The plane had landed as Zayn and Louis is finally at London!
Louis smiled as he saw the London airport "I'm so ready to meet English ladies" Louis said as he grinned at Zayn.
Zayn playfully rolled his eyes as he grabbed his phone from his pockets "I'm excited Lou! We're finally here!" Zayn exclaimed as Louis agrees "Lets settle at our Inn first" Zayn said as he grabbed his bags and went to the exit.
They took a cab to where they're staying and it's just a small Inn, and Zayn booked a small room that fits two people. Louis was all whiny about the place since its small and cramped but Zayn doesn't mind since he's not planning on staying at the Inn.
He had planned that Julia will tour him to the city and just thinking about being with Julia for 3 days makes his heart flutters. After settling in, Zayn immediately chatted Kitty
VASHAPPENIN: Already here at London! Can't wait to see you!
Zayn smiled as he pressed send "Ugh! I'm hungry! Lets grab some food!" Louis said as Zayn stopped him "Lets wait for Kitty's reply" Zayn said as Louis glared at him "Do you think she'll reply—" Louis didn't finished his sentences when Zayn's phone beeped.
Zayn showed Louis his phone "She did replied" Zayn said as he opened the chat
KITTY: That's great! Um..I hope you'll enjoy your stay here
And with her reply, Zayn was confused, she didn't even asked them if they want to eat lunch? Zayn's fingers moved
VASHAPPENIN: Aren't you glad I'm here?
VASHAPPENIN: I feel like you're being something the matter?
Zayn pressed Send as he look at Louis "Well?" Louis asked as Zayn ignored Louis and looked at his phone again
KITTY: Everything's alright! Really!
KITTY: If it will make you feel any better, I'll take you to lunch! Where are you staying?
Zayn's eyes sparkled and he smiled from ear to ear
VASHAPPENIN: We're at Premier Inn London Beckton at 1 Woolwich
Zayn answered as he waited and then his phone beeped. He read the message and looked at Louis with a smile "What?" Louis asked as Zayn stood "We're having lunch at a pub near here, lets go!" Zayn grabbed Louis by his arm and pulled him out of their room.
Harry panicked because he just told Zayn to meet him at the pub.
He can't resist Zayn and definitely he doesn't want to lose him.
As he said that they'll meet the pub, his heart started to beat like crazy. He can't believe he's doing this! "Harry! I'm here!" Harry's head whipped as he saw Julia went inside the bookshop "What's the urgent?" Julia asked as Harry took a deep breath "I need you to go and meet Zayn" Harry said as Julia's eyes widened "What?!" She gasped.
Harry held her shoulder and look straight at her eyes "Julia Please! He's at 1 Woolwich and I told him that you'll meet him at the pub just beside the Inn" Harry said as Julia brushed off his hands on her shoulders "Are you crazy?! You hadn't told him the truth?!" Julia panicked as Harry nervously fidgets with his fingers "I don't know why I can't tell him the truth Julia, I just can't" Harry softly said as Julia looked at him.
Harry's scared of losing Zayn, the man he likes. And upon knowing Harry, he's never been like this.
Julia shook her head and sighed "Fine! Fine!" Julia said as she flail her arms on the air "I'll go!" Julia said as Harry smiled "Thank you!"
"'re coming with me" Julia said as Harry's eyes widened "No!" Harry prostested as Julia tsked "You are! In case our conversation will go astray. I don't know the guy Harry! I don't know what you guys talk about online" Julia has a point so Harry agreed on meeting Zayn.
And boy, he's nervous.
//A/N: Okay everything's messed up! Why Harry, why?! And Julia's a very good friend tho. She'll do everything just to help Harry. Ugh she's soooo sweet and sooo supportive! But will they keep up with their charade?
READY your hearts for the next chapter! Its gonna be heated and messy. Just kidding! Or not. LOL.
Thank you guys for the reads, fave and comments! YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! ❤️❤️✨
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