Brothers reunite 

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As Loki tried to get closer to the Bifrost to stop it from destroying Jotunheim, he might not be like his birth father, but the rest of the jotun were innocent and didn't deserve to die. But Amora would not let him get any closer, both of them being master spell casters. Know matter what he throws at her, she cataracts his. Loki was Losing. Amora knocked him down, and she smirked at him." You think you are the most powerful spell caster, but I am always better than you." but before she could finish, Amora was knocked off her feet by Mjolnir. Thor reached out to help Loki up; Loki took his hand, letting Thor help him up." Your late." Loki said deadpan Thor rolled his eyes." And you look like you need your big brother's help."

"Well, isn't this cute?" Amora said. Thor growled and stood next to Loki." Amora, why are you trying to destroy Jotunheim." Amora gave Thor a bright smile." My love, didn't you always say that you would kill all the frost giants? I'm making your dream come true." Thor's face fell." The I've changed." Loki blasted Amora with a gunner. She flew back." We need to shut down the Bifrost now of Jotunheim will be disrupted!" The brothers tried to run to the Bifrost gate, but Amora teleported before them." If I can't have your Thor Odin, son, then no one can!" The three of them entered a fearsome battle, the brothers against the mad enchantress, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get close to the Bifrost. The both of them share a look, and they know what they have to do. Loki used his magic to push Amora as far back as he could as Thor slammed Mjolnir onto the rainbow bridge with the help of Loki using gungnir. "What are you doing!" But they don't listen to her continuing to break the bridge. She got up, running towards them to stop what they were doing, but right as she was about to get to them, one last hit from the brothers and the rainbow bridge exploded, sending all three of them into the air as the gate fell into the void.

Then the three of them fell. Loki still held onto one end of the gungnir. Thor grabbed the other Odin grabbed Thor's ankle, keeping them from falling into the void, and Amora was holding onto Loki's Cape." Thor, let us go!" Thor was shocked." No brother, I will now lose you!" Amora climbed up Loki's cape and onto his back." Yes." She hissed." Pull us up, and I forgive you, my love but your runt you call a brother is in the way." A knife appeared, and she stabbed Loki in his back. Loki yelled in pain." Loki! You, witch, leave him alone!" But Amora just smiled curly and stabbed Loki again, but before she could do it again, Loki let out a blast of magic that was able to knower off, sending her tumbling into the void.  After Amora fell, Odin could pull his son back onto the rainbow bridge then the brothers were back on safe ground. Thor pulls Loki into his arms. Loki seemed to have passed out as soon as he was on safe ground." Loki! Wake up, please!" But Loki didn't wake; tears started to fill thors eyes. He didn't know what to do. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Thor looked up and to his father." Thor, you must get Loki to the healers now! I'm still too weak for awakening." Thor nodded and got up, holding Loki close, and ran as fast as he could toward the castle.

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