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After the Holiday Break, I went into the Room of Requirements using the Hog's Head Inn entrance.

The Room I required was a safe hiding place for anyone who needed to use it. There were sleeping hammocks and bathroom stalls and a table to eat at. In the corner, there was a place to practice spells during a D.A meeting. In another corner, there was a shed for when I had to transform during a full moon

The first night I spent here was not bad. The only bad thing was that I was alone.

The next day, Dumbledore's Army came into the Room of Requirements along with Neville and Ginny.

I noticed someone was missing. "Where is Luna?" I asked. Neville and Ginny exchanged looks which made me worried.

"On the way back to Hogwarts, Death Eaters stopped the train and they captured her", Ginny said.

I lowered my head, feeling like this was my fault.

"What are they going to do to her?" Ginny asked.

"I don't know, but we have to train harder if we're going to get her back", I said.

"We don't know where she is", Cho said.

"Then, we'll have to find out where she is", I said.


I was determined to get Luna back. I had Dumbledore's Army practicing spells everyday while the Order was searching for Luna.

Most of the day, I would worry about Luna. She's my best friend and if anything happens to her, I would blame myself. I would never forgive myself.

Ginny, Neville and I split into groups. Neville worked with Lavender, Pavarti, