"I told you Kitty's a girl!" Zayn cheered as he tell Louis.
They're at the cafe with Liam and Zayn told them about Kitty.
Louis stared at Zayn "Really?" Louis answered "Hmmmm maybe she is a girl.....an old hag!" Louis said as he laughed so hard. Zayn smacked his arm as Louis stopped laughing "Ouch!" Louis whined "She's not an old hag. She studies Management" Zayn said "Just be careful Zee. We all know that online chatting is dangerous" Liam said as Zayn nodded "No worries Lili. There's no harm since she's from London" Zayn answered
"Its okay since we're a long way apart" Zayn added as Louis looked at Liam and gave him a look. A look that Zayn may have the possibility to fall inlove with his chat mate. They all know that Zayn falls easily—especially when he easily connects to a person and this Kitty person, there's a possibility that Zayn will fall deeply.
"Zee, just be careful okay? Don't give too much" Liam advised as Zayn smiled "I know Li. I know..don't worry about me" Zayn answered as Liam gave a small smile.
Zayn and Harry had been chatting for a while now.
They're both telling each other how their day went, opening up a little about their life too.
Zayn knows that Kitty likes to write music, read books and sometimes on her free time, she would hang out at the park and take photos and Zayn can't deny that he really likes Kitty.
VASHAPPENIN: Hey Kitty....what's up?
Zayn chatted as he's at his dorm in a weekend.
Louis and Liam are at a party as Zayn stayed alone at his dorm, chatting with Kitty.
KITTY: I'm fine. How about you? How did your day went?
VASHAPPENIN: It was cool. My friends are out..Alone at my dorm room. Listening to Music. How's your weekend?
KITTY: Staying at dorm too. I'm reading a book..your favorite book actually, Paulo Coelho's the alchemist
Zayn smiled as he read her reply
VASHAPPENIN: That's really an amazing book. Why you read it though?
KITTY: Because.....I'm curious why you like this book. That's all
VASHAPPENIN: Really? Nothing else?
As Harry read his reply, his heart beat fast, is he flirting with him?!
Harry's cheeks gone hot as he put aside the book and thought of what to reply
KITTY: Nothing else....what do you think is there?
Harry's hands suddenly got all sweaty and his throat gone dry waiting for his reply. As Harry's phone beeped, Harry contained himself as he opened his message
VASHAPPENIN: Maybe because you want to connect with me so bad?
Harry's eyes widened as he read his reply. God! This guy is really flirting with him.
Harry squealed as he hid himself from his duvet. What should he say? Harry reread his message again
KITTY: What if I really want to connect with you? Is that....bad?
Harry's heart is not stable right now
VASHAPPENIN: Its not bad at all Kitty, in fact, I like that very much...would you like me to be connected with you too?
As Harry read this, his entire being exploded. Exploded from so much giddiness "Calm down Harry! Calm down!" Harry said to himself as he typed in his reply
KITTY: I would very much love that...
As he pressed send, he can't believe he's actually flirting back!
After how many minutes, Vashappenin replied
VASHAPPENIN: Then I think we're connected
VASHAPPENIN: Don't you think its time to take our chat to next level?
Harry's head tilted to the side, to the next level?
VASHAPPENIN: Uhm....can I know your name?
As Harry read it, his whole body shot up as he sat on his bed, his body still covered with his duvet.
His real name.
Oh no!
If he'll know his real name, he'll definitely stalked him and will find out that he's not a girl! Harry stared at the message and then the three dots appeared that's Vashappenin's typing and then a message
VASHAPPENIN: If you're shy and all, let me take the first move...since I'm the guy. Hi, my Real name's Zayn Malik. And yours?
Harry's heart is now drumming on his chest.
Zayn Malik.
His name sounds exotic and so sexy. Harry blinked as he thought of a fake girls name. But no, he can't give him a fake one, he'll definitely look for her name on social media's.
Then Harry has an idea!
It won't hurt to use one of Niall's friends Name, right?
KITTY: Hi Zayn. I'm Julia Michaels.
//A/N: omylawd! HARRY! what are you doing? Why are youuu using someone else's name? AAHHHH what do you think will happen next? THIS STORY IS GIVING ME GOOD GOOSIES! I don't know why but it just did LOL!
Thank you for all the reads and comments! YOU GUYS ARE AWEZOME! I love you alllll! 😘❤️❤️❤️
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