After meeting online and in person, dragging Julia into Harry's plan and knowing the whole truth about Kitty.....Zayn falling in love with Harry and Harry breaking their relationship, all those things are now in the past and Zayn and Harry started their relationship again.
Harry came to New York to mend what he'd broken and he's thankful that Zayn accepted him again.
Harry did his very best to trust Zayn and never doubt his love for him and Zayn did the same. Being in a long distance relationship isn't easy but Zayn promised that they'll make it work and Harry's holding into that. Both of them always communicate to each other, telling each other how their day went and some catching up. Harry promised that after graduating from college, he'll save up and moved with Zayn to New York. He didn't told Zayn this because he wanted it to be a surprise.
"Do you think he'll be happy about it?" Niall asked Harry and they're at the cafe where Julia works. Harry told Niall and Julia about his plan "Of course he'll be happy! stop being negative Floof" Julia responded "Zayn loves Harry so much and its sweet that he's moving with him to New York" Julia added with a sweet smile "And besides, it won't be a hassle coming back and forth here...I saved up some money that I'll use....I'll find a job there and I'll convince Zayn to buy us an apartment" Harry planned as Julia squealed "Oh my gosh Harry! I'm so happy for you!" She said almost screaming as Niall held her elbow to calmed her down "Imagine, from being chat mates to meeting each other in person and Zayn, forgiving you for lying—" Julia trailed off as she remembered how Harry and Zayn met and how she's an accomplice on Harry's plan
"—but! Look where you guys are now....both so in love!" Julia added with a dreamily sigh as Harry smiled back "Yeah, I'm so lucky to have Zayn" Harry said almost a whisper as he can't stop himself from smiling so hard remembering their first meeting.
"Well.....All I can say is, I'll miss you" Niall said as he patted Harry's shoulder. Harry gave a smile "Thank you for being a good best friend Niall" Harry responded as Niall chuckled "Of course, anything for you" he answered back.
Harry's graduation has finally come and he's so excited—for receiving his diploma and for telling Zayn that he'll move with him to New York. Harry asked Zayn to come on his graduation and Zayn didn't even think twice as he said yes and on the morning of Harry's graduation, Zayn landed at London.
He went to Niall's apartment because Harry was there preparing for the event. Julia was the one who opened the door and she squealed when she saw Zayn "ZAYN!" She leaped and gave him a hug as Zayn smiled and hugged back "Nice to see you too, Juls" Zayn said as Julia let go and grinned "He can't wait to see you!" Julia led Zayn inside Niall's apartment and when he's inside, his heart jumped seeing Harry in his black long coat "Do I look okay?" Harry asked looking at Niall "You look perfect" Zayn answered instead of Niall. Harry's chest pounded when he heard a thick and deep accent.
He slowly looked at the hallway and saw his boyfriend. Harry wanted to melt seeing Zayn who's looking at him fondly "Zayn...." Harry whispered "Hey beautiful" Zayn answered back as both of them walked towards each other and gave a quick peck on their lips and hugged each other making Julia and Niall awe in happiness.
Harry's graduation ceremony was a blast! When Harry take hold if his diploma on his hands, he can't be more happier! After the ceremony, Harry ran towards his friends and cheered "Congratulations Harry!" Julia squealed as she hugged Harry so tight and let go "Thank you guys!" Harry responded as he looks at them one by one and when his eyes landed on Zayn's, his heartbeat quickened, Zayn's effect is still the same every time Harry looks at him, he still make Harry nervous and the giddiness never left
"My Kitty's now a graduate! Congratulations!" Zayn said as he slipped his hand on Harry's waist and pulled him closer to him. Once their faces are near, Zayn gave Harry a cute nose to nose "Thank you Zaynie....and you're gonna be too, a week from now" Harry said as Zayn chuckled "Yeah....ready for the real world?" Zayn asked as Harry sighed and wrapped his arm on Zayn's shoulders "As long as I'm with you...I'll be ready" Harry gave a wide smile. Zayn cleared his throat and let go of Harry's waist. He stepped a little back as Harry was in confusion. Both Julia and Niall are smiling at Harry but Harry doesn't have a clue on what's going on.
Zayn then held Harry's hand and kissed his knuckles before saying "Move with me to New York, Harry" And with those words, Harry's breathing hitches and he feels like exploding! He was supposed to tell Zayn that he'll be moving to New York with him but Zayn asked first and Harry's so happy! Harry didn't answer at first as he was so overwhelmed and overjoyed. Zayn leaned closer to him and cupped his cheeks "If you feel like this is rush...."
"Yes...." Harry barged in as Zayn's eyebrow raised. Harry smiled as he wrapped his hands on Zayn's neck and planted a sweet kiss on his lips "Yes Zayn Malik, I would like to be with you in New York" Harry whispered as Zayn didn't utter a word but kissed Harry passionately and hugged him so tight and decided to never let go.
Zayn and Harry thanked the chat site they've both logged in to because they've met and fell in love. Zayn was lucky enough that Kitty isn't a bad person that Louis thought he'll be. He's lucky that Kitty was a kind, thoughtful and beautiful man and Zayn was so happy that Kitty is Harry.
And for Harry, meeting VasHappenin' was the most beautiful thing that had happened to his boring and introverted life.
And that's it. The love story of Kitty and VasHappenin' through Logged in.
//A/N: OKAY guyssssss that was it! That was the ending! Aww, Kitty and VasHappenin' did got their happily ever after. Moving together will be their next story in life and gosh, ZARRY are so lucky that they've met their true love online! Not all can have what they have.
Anyway, how did you guys find the ending? Please don't be shy to give comments because your comments matter to me. Thank you guys for the votes and positive feedbacks from this au! Ugh I am sooooo damn happy that this AU got 22k reads! My heart is swelling of happiness! Don't worry about your comments, I read all of them from top to bottom and let me tell you, your comments (may be positive or negative) makes me smile every time I read it. You guys are awesome!
Thank you for never leaving this au and for supporting it til the end! I hope I'll come up with a new AU soon and I hope I won't be able to stop writing.
Treat people with kindness and spread love and not hate! 🥰❤️
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