Outfit #1 - A1

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1# - Nurse Outfit

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It was supposed to be training day for MK, but now she had to take care of her sick mentor.

How did this happen you may ask?

Apparently, Wukong tried to hide his sickness from MK and tried to get her into training, but MK noticed this and had forced her mentor to rest while she took care of him today. Wukong tried to deny the fact that he was sick, but had quickly let MK took care of him once he saw her angry glares.

Wukong was waiting for MK for a while now, and was starting to get worried until he heard the door of his room, he turned to ask MK, only for his eyes to widen and a huge red blush to appear, whiched thank God he looks like he had a fever. There stood out on the door was MK, dressed in a pink nurse outfit with a matching hat and in her hands was a first aid kit.

"B-Bud, wh-what are yo-you wearing?!" Wukong stuttered which made MK confused for a moment only to realized what he meant and calmly answered "Oh right! Since your sick and all that, I thought I would dressed up as a nurse for the occasion." This made Wukong even more flustered as he stuttered again "Y-Y-You di-didn't re-really ha-ha-have to dressed up for this kid!"

"Oh, it'll be fine Monkey King. Here, I'll leave the aid kit here just in case I need them, while I make some soup for you." MK spoke, not understanding the fact that her mentor was flustered by her outfit. Before Wukong tried to speak, she left the room already to cook some soup, he heavily sighed as he had his hands on his face and muttered "Buddha, what did I do to deserve this?~"

After a while for waiting, MK came back and in her hands was a tray with a bowl of warm soup in it "Monkey King~! I'm back!" She spoke as Wukong turned to face her as he smiled and spoke "Hey kid, you were taking a lot longer than I thought." As MK looked at Monkey King with a apologetic face "Sorry about that, I was having trouble making the soup at first, but here you go! I hope you like the soup that I made, it's my first time making it." MK happily spoke as Monkey King took a bite of her soup.

When he did, his eyes sparkle and started eating the soup a little more before he spoke "Kid, the soup you made is delicious!" The he went back to eating the soup "Really??" MK happily asked, making sure she wasn't hearing things as her mentor nodded once more. She was beaming happily in the inside and was proud of the soup she made.


The next couple of days is where MK had to take care of her mentor as he was slowly starting to feel better and would probably get out of his bed the next day.

She would always wear her nurse outfit whenever she went to Flower Fruit Mountain to take care of Monkey King. He was happy for his student to help him with his sickness but sad at the same time when he won't be able to see her wear that cute nurse outfit again. He didn't want to admit it out loud but he just loved how cute his student was in that nurse outfit, it makes his heart beat faster then the last.

So when the final day finally came, he decided to give her a small 'gift' as a thank you for the help.

As MK put the medicine away from ten aid kit once Monkey King finished them, she closed the kit and was about to leave her mentor to rest until she heard him spoke up "Hey MK, can you sit next to me real quick, there's something I need to tell you." MK turned around to face her mentor in confusion, but went by his side for a minute and let her mentor continue speaking.

"Kid listen, I appreciate all the help you did for me for the past couple of days, so I thought maybe I could give you a gift before you left." Monkey King spoke making MK looked at him in curiousty, a gift? That's something. And before MK could speak, Monkey King grabbed the cloth neck of her nurse outfit, making MK's eyes widen before she felt a pair of lips connected to her mentor's.

Silence was all what's heard until Monkey King slowly pulled his lips away from MK's, a string of saliva still connected. MK blushed as she quietly rushed out of the room, he could hear her squealing as he lightly chuckled. Pigsy was gonna kill him from this, but it was worth it.

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You thought I forgot about this, did you?

Anyways, thank you all for reading this chapter.

It took a while to finally finished this chapter since my school days and I finally finished my exams.

Anyways, I'll still be working on the secret date part on my Female MK story, so stay tuned!

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