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Midoriya desperately tries to tone down the smile on his face as they enter the common room. They're both nervous, though it shows in different ways. The omega red-faced and shy smile, the alpha stone-faced and squeezing their hands slightly.

Half of their classmates are up and getting new snacks, going to the bathroom, or just stretching their legs. The rest are half asleep where they ended up around the couches, pillows, and blankets that are scattered around in front of the tv.

Kirishima looks up from where he's putting in the next movie and his eyes widen when he spots the two of them. A smile breaks onto his face when he spots their hands. Bakugou looks ready to tell him to shut up, obviously expecting an onslaught of comments and questions from their friends.

And while Midoriya appreciates the support they'll get, he too can't deal with that attention right now. Everything has left him feeling raw. The combination of not sleeping properly for days, pushing himself physically, having their talk, and scenting each other afterward has left him drained.

Thankfully though, Kirishima simply winks at them, gives them a little thumbs up, and shuffles back to rejoin a sleepy Kaminari making grabby hands at him. Midoriya lets out a sigh of relief that everyone seems too distracted to really notice them. They find an open stop on the floor in some cushions that Momo has likely made for everyone.

As he sits down, leaning against the front of the couch, he feels the effects of the scenting taking hold. His muscles feel heavier now and as Bakugou drapes a blanket over both of their legs, his eyelids droop. If he wasn't feeling happier than he's felt in a week, he would be more self-conscious about the way his head finds Bakugou's shoulder. More actively aware of how the alpha freezes a moment before relaxing and putting an arm around Midoriya. Instead, all he can do is purr as calloused fingers softly brush back and forth where they rest on his arm.

Not that he expected to, but he doesn't even make it halfway into the movie before he's passed out. Too tired to hear the soft coos from Mina as he's lifted into Bakugou's arms to carry him to bed, or the responding low growl that the alpha gives her when she tries to pet his head.

He only manages to barely wake when Bakugou has arrived at the door to his room. "Hey, we're at your room," he whispers to Midoriya, low and rough. Eyes barely open a crack, and Midoriya lazily fishes out his room key and holds it up. It's a silent permission for the alpha to go inside, and the realization makes Bakugou stiffen for a moment.

After a moment though, he takes the key and- with some shuffling, opens the door. Carefully, he sets Midoriya down onto his feet so he can crawl into bed. His omega is very aware that the alpha they've been wanting is so close to their nest.

Once he's burrowed into soft blankets and pillows, Bakguou clicks the lamp off and moves to leave the room, but Midoriya manages to twist his fingers into his shirt. He's mostly instinct right now, which is what gives him the courage to whisper, "Stay,".

He's not overthinking and worrying if this is moving too fast or that he might be pressuring Bakugou. Though somewhere in the back of his mind he knows that Bakugou never does anything he doesn't want to. He's only thinking of how much he wants the smell of smoke and caramel to finally be able to become ingrained in his nest. The missing piece he's been lacking.

He wills his eyes to stay open, no matter how much they're fighting him. The usual intense red he expects is instead a softer tone. Softer than he's ever seen and it makes Midoriya want to commit the sight to memory.

His omega senses how nervous the alpha is- their alpha? -and automatically releases calming pheromones. Releasing his shirt, Midoriya lifts the edge of the blanket and that's all it takes for the Bakugou to gingerly slip in next to him.

Tomorrow he will be embarrassed about the way he instantly curls into the alpha's chest, and nuzzles into it, purring. For now though, he's all base instincts, his omega fully taking the reins.

Timidly, Bakugou wraps his arm around Midoriya, as if he doesn't quite know what to do with himself. Which would make sense. If Midoriya was in his right mind, he would realize that this is probably the first time Bakguou has cuddled with anyone. But he's not so instead he lifts his head to give Bakugou a questioning stare as if to ask him if he's alright.

Bakugou huffs slightly in response before lightly pressing his lips to his forehead. "Go to sleep, omega,". It's the first time in years that he's called Midoriya anything other than 'Deku' or 'Nerd' and he can't hold back the pleased scent he lets out, burrowing his face back into Bakugou's chest.

There are definitely things they need to talk about in more detail. Steps they need to go back and cover; ones they skipped altogether when they leaped straight to scenting instead of courting like normal people.

It almost makes Midoriya laugh; they always did do things kind of backward, didn't they? Oh well, they'll sort it out at their own pace. For now, this is enough.


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