5 | the keepers

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The boys around us cheered and pushed past Gally, stepping into the circle. The freckled boy looked so confused for a second, before he joined in. I looked over my shoulder at Newt, wondering if he was still there. And he was, he stood in the back and just smiled at me. He rose the drink in his hand into the air and took a small sip before limping away. I watched him leave for a moment before losing him the crowd of people.

I glanced at Minho as he let my hand go, "I need to go find Newt." I said, his excited gaze finally connecting with mine.

He nodded and helped me out of the crowd.
The boys begin to rustle each other, some were drunk and others were at least tipsy. Just when we thought we had escaped, someone grabbed Minho playfully from behind, putting him in a headlock. The boy's attention diverted away from me as I stumbled out of the way, just barely avoiding another sneak attack.

I walked toward the small kitchen; in which Chuck had graciously pointed out earlier, hoping to find Newt there. Low and behold, I was surprisingly right. I spotted him out of the corner of my eye and he seemed to have done the same thing. He waved me over and smiled when I sat down. "So, " he smirked, "Bailey huh?"

I could feel a pink tint flooring my cheeks, "Yea, I think it's an alright name." I glanced down at my hands, embarrassed.

He nodded, "Yea, it's beautiful."

I snorted softly, "Thanks."

"I think Newt's a little cooler though."

"Wow, my hero."

His lips turned up into a smile, "What can I say, the job's easy."

"I think your name is pretty cool though, it's very unique."

"I have a feeling little Newt came up with it and it just stuck, you know?"

"That's adorable." I replied happily, the smile on my face growing.

"But, you know Bailey is pretty too."

I laughed, glancing up to meet his eyes once more. His light smile had now faded, he was looking intently at me. It was so weird. I had just met him but here we were, under the dark starry sky, alone.
The moonlight allowed the features on his face to stand out. Making him even more handsome then he was before.
He was so easy to talk to.
He continued to stare at me as if he was trying to figure me out. I laughed uncomfortably and ended up looking away, breaking the tension between us after a couple of seconds. He coughed as well, like he hadn't meant to stare at me for as long as he did. His gentle smile then returned as he stood up, "Can I walk you back to the tent then, love?"

I smiled calmly and nodded in return, "Of course."

He led me back to the small cabin, before leaving me alone; telling me that he needed to talk to Alby for a moment before heading to bed. I ended up letting him go and laying down on my hammock.
Sleep came easily as I dreamed of tomorrow.

He's Coming.

I awoke slowly as the light from outside poured into our small cabin. I blinked a couple of times and sat up straight, letting a small yawn escape from my lips. A slight pop came from my back as I stretched my arms into the air. I pushed the thin blanket off my legs slowly, looking down at my clothes. I had slept in the same stuff from last night. They were covered in sand from the ring.

I sighed harshly, a little irritated.
I stepped out of my hammock carefully, looking for anything I could wear till they were cleaned. While I scanned the room, I noticed one of Newt's tank tops laying off in the corner, under his own hammock.


I tip-toed over slowly, although no one else was around, I made sure to be quiet. I picked it up, using my fingers to rub a smudge of dirt off the right strap.
It obviously wasn't perfect, nothing could be in this place, but it would have to do for the moment.
He wouldn't mind, I'd just explain later.

I removed my shirt quickly and slipped his on over my green shorts.

Wow, Gally got me good huh?

I tucked the black top into my belted shorts and walked back over to my own space, slipping on my boots. I started to wish I could see myself, wondering if I looked any good in his clothes. I brushed some sand off my shorts and sighed calmly, ready to start the day.

The floor behind me creaked eagerly as someone approached. I whipped my head around sharply to see a large dark boy.

"Morning, Greenie," Alby smiled.

I took a deep breath in and turned to face him completely. "You startled me," I pouted.

He chuckled a little, crossing his arms across his widely built torso, "Sorry, I didn't know if you'd be awake or not."

I shrugged, noticing his gaze fall to the shirt I was wearing, "What's wrong?" I asked.

He met my eyes again and shrugged, letting his arms drop to his hips once more, "Hoping he'll notice?"

I gagged before awkwardly laughing, "What? No-no. My shirt is just dirty, that's all."

He nodded slowly and smiled, "Of course, my bad," he replied sarcastically, "I just came to tell you that you'll be working as a track-hoe today."

I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled weakly in return, "Oh right, sounds good."

Isn't Newt the track-hoe keeper?

Alby just grinned at me and walked away. He didn't think I liked Newt right? I just got here.

I finished tying my boots and headed toward the farm area that Chuck had pointed out the day before. There were three boys that I could make out at the moment. One was a blonde haired boy that wore a green vest and the other wore a tattered blue collared shirt, his brown curls covering his forehead.
And then, there was Newt. His dirty-blonde hair looked almost bright yellow in the sunlight, he seemed to be digging up some weeds. He stood as I got closer, his face almost lighting up immediately. I waved at him. "Hey! Bailey, good to see you slept well." he gleamed.

I grinned from ear to ear, "Thanks!"

His attention was drawn away from my eyes. He looked down at the black top that covered my torso and laughed, "We stealing clothes now? It's only day two love."

My smile faded as my face grew a bright shade of pink, "Uh," I stammered, "Y-yea sorry my shirt was really dirty."

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