"It's Amy."
"Fine, Amy."
"I think you should go to Asguard, be with Sif."
"No, you think I need help."
"Just tell me the goddamn truth for once Tony. You think I need help and the only way I can get it is with Sif and Thor in Asguard."
"Yes ok! Are you happy now Amy?"
"Just fucking peachy thanks."
I turn and storm out the door, slamming it on my goddamn finger in the process "Fucking piece of useless shit!"
"Are you ok, Lady Amelia?"
"I'm fine Thor."
"Is your finger alright?"
"It's fine." I growl.
Thor gives a smile and walks away.
Thor turns to me. "Yes?"
"Can you take me to Asguard?"
"I was just going to ask the man of iron if he needed to talk to me."
"Yeah, he wants you to take me to Asguard so I can live with Sif."
"Alright, let us go."
A bright beam of light transfers us from Midguard to Asguard. "Thank you, Heimdall."
"You are welcome, Lady Amelia."
Thor takes me towards the palace, I was used to the rainbow bridge and the gold in Asguard, it doesn't faze me anymore.
"Loki! Sif! We have a surprise."
Loki and Sif come barreling around the corner, a slight blush on Sif's cheeks as she catches Thors eye. "Amelia!"
Loki is the first one to notice that I was there. Sif was too busy flirting with Thor to notice me.
Loki wraps me in a hug and I hug him back. "Amelia! You're here!"
Loki let's me go and I am wrapped in Sifs arms. "I missed you!"
"You too, Sif."
Sif pulls away and looks at me, a concerned look shadows her face. "We are going to talk later, alright?"
I give Sif a small smile and her frown is transformed into a big smile.
"Let's go to the Allfather, he'll be pleased that you are here!"
I smile at her boost of enthusiasm, it was enough for the both of us. Loki grabs my hand and we go towards the throne room.
Loki, Thor, Sif and myself were extremely close as kids but then my mother want to visit Midguard and took me with her. She fell in love with a Midguardian, his name was Adam -an abusive man- and so every year I would go and visit with my father and Sif. Loki lost the closeness and became distant and when he tried to take over NYC, I fought against him and then I tried to persuade him to just get captured and he listened to me. Thor and myself stayed close over the course of the 17 years.
"Lady Amelia?"
"Sorry Thor, I'm coming."
I float -literally- over to Sif and walk beside them.
As we near the throne room, my palms begin to sweat and I come to a stop. Sif glances back at me, one eyebrow raised. "Are you ok sister?"
"I'm fine." I give my best fake smile but Sif shakes her head and grabs my wrist, feeling the bumps.
"Please Sif, we'll talk about this later."
"We will."
I glance at Loki, he was talking to Thor and then he glances at me. He uses his telepathy and contacts me through my mind.
Are you ok?
I'm fine.
I'll talk about it later.
No one is going to hear us.
No Loki.
I watch as his face falls and he looks at Thor. Sif grabs my hand and hauls me into the throne room and towards Odin.
"Is that you, Lady Sif?"
"And Amelia."
Frigga gets up and envelopes me into a hug. "It's good to see you again, how long are you here for?"
"Until I decide to leave."
I glare at Odin, he gives me a knowing look before turning to Sif and Thor. "Let's take a walk, shall we?"
I look at Frigga and smile. "Of course."
She smiles as we exit the room, Loki was just entering. I walk past him, accidentally shoving my shoulder into his.
"Mum? I need to speak with Amelia before she does anything. Is that alright?"
"Of course."
Frigga leaves me with Loki and he takes me to his headquarters.
"I'm not up for discussing anything."
"Fine then, I will."
"Go ahead."
"Your father is dead."
"You're not sad?"
"No. Should I be?"
"Yes, he's your father!"
"Would you be saddened if Odin were to die."
"Don't fucking lie to me Loki. You would not be sad, you'd be sad if Frigga died but you wouldn't give a damn about Odin."
Loki is suddenly extremely -and uncomfortably- close to my face. "I would care because he's the only father I knew."
"Only because you were kidnapped."
"Shut up, Amelia."
"Then fucking leave me alone."
"You're in my room."
I get off the bed and make my way towards the door, opening it and slamming it shut. Sif was at the other end of the hallway, watching me with intent.
"Amelia, your headquarters are this way."
I float towards her and follow her down the hallway, stopping at a white door.
"Once you enter, the door will change with the strengths and abilities -or powers - you may have."
I open the door and step in, the door turns black and then a fiery shade of red, a calming shade of blue, a luscious shade of green and a dusky shade of brown. In the middle a black circle forms and Sif takes a step back. "What's wrong?"
"Dad had that same symbol."
"What's so special about that?"
"That symbol means that there is a darkness inside of you that, if not tamed, will control you."
I roll my eyes and look at Sif. "I'm going to unpack. Good night Sif."
She nods and I close my door. The other side of the door was black, as was the walls. The bed was a blood red as were the dressers, the desk, the bathroom and closet doors. The carpet was black, the tiles were black and the curtains were black.
I conjure my things and unpack, getting rid of the dresses that hung in my closet.
I lay down on my bed and sigh, letting the tears spill out.
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