I woke up and yawned as I looked to the side and saw Lloyd still sleeping. I smiled and shut my eyes for a good ten to twenty seconds until the alarm clock started to ring.
I groaned and sat up seeing Cole hit his head, making Jay fall off of his, Kai throwing something. making it end up on a music player making it even louder, Zane is still sleeping and Lloyd sitting up and using his power to destroy it.
I groaned again and went off the bed and stretched. "Is it Wednesday already?" Lloyd asked. "Uh. Sunrise exercise... I hate sunrise exercise." Jay said. I yawned and Sensei Wu came in, "Ah, good morning, morning, morning! Up, up. It's a new day students." We all walk tiredly to Sensei. "Before we begin sunrise exercise, I noticed the dragon made another mess outside... It looks like a two-person job. Hehe."
I rolled my eyes as the Ninja started to make excuses in order to NOT clean up the mess... "Lloyd, Y/N. Im sure you two got this hehe.." Jay said. I frown and Lloyd said, "Ah, you might've been able to dump chores on us when we were smaller, but we're grown up now.."
"Lloyd's right, we're technically almost the same age as you guys, you know! It isn't fair" I crossed my arms and looked at the Ninja. Kai sighed and the they turned around, "Ah.. You two are right. We need to settle this like me- I mean, Ninja" Kai said.
I roll my eyes and chuckle as they walk towards us, "With a round of Rock, Paper, Clamp!" The Ninja (including Lloyd) and I put our hands in, "Okay, on three.. One, two, three!" We then there down what we chose.
The Ninja and I chose Paper while Lloyd chose Rock, I snicker and walk away to the bathroom to get dressed. "haha! Paper beats rock!" I heard Jay said. "Ugh, how does paper beat rock?" Lloyd asked.
I quietly laugh as Lloyd started to clean and put the mess in a bag, "I always have to do the dirty work!" Lloyd covered his nose. "Hey, having a pet dragon requires a lot of responsibility."
"Didn't your mom ever let you have a pet?" Jay asked, I frown and look at Lloyd, "I.. don't remember my mother. She abandoned me when I was really young." Lloyd explained. Kai then asked, "She just.. left? Who took care of you?" Kai walk towards him.
"I spent my whole life at Darkly's Boarding School." Lloyd frowned and looked down, I sigh and heard a siren. We looked up and saw Nya, "Hey, I have a mission for you guys. It's the museum of History. They asked for you guys, something really strange happened." I tilted my head.
"What?" Kai asked. "You're gonna have to see it to believe it. Now go!" We nodded and ran to the museum as Lloyd handed the bag he held to Nya.
We arrived at the museum and went in, "Oh thank heavens you're here." The curator said. "We heard there was an emergency?" Sensei asked. The curator nodded and urged us to follow him. We looked at each other and followed. "The Stone Warrior exhibit opens to the public tonight, and this couldn't have come at a worse time."
I then looked over to Kai, "Uh... What couldn't have come at the worst time?" But the curator dodged the question, "Ninjago City appreciates your help in destroying the Great Devourer some time back. But it appears it's toxic venom has seeped into the city sewer system and has had the most unusual after-effect."
We then accidentally smelled it and groaned, "It stinks!" Kai said. The curator then opened a door and inside was full of stone warriors giggling, screaming and running around. I pointed my hands to the ground and wind came out of them making me fly (like Morro), "What is this?"
"The toxicity in the venom somehow brought our merchandise to life! They're so unruly! I just didn't know who else to call!" One of them jumped onto Zane's hand and punched him, making Zane drop it.
I landed and they started to lightly punch my legs, I frowned and kicked them off, breaking them in the process. "We got this covered. I think we can handle a few toys."
"And please.. Could you contain the fighting to the gift shop? The doors to the new exhibit will be opening soon. Thank you." He then left.
After he closed the door though... All hell went loose. The toys started to gang up on us and made a mess everywhere. They poured a bunch of little balls on top of Cole and Kai, making them stumble and fall.
"Alright! Playtime's over!" Kai said then did Spinjitsu. The others did as well and wrecked the entire shop. I sighed and face palmed. "Guess it can't be helped..."
Sensei then saw one leave and followed it, "Come here, you little...." Sensei stomped on it and a door behind him opened. He looked behind him and gasped, "Misako?" He asked. "Wu.."
Sensei then stuttered, "I- Uh.." Misako smiled and said, "It's been a long time." We then arrived and Jay cleared his throat, "So uh. You gonna introduce us?" Sensei then cleared his throat, "Yes, this is Misako. Lloyd's mother." The Ninja gasped and Lloyd pushed through them, "My- My mother?" He asked.
I frowned, "Ah, Lloyd? My little boy. You're so much bigger than I remember." Lloyd frowned, "yeah, well, it's been a long time." He pulled his arm away. "I didn't want us to meet like this. I have a reason why I've been away."
"Well, I don't wanna hear it." He then walks away, "Lloyd wait! Please!" I frowned and followed him. I saw him and sighed.
