your pov
"may that pie was amazing, thanks again." I said bringing our plates over to the sink for me to wash.
"no problem hun, is your head feeling a bit better now you have eaten?" she asked as she started to tidy around the room.
"it is actually, yeah." I smiled.
"good I'm glad to hear, it's a shame peter didn't get home in time to join us." she said with a sigh.
"yeah I was meaning to ask where he was."
"oh! he's got an internship with Tony Stark!" She said proudly.
"Wow as in Iron man Tony Stark?" She sent a smile over her shoulder with a proud nod. "that's impressive. though I wouldn't expect anything less from your peter, he's so smart."
"that he is but he's been very secretive lately and coming home with all sorts of bruises, I worry he's getting bullied in school."
I gave her a sympathetic look as her proud face turned to one of worry. Poor May, kowing peter he wouldn't say anything even if he was being bullies. "I'm sure when hes ready he will tell you what is going on if there is something to worry about." I assured her she nodded and we went back to tidying up.
afte another 30 minuits and another cup of coffee later peter showed up.
"hey may I'm sorry I'm late Mr Stark-" He stopped as he entered the skitchen and saw me sat across from May. "Oh hey y/n." He greeted with a smile.
"hey yourself." I smiled back.
"We were just talking about you dear, and your internship with stark industries." May informs.
"yeah, quite impressive pete, how'd you land that one?" I asked taking a sip from my coffee.
"oh you know, um, tests and... stuff." he said looking round for something to focus on meaning he was hiding something or lying, but I let it go. I'm here for the company of the Parkers not to question peters success.
"well I'm sure it was a busy day, I'll fix you up some food you sit and relax." May said getting up and moving to make pete some food.
He sat down infront of me with a smile and I asked him about school, we chatted for a bit 'till somemthing started to catch his eye and he was having touble concentrating on what we were talking about.
"pete is everything ok?" I said with a light laugh.
"yeah it's just, I mean I don't want to... well I was just wondering what happened to your hands." he said looking at my hands that had plasters wrapped around some fingers and parts on my palms and a big one on the back of my left hand.
like mentioned earlier they were from cleaning up broken glass from one of dads drunk rages. the big one on the back though was from him personally when I was making dinner and he came over took the knife I was using at the time telling me I was doing it all wrong, pushing me out of the way and catching my hand with the knife as I was shoved to the floor, getting a lovely bruise on my tail bone as well.
The cut was an accident so it was okay I guess but it was a pain to clean, and hard to hide even in the ovesized hoodies with long sleeves.
"oh, h- I, smashed a glass, you know what I'm like, and, staying true to my clumsy reputation- haha-I cut my hands a few times cleaning it all up." I lie as I tug on my sleeves to cover them up, noticing I was only inches away from showing a huge bruise on my fore arm.
pete winces for a second and then raised an eyebrow at me but with a worried and confused look. realising were this was going I stand to leave.
"oh look at that it's already" actually looking at the time on my phone for the first time in a while my eyes widen. "shit, 9 already" I whisper. "got to go, thanks again for the dinner May, see you guys round." I said as I leave the room and rush to the door.
after runnig for a few blocks I round the corner to our the block of apartments, hoping he wasn't in yet. Im not allowed out past 8 unless I've told him im going out and he gives the okay. I'm no really allowed out of the house longer than an hour unless he knows I'm going to be longer and that I'm back by 8.
Some people could see that as a protective farther thing but it's just his way of proving he has all control over me. I have only made the mistake of coming home late once. when I was sixteen. I went in to school two days later with a black eye bruised ribs and wapped hands from him standing on them and twisting his foot with all his weight on it.
breathing heavy I reach the door and my heart sank as I saw him there. sat by the door smoking.
if he hadn't seen me I would have turned and ran away but it was too late.
"Well, nice of you to show up." He made eye contact and my breathing became ragged. "where the fuck have you been?" he tapped his ciggarette and ash fell to the ground in what felt like slow motion as he stood up and approached me.
"I, um, may, I ran in to may parker. when I went to get you beer? sh-she offered me over for dinner and wouldnt let me turn her down." I tried to shake out in one sentence because he hates when I stutter but I couldn't.
"Are you blaming that poor woman for your own stupidity?!" he yelled as he got closer. "and not only were you late, but you locked me out of my own fucking stupud bitch." he yelled grabbing my arm and flinging my to the floor scraping my hands as I hit it.
"Dad, I'm sorry! please!" I cried as I tried to get up but he just kicks me back down.
"what you think it's funny to lock me out while you piss aound at some boys house?!" he accuses with a swift kick to my ribs.
"no, I didn't know you were-" I was cut off by another kick. I recove as best as I could and got on to my hands and knees gasping for air.
"you like to see me mad? think it's funny when you get one over on me?" he grabs my hair and drags me back so that I'm on my back and pulls me more, scraping up my back to the top of my neck.
"well are you laughig now?" he had this smile as if he had proved a point to an argument that never existed.
it was only when he was yelling in my face that I could smell the alcohol coming fom him.
"my fucking useless daughter. give me the keys." he ordered with his hand out. I couldn't move. my head was kocked to the side from a kick to the side of my head "KEYS!" he screamed. I scrambled for my pocket and held them up tohim. he snached them away then kicked me back down to lying down on my back and walked to the door before I could get up he went in and locked the door behind him.
I wanted to get up, but i was in so much pain. so tired all of a sudden. as if on cue of course it started to rain. it just couldnt get worse.
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