Chapter 23

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Being In love is the most wonderful thing in the world. You feel happy even though the world is grey and that's what Harry Styles is feeling.

He's so happy that he feels like he's floating from the heavens for being so in love with Zayn.

Sure, they're in a long distance but both of them made it work. They would always facetime each other before their classes are finished or have their free time. And when they're really busy with school and work, they would message each other and tell that they're busy and can't talk long.

Both of them invested time and effort to make their relationship work and so far, its smooth sailing.

"Good thing you guys are doing fine" Julia said as she's with Niall and Harry at the cafe, having their hang out. Julia's on her break and she decided to do a little catch up with her friends.

Its been a while since she had fun after getting Harry and Zayn together.

Harry sighed as he crossed his arms on his chest "What's wrong babe?" Julia asked as she look at him with a concerned face "Zayn hadn't texted me..." Harry pouted as Julia looks at Niall "Didn't he told you he was busy with Uni?" Niall comforted to ease Harry's worry. Harry sighed again "He did but that was yesterday...supposedly he would text me a good morning text today but none came..."

"Look how cute you're sulking!" Julia chuckled as Harry put his elbows on the table and leaned his chin on his hand "Harry, I know you're super in love with Zayn but come on, give him time....I'm sure he misses you too and wants to see you but he can't since he's busy with school" Julia explained as Harry grabbed his phone and look at his screen and seeing Zayn's selfie as his screensaver, he smiled.

He remembered how he asked Zayn for a selfie and Zayn didn't argue or hesitated as he sent his gorgeous selfie to Harry.

Harry was all giddy receiving it and he's such a lucky man to have Zayn as his boyfriend "'re smiling now. Why are you smiling all of the sudden?" Julia asked as Harry blinked and look at his friends "I'm sorry....what?" Geez, he always gets lost everytimes he stares at Zayn "Oh right, about Zayn. Yeah, I guess he's so busy with Uni..." Harry added as he opened this inbox and decided to reread his conversation with Zayn.

Harry thought he can be calm and collected when Zayn didn't text him but he was wrong. Its been two days already and he hadn't texted him or called him and Harry's anxious and overthinking.

Overthinking that maybe Zayn decided to break them up because long distance doesn't work for him.

Or maybe he's only not busy with uni but he's also busy with someone else!

As Harry thought of this, his heart had begun to ache and he feel like passing out. What if....Zayn no longer wants him?!

Harry's entire body felt the shudder as he can't stop thinking of the possibilities! Harry got to work thinking those negative things and so after his shift ended at the bookstore, he went to Niall's apartment and barged in "Niall! Niall!" Harry screamed as Niall went out of his room wearing his pajama's "Geez, Harry can you not scream every time you come in here?! You're giving me a headache!" Niall whined, scratching his head and when he look at Harry, his eyes widened seeing Harry's tears "What the fuck...why are you crying?!" Niall asked as he approached him and held his elbow "I....I don't know..." Harry answered as he hiccuped "What do you mean, you don't know?" Niall softly asked as he led Harry on the sofa.

Both of them took their sits as Harry wiped his tears away "I....was thinking and I thought of Zayn...he hadn't contacted me in two days Niall!" Harry cried again "Two days!" He added raising his voice as Niall calmed him

"Okay...Okay I get it...calm down" Niall said as he rubbed Harry's back "And..maybe, he got bored of me...or got tired of me that's why he hadn't texted or called me" Harry sniffed as Niall sighed and grabbed the Kleenex that's on the center table "Wiped your tears" Niall said as he handed Harry the box of Kleenex "You're just exaggerating Harry...Zayn loves you" Niall comforted as Harry shook his head "If he loves me, he should have said something or anything that I won't feel this awful!" Harry responded as he blow his nose on the tissue "Harry, will you stop over reacting? You tried calling him?"

"Yes I did....couple times already"

"Call him again then..." Niall suggested as Harry grabbed his phone and look at the time. Its 7PM in London so its 3PM at New York. Harry looked at Zayn's schedule and he doesn't have class at 3PM so Harry dialed his number. If he won't pick up, Harry swear he's doing something.

Harry put his phone into speaker mode so that Niall can hear and on the third ring "Hello?" Harry's eyes widened and even Niall's as they heard a woman answered the phone!

"Hello? Who's this?" The woman asked as Harry's heart started to palpitate "I'm looking for Zayn? Who's this?" Harry shakily asked "OH Zayn! He's at—"

"Love!" Harry's breathing just stopped when he heard that thick Bradford accent from the other line "Love! I've been waiting for like ages here...I got what we need, lets finish where we left off earlier.." And with that, Harry's heart got torn to pieces. He just heard Zayn called the woman Love and even got what they need. Fuck!

He didn't responded as he quickly ended the call and look at Niall with horror "He....he found someone else" Harry said heartbroken as he started crying "Shush! Calm down Harry...lets not assume things here.." Niall said as Harry shook his head "He called him Love and talking about continuing where they left off!" Harry cried so hard as Niall is thinking best ways to stop Harry from thinking such things

"He hand't called me or text me because he has someone else" Harry choked as he lets his tears fall "Harry...come on, we know that Zayn isn't capable of doing....that" Niall said referring to cheating as Harry sobbed.

Niall wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders as he let him cry.

Harry feels like his heart is being slowly ripped off to pieces.

//A/N: OHBOY BABY HARRY...stop crying my love and stop assuming things. You love Zayn, believe in him. Zayn's a good guy! Or is it?

Thank you guys for the read! Still finishing up the remaining chapters and hopefully will be done by tomorrow. Ha! Few chapters left before the epilogue! Whohoooo! Did you guys enjoyed the whole story? You didn't get bored now, right? Ima bawl out if you did! 😭

Well, spread love and not hate! ❤️✨

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