"You okay..?" I asked, he looked at me and sighed, "Yeah.. Just frustrated." I sat next to him and looked down. "Must've been nice... Talking back to you mom like that." he looked at me and chuckled.
I smiled and looked at Lloyd. He looked back at me and smiled back. I glanced at his lips and kissed him. He blushed and kissed back, we pulled away and smiled. We heard the door and pulled away, blushing. I glanced at him and smiled. He sighed and his blush died down.
"Lloyd? Lloyd!" I looked back at saw Misako look in here. "I'd watch your step. That sinkhole doesn't have a bottom, son. It's where I found the ancient Stone Warrior." Lloyd frowned and said, "Uh. 'Son'? You've been gone my whole life! There's nothing you can say..." He looked down.
"Well, Im going to talk anyway. You wanna know what I've been doing all this time? Long before Sensei Wu even know who would be the Green Ninja, I knew it would be you. And I knew you would eventually have to fight your father. I dropped you off at the boarding school so I could go learn everything I could about the prophecy in hope of one day preventing the final battle of good and evil. All this time, son. I've been trying to save you and your father. Long before time had a name- -" The others then walked in. "- - Ninjago was created by the First Spinjitsu Master-"
Lloyd then interrupted her, "Yeah, yeah. We've heard this story a hundred times." I then looked at the banners.
"But you've only heard half of it.. In Ninjago, there has always been balance between good and evil. So you know about how the First Spinjitsu master created Ninjago, but what if I were to tell you, in order for there to be light, there must be shadow, and within shadow, there is darkness. The blackest of darkness that existed from the very beginning. An evil spirit called, "The Overlord."
I frowned, "Did you know about this, Sensei?" Zane asked. Sensei sighed, "I was hoping that if I kept the secret, that name would never be spoken again." I frowned and looked back at Misako.
-TimeSkip after Misako told the story-
"So that's why the final battle has yet to be decided.. It was never finished." Kai said. "But where is this dark island? I've never heard of it." Cole said. "Disappeared, I presume. But the legend states that so long as the balance between good and evil remain even, the Overlord shall remain trapped from this world. I have always feared your father's ambition will ultimately lead to a shift in the balance. That is why he must be stopped." Misako explained.
"We have each felt the power of the First Spinjitsu Master, passed onto us in the form of the elemental weapons. But now that power has been inherited by the Green Ninja, which is why only Lloyd can defeat the ultimate evil. Or else all of Ninjago will fall prey to it's darkness." Sensei explained.
"Leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But faced with saving you and the world, I had no other choice." Misako said. Lloyd nodded a bit, understanding why. I smiled a bit, seeing Lloyd and his mother reunite.
I heard screaming outside and went to check. I poked my head outside and covered my mouth, 'Oh my god, this is a BIG problem...' I went back inside and heard Lloyd ask something, "Have you discovered a way to prevent me from facing my father?" Misako shook her head, "I'm sorry, not yet but I have reason to believe there's still hope."
"Guys!! We have a problem!!" I yelled and just then we all heard something at the door. "WOAH!!! Excuse me?! Will somebody please tell me- WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?!" Jay screamed/asked. "The Stone Warrior." Misako answered, "The Devourer's venom has awakened him!" Zane said.
"Oh great! Kai, take care of him." Cole ordered. "Uh, me?" Kai asked, he looked back at the Stone Warrior, he put his mask on, "Okay, blockhead." Kai then took out his sword and ran at him. "Take this!" He jumped up and swung his sword down. But the sword broke and Kai fell on his butt, "Well... In my mind's eye, I saw that playing out entirely differently." The Stone Warrior picked Kai up by the leg.
"The Overlord created his Stone Army from an indestructible material only found on the Dark Island." Misako explained. "Ah, great. You could've mentioned that earlier!!" Kai said.
The Stone Warrior then threw him outside and looked back at us. "Lloyd, use your powers!" Lloyd nodded and collected a ball of energy and shot it at the Stone Warrior creating green flames at the Stone Warriors feet. The others then cheered but I looked again and he didn't even have a scratch on him. "Uh... didn't really do that much! Look!" I said, they looked and gasped. "Uh! Wait a minute! How are we supposed to destroy this thing?" Cole asked. "You can't..." Misako said.
The Stone Warrior started to break the door frame, speaking some kind of language. He then broke the frame and walked inside. The Ninja (except Lloyd) ran at him and stared to attack. The Stone Warrior kicked Cole, punched Jay, and Zane ran at him and jumped kicking his leg. They failed and the Stone Warrior threw us all out the door and to the wall.
I fell on top of Lloyd and groaned. I opened my eyes and blushed a bit. Lloyd looked away bit and I got off of him. We all stood up and looked at the Stone Warrior. "Ah, this is gonna be much harder than a bunch of bobble-heads, fellas." Cole said. "Yeah well. Then it's a good thing we're in a museum." Jay said.
