Chapter 4: Praxina

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'Those damn princesses think that they could escape me by moving to another town huh!? Well they are wrong!' Praxina thought while watching them closely. She has been watching them the moment they went back to Earth. She finally would have her revenge for killing her brother. Despite Iris saying that it wasn't their fault, deep inside Iris knew that she and the otehrs are responsible for Mephisto his 'death'.

Praxina also has seen that they have a new friend. Truth to be told, she was shocked to know that someone of Flamex is still alive, she was pretty sure that Gramorr had killed everyone that lived there. Seems like he had missed someone. AGAIN.

'Gramorr really should have checked the planet twice before he left' she thought. Not that it mattered. She wouldn't mind finishing the job for him. That would be so much as she would put it. She is gonna make sure that their deaths are slowly and painfully. Why would they have a fast one? They don't deserve that at all.

At the moment Praxina sees a young woman with orange hair on the road. She is sure that she is a spoiled brat seeing the clothes that she is wearing. Maybe , she should cause trouble. It would surely get the attention of the princesses. Yeah! She should do that! Right when she thought that, her mind immediately went to her brother. She remembered that he and her would make such plans. She let a single tear fall.

'Now is not the time Praxina! You got to think about your revenge! You can't let those memories get in your way!' She thought before she teleported somewhere else again. She was now spying on the girl.

"Tch, who does that Charlie woman who she is?! That damn orphan is all good for nothing! If i could strangle her i would! " Miranda said walking angrily. 

'Ohh, she must know that princess... She must be Miranda. Maybe i can use her... no' Praxina thought quickly changing her mind. Miranda would propably not even listen to what she has to say. Praxina kept following Miranda only to see something horrific. Yeah sure, she might be evil but she would NEVER hit her child with a BAT!

 Miranda screamed in agony when her mother hir her with a bat.

"You disgraceful little bitch! Thinking that you could be 10 seconds late and that we wouldn't notice?! What would everyone think when they see you coming late huh?! That would be a disgrace to our family!" Her mom said now laying the bat down and laying a hand on Miranda her shoulder and squeezing it rather harshly.

"Listen Miranda, you and Katrina would become the greatest people that the world would ever known, you only have to listen to your father and my instructions. Ok?" She said in a strict and threatening voice. Miranda quickly nodded.

"Yes mother" Miranda said looking at her and walking forward with her head up and walking in the house which pleased her mother. 

"Perfect Miranda, you now are learning! I am so proud of you! But don't come ever late again ok?" He mom said now in that fake sickening sweet tone. Her mom went back in the house.

Praxina was utterly disgusted with what she had seen. She followed Miranda from outside and looked through her window. She saw that Miranda wiped her make-up off and that she started to cry.

"Why me and Katrina?! Why can't i be Charlie and Raquelle! Why?! They have such a perfect life and... i am the one that gets it hard?! 'Stop crying Miranda! You're a Uiji Miranda!' Family things my ass! I don't want this! I wanna run away from this place and live my own life! Why can't i just... end it?.. oh, that's right. I have a sister that would miss me when i am gone!" Miranda sobbed out.

Praxina felt... bad for the girl. She might be evil, but she wasn't completely heartless. May e she could use that anger... yes! That's it! 

"Damn, you have been through a lot did you?" Praxina said to Miranda as she teleported in her room. Miranda gasped and turned around.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?!" Miranda said to her, not yelling loud enough for her parents to hear.

"You wanna be like Charlie right? Well, i can give you that.. i can make sure that you even can get revenge on those people you are calling your parents. All you have to do , is to take my hand" Praxina said to her holding out her hand.

Miranda was completely startled with what she is hearing. She has to make sure not to faint at any moment. But how would that be possible? Miranda pinched herself a bit to make sure that this isn't a dream at all. It was not a dream. Miranda was 100% convinced that this woman had some kind of magic, whether it sounds weird or not. But that meant that she could give her powers, and without even hesitating she shook Praxina her hand.

Praxina had an evil smirk on her face and used her powers to give Miranda powers but she is as good as hypnotized by her. Praxina her plan is now working perfectly. The only thing that she would have to do now is training Miranda. With her powers combined they would be unstoppable. She was convinced of that that is.

Miranda then let go of Praxina her hand when she was completely under the control. 

"Can we do this to my sister as well?" Miranda had asked Praxina. Praxina had her doubts. She hasn't seen Katrina at all, so she wouldn't be sure. Then Miranda has just told everything about her sister. Amd Praxina sure as hell agreed when Miranda said: " Katrina is even worse then me"

Praxina has ordered Miranda to show her her sister. Praxina saw her sister all beaten up and reached a hand out to her

"Hello there Katrina. Wanna make a deal?"

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