Chapter 7: Training

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Warning: gore


Miranda and Katrina were having a good time with training. They feel oh so powerful. Praxina couldn't be more proud of what her new tools have all accomplished. She is now completely sure that she would defeat and kill the loved ones of the princesses once and for all. And nothing is gonna be able to stop her.

"This is fun... I have never felt that powerful! This is the best day of our lives!" Katrina said to her sister. Miranda had to agree with that. Now no one is gonna tell her of what to do anymore. No one is gonna mess with them ever again. They make sure of that. They would go rule the world if they wanted. 

"Well done girls. Now you all are 1 step closer by defeating your enemies. Once you got all the magic under control, then you can take revenge on everyone who has harmed you. But don't forget our deal. In return, you 2 gotta help me with defeating MY enemies." Praxina said looking at them.

Miranda and Katrina didn't forget at all. In reality, the 2 originally planned to finish Praxina off as well, but they think that their powers would go away to. So they abandoned that plan pretty quickly. But Praxina of course knew that they were planning that. She knows them long enough, despite only knowing them for a few hours already.

In the 2 sisters their head, they are trying to scream for help. They didn't know that they had to kill people. Especially people that have done nothing to them. But the power is practically taking control of their mind, it's corrupting them. One time they would have control over their bodies, the next they are controlled by the magic.

"Now, imagine that that rock are your parents, aim at it. Feel the anger, and imagine that you are attacking it" Praxina said to the 2. The sisters nodded and aimed. And before they knew it, they had destroyed the rock by dark crystal. The 2 were amazed by what they just have done.

"Great. Now you have the magic under control. You 2 are now ready." Praxina said with that sadistic grin on her face. Miranda and Katrina shared the same grin. Seems like magic is VERY easy to learn.

"The princesses are now at the park. Losten to me carefully. The second we arrive there, you attack everyone that you see. Kill them for as long i care. Just make sure that i see them suffer. But first, we are gonna pay a visit to your parents" Praxina said teleporting them to their house.

The 2 sisters felt a shiver being back here. But they soon are taking back in control again. Now they are looking for Garl and Mendy.

"Where are those little shits?!" Mendy said looking for the,. Garl kept quiet, he didn't know himself and he is sure that his wife isn't gonna listen to what he has to say.

"Looking for us Mother?" Katrina said letting her show herself. Miranda appeared behind her father.

"I'm sorry daddy.." Miranda said before stabbing him. Garl screamed in agony and fell down, seeing his daughter. 

"You have changed..." was the only thing he said before stabbing him in the leg. Garl screamed yet again. 

Mendy wanted to go to the place where the screaming found place, but she couldn't do anything before Katrina had trapped her in some crystal. 

"You aren't going anywhere..." she said through teeth before stabbing her in the stomach. After that was done, she made the crystal dissapear, and the blood dripped on the floor.

The neighbors had all heard it, and had called the police. But the police was to late, the 2 sisters already disappeared, and had met up with Praxina.

"Well done girls. You 2 did a good job. I couldn't be more proud." She said knowing that will boost their ego even more. The 2 smirked.

"We couldn't have done it without you" Miranda had said playing with some crystals that she made. Now the world will see what monsters it has created. No one is gonna mess with them ever again.

"Now, let's go to the park shall we? It's time for you to keep your promise."

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