"You know what. This burger's proper good."
You could only form a nod with your mouth full of delicious food from the Hereford cafeteria. The base seemed nice enough, maybe a little small but full of what seemed to be kind and accepting people. And that's what really matters. It reminds you of the time...
"Mate I am taking you to the doctor there is something wrong with you," said Mark, that concerned look from the train on his face as he finished his burger. "There's gotta be some sort of medic around here. Come on." He stood up from the stool he was sitting on, beckoning you to follow.
"I'm fine Mute. There's nothing wrong it's just I've never been..."
Mark ignored you, grabbed your arm and started to walk briskly to the room labeled Infirmary, earning you stares from the other operators sitting in the cafeteria. He swung the door open in a dramatic fashion and pretty much threw you in, making you lose your balance and stumble. "Have fun!" shouted Mark in a sarcastic tone before closing the door gently.
You looked around the room. It looked like pretty normal place, aside from the huge white mass of beeping and whirring technology in one corner that was way out of your understanding. There was a man with some great forearms sitting quietly in one corner of the room working on what appeared to be some sort of stim-injection pistol. He had a GIGN patch on his casual clothes so you presumed he was French. You coughed and he didn't look up.
"M-mon ami?" you stuttered, using the very little French you knew.
He looked up, then smiled warmly. "Ah, you must be one of the new recruits." He put down his tools and shook your hand with vigour. "Bonjour, my name is Gustav but I insist you call me Gus. It helps make things a little less, how do say it, formal."
Then his face turned to a more serious, maybe worrying look. "Why are you in my office? Is there something I should check for?" Gus put his hand out to feel your temperature but you carefully pushed it away. "Sorry to bother you b-but do you know where Si-Six's office is?" you asked, cursing under breath at your stupid stutter.
"It's just opposite from mine. I hope you will find Team Rainbow a good fit for your skill set." Gus waved at you as you left.
"So how did your little 'check-up' go?" jeered Mark, as he walked with you to a door with a letter six on the door handle.
"I hate you sometimes," you muttered as Mark knocked twice on the door. He grinned as a voice asked for us to come in.
And there she was. Director of Rainbow, sitting calmly with a white shirt on and her hands clasped in front of her. The room was small and minimalistic, just a table and three ordinary-looking chairs.
You and Mark sat down.
She brought out a what appeared to be pen and some sort of contract. "Sign here," she said, indicating a blank space at the bottom with perfectly manicured hand.
You took the fancy pen and wrote your name in the space. Mark also did the same. After he put the pen down, Six flashed you the briefest of smiles.
"Welcome to Rainbow."
You were awkwardly holding your bags in the middle of the dorm corridors when you saw a familiar large man.
"Laddie?" He turned around and his face lit up like a Christmas tree.
You dropped yours bags, ran up to the gentle giant and tackled him into a bear hug. You wrestled around for a bit before he fell on top of you and nearly crushed your ribs. As Seamus gave you a hand getting up you smiled, reminiscing at the memories you had made in the SAS.
"I have nae seen you, wee man, since that time doon in Dover!" (FYI : I'm half-Scottish and this is how Scottish people talk)
"Aye right!" you said, imitating his accent. "You want a hand laddie, whey your luggage?" he asked.
"Sure," you replied as Seamus lifted you and half of your belongings on his shoulders. "Where we headin' wee man?"
You frowned. "Actually, I don't really know. Who should we ask?"
"Meghan. She's responsible fae keeping' a track of the dorms," said Seamus. "Do you want me tae put you doon?"
"Yes please!" you shouted, probably a little too eagerly as the large man just dropped you onto the wooden floor. "Was that really necessary?"
"Och aye it was," he said in a cheerful voice. "Now, do you want tae sleep on the floor all peely-wally or have a nice comfy bed?"
