Maya's group, including Maya, come in.

They threw a bag over Riley's head.

"Wait!" Riley yelled, "Duck."

"What about Lollie and Lucas?" She asked.

"Where is she?" Farkle asked.

Lollie stood up and walked over towards the others.

She looked at her brother who had paint over his face.

"You look ridiculous." She told him.

"Says you."

"Leave her, we'll be back." Maya said.


The group walked out with Riley, leaving Maya, Lollie, Lucas, and Riley's group.

"How's it been in here?" Maya asked.

"However you think it went, it went."

"Sounds like Riley."

Maya looked back at the group and they pleaded with her to change them.

Maya looked back at Lollie, "Wanna join?"

Lollie looked back at Lucas, "I think we're good right here."

"Suit yourself."

With that Maya left with her new group.

Lollie and Lucas rearranged the desk back into rows.

Once they finished they sat at their desk.

"This is the longest day of my life." Lollie told him.

"Well, at least it's almost over." Lucas said.

Lollie turned and faced him.

"You still coming over?"

"Of course, you said you're Nona was going to be there right?"

"She'll be excited to meet you."

Lollie smiled as Lucas leaned towards her.

He pulled back when the door creaked opened.

Maya, Riley, Farkle, Noah, and the others walked inside.

Riley sat down at her desk first, "You have fun?"

"I have as much fun as a kid should have in detention. What about you two?" Lollie asked.

"Someone had the idea to put me in a bag. Did you hear about that?" Riley asked.

"I saw that."

"Well, you know, there's some bad kids out there." Maya said.

The door creaked opened and Mr. Matthews walked inside.

"Okay, guys. Detention over."



"Remember how you told us that people change people?"

"Secret of life."

"Well, when you're not with those people, how do you keep from changing back?" Maya asked.

"You went a little wild, did you?" He asked Maya.

"Whatever I got is strong in me, Matthews." She said.

"Yeah, me too, but the other way." Riley said

"Harley!" Mr. Matthews said.

"Right here." Harley said.

"You watched them?" He asked.

"Like a hawk."

"What?" Riley said, "You're with him?"

"Yeah. He's my good kid." He said.

"What do you got?" Mr. Matthews asked him.

"Everyone went nuts, except for Zippy, Lollie, and Lucas." He said, "Why didn't you go nuts, Zippy?" He asked

"I was without Maya. Without her, I don't think I'd ever unfold my hands." Riley said.

"What about you Lollie?"

"It's detention. What else was I going to do?"

Mr. Matthews pointed to Maya, "What about this one here?"

"Maya was the ringleader. Maya was the first one out the door." He said.

"I was without Riley. Without her, I may never come back." She said.

"Okay. Well, detention over, guys. Everyone out." Mr. Matthews said.

"Dad." Riley said.

"Everyone out." He said.

Riley stopped Lollie on the way out.

"Hey, I'm going to wait for Maya, have a nice day."

Lollie smiled, "You too."

Lucas and Lollie made it to her home, she opened the door and her mom looked back the the two.

Bailey smiled, "Mom, this is Lucas."

Fran smiled towards him.

The two left.

"She's not used to new people. It be different if it was Mariah."


"Because she has a new boyfriend every sixish months."

Word Count: 2641

Episode: Girl Meets Rules

Pages: 44


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