"Why's that?" Me and Misako asked. "Cause we're all about to become history!!" Jay said as the Stone Warrior went near him, "RUN!!!" We all gasped- well.. screamed and ran. "The guy's got a pair of sneakers on him! Pick up the pace! Go go go!!" Lloyd said. "What do you think we're doing?!" I asked and used the wind to fly. We went up the stairs and continued to run, "Oh, man. He's pretty fast for a big guy!" Kai pointed out. We then went through the doors and closed them.
The Stone Warrior stabbed the door, making a hole. Then he started to run into the door, trying to break the entire thing. "Ah. This thing is unstoppable!" Cole said. "Indestructible, to be precise." Zane corrected him.
"That door ain't gonna hold him forever." Kai said. "Then let's settle this like Ninja. With Rock, Paper, Clamp," I rolled my eyes and went to the Ninja. "Loser has to face him, so the rest can escape." Lloyd then walked towards us but Jay pushed him back. "Nu uh. Not you chosen one."
I gulped, "Ah.. on three. One... Two.." Kai said. "Wait a minute!! That's it!!" Lloyd said. "What's it?" Sensei asked. "If you guys can keep him busy, I think I know how to stop him." Lloyd said.
We looked at each other and I smiled, "Let's give him a shot." I said. Cole then agreed, "You're just saying that cause you're too afraid to face him." Jay said. I looked at him and said, "Do you wanna face it?" Jay looked at me and at the Stone Warrior. "I say we give the kid a shot." Lloyd then looked at a vent and ran towards it. "Be careful, Lloyd." Misako said, "And good luck." I said afterwards.
Lloyd smiled, "Thanks Mom.." He looked at me and winked. I blushed a bit and smiled. Lloyd then left through the vent. "I can't believe that's Lord Garmadon's son..." Misako said. I looked at her.
"Don't forget.. He's yours as well." Sensei Wu said. Misako smiled, "He's had a good teacher." Sensei smiled and said, "You mean.. Teachers." The Ninja walked to us.
The Stone Warrior broke through the door and we were hiding on the second floor. I peaked my head out and saw the Stone Warrior walk towards the middle. Once he was, I gave the signal and Cole jumped towards a hanging skull artifact and cut the wires, making the bones fall on top of the Stone Warrior.
"Woah! Direct hit. Haha!" Jay said. I smiled as the Ninja cheered and slid down a fossil. "Did we get him?" Cole asked. The Stone Warrior growled and broke through. "He's still here!" Kai said.
"Let's hope Lloyd's ready with his plan!" I said and we ran away. I then heard the Stone Warrior and accidentally tripped. Kai helped me up and I said, "I might not be as experienced as you but I can look after myself! You guys go while I distract him." They nodded as I flew down to the first floor. The others followed but the Stone Warrior stopped them.
I saw the Stone Warrior look at me and run towards me. I glared at him and ran towards a hallway with a bunch of vases. I hid behind a vase and saw the Stone Warrior come inside. He then started to break every vase and found me. "Sugar, Honey, Iced, Tea!" I ran away and heard Lloyd, "Y/n!" I smiled and ran towards him. I heard the Stone Warrior behind me and I ran faster.
He shushed me and pushed me behind him. "Hey, loser! Paper beats rock!!" The Stone Warrior then came closer and ran at us. Lloyd grabbed me and jumped to the side. "Woah!!" I yelled and landed on the ground. I looked at the Stone Warrior and saw that he fell down. "So this was your plan.." I chuckled. Lloyd then pulled down his mask, turned me around and kissed me.
He pulled away and smiled. I smiled back and heard the others, Misako ran towards Lloyd and hugged him, "Im so proud of you.. I feel like the balance has brought us together." Misako smiled and turned to Sensei Wu.
"Stay with us. Help us fight the good fight." Sensei said. "If that's okay with my son.." Misako looked back at Lloyd. "Hehe, hey, the more, the merrier." Lloyd said. Misako and Lloyd hugged again.
I chuckled, "Come on.. Lets go back." I said. The others agreed and we all went back to the Bounty/ Darreth's dojo.
-Bonus Scene-
I was on the Bounty and heard Lloyd and Misako approach me. I smiled and waved, "Mom.. this is Y/n. My... girlfriend." Lloyd said. I blushed and looked at Misako, "Nice to.. properly... meet you."
Misako smiled and fixed my hair since it was messy a bit. "You're so pretty! Lloyd must be happy he met you." Lloyd blushed and smiled. I giggled and thanked her. Misako then looked at Lloyd, "Cherish her.. You'll never know what might happen in the future." (KEEP THIS LINE IN MIND FOR A FUTURE CHAPTER)
Lloyd nodded, "I will." We looked at each other and smiled. Misako smiled as well, "I'll give you two some privacy." She left and felt Lloyd pull me towards him. I widened my eyes and looked at him. "Hehe... Hey." He kissed my forehead and I smiled, "Hey Green Ninja." He rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled, "I have to train now... See you." He smiled and kissed me. I kissed back and Lloyd pulled away and left.
I smile and wave, not knowing that troubles will come sooner than I had expected..
Hope you guys liked this chapter. And the three kisses that happened. XD see you soon my lovely followers
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