"I think I'll take the bed," you replied as he stopped by a door with the callsigns Valkyrie, Ela, and Dokkaebi inscribed on it. "I wish you luck laddie," said Seamus winking, before knocking on the door and running back to his own dorm.
"Odwal się Zo!" you heard a voice shout.
"Who's Zo?" you shouted back. "Oh, sorry!" you heard the voice say again before a lock clicked and the door opened to reveal a woman with green hair wearing a tank top and yoga pants. There was a small GROM patch on one leg and CHAOS written along the other. "I thought you were someone else. Why are in my dorm?" she said grumpily with one hand on her hip.
"I-I'm looking for Meghan. I don't really know w-where I'm staying ma'am."
"You are new, huh..." she mused. "Meghan, new guy doesn't know where his dorm is!"
A muscular blonde in combat trousers and a short-sleeved AC DC shirt appeared at the doorway. "Nice to meet ya new kid," she said warmly. "Did Six not tell ya your dorm?"
You nodded.
"Course she didn't. I would be grumpy too if I had to do what she does everyday. Wait a sec while I get the list." Meghan disappeared and left you with the green-haired woman.
"I'm Ela, by the way," she said, without a hint of friendliness. You stood awkwardly for about another minute before you heard Meghan shout, "Found it!"
She read it, then frowned. "It says here you're in the dorm with the other SAS guys."
"No Mark is."
Meghan raised one eyebrow. "You sure kid? I mean there's no one else to bunk with. I suppose you could stay with u...."
"No way! " shouted Ela. "I am not sleeping in the same room as him!" Meghan gave you a 'sorry about that' look and suggested, "You could probably ask around, I'm sure someone else will let you in."
"Can I see the sheet please?"
"Sure new kid," said Meghan. "I'll see you around." She closed the door as Ela stuck up her middle finger at you.
You read the sheet and saw this;
DORM 7 (Extended Room)
DORM 8 (Extended Room)
DORM 11 (Small Room)
DORM 12 (Six's Quarters)
You read it again. Meghan was wrong, there was a free space. In Dorm 13.
You started to haul your bags over there when you bumped into someone and muttered a quick sorry, wanting to not intrude. They on the other hand, didn't seem to think the same way.
"Hey you! Get back here and apologise now!" The voice was cold, foreign and female. You turned round and saw a large woman in sparring gear wearing sunglasses.
"Ma'am with all due respect I already apolo..."
"Is that any way to treat your superiors?" she shouted advancing towards you. "I will teach you a lesson on how to be polite that comes in two parts. One, " she held up a finger "I repeatedly assault you until you get the message and two," she held up a second now inches from your face "You treat me with the respect I deserve you little suka!"
"Zofia!" a voice screamed from across the corridor. "Try not to kill the new guy on his first day!" You looked over Zofia's shoulder and saw a brown-haired girl wearing pajamas with the words 'It's not a Hologram' written in fabric.
Zofia sighed. "I was just teaching him a lesson about manners Aria! Go back to your spaghetti and wine!"
Aria gasped. "I will let no one else tolerate abuse from you anymore!" And with that she strode over to Zofia and slapped her across the face quite hard.
Zofia looked at her with shock and didn't hesitate to throw a punch which you blocked. "Now t-that's enough."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Aria's face beam and Zofia's grow even more irritated. You released the large womans fist of steel and picked up your bags. "Can someone tell me who Artemis is? I'm think I'm supposed to be bunking with th-them."
Aria looked like she had seen a ghost and Zofia look almost concerned. "Are you sure you are bunking with them amico?"
"I don't think there's anywhere else to go."
"Anyone is better than Artemis nowy dzieciak," said Zofia in a dangerously quiet voice.
"What's wrong with Artemis?" you asked.
Aria gave you a brief yet encouraging smile.
"See for yourself."
Author Note
Wow two chapters in and I haven't even probably introduced the OC. Well they'll definitely be in the next chapter so you can look forward to that in the next week or so. As always, thanks so much for reading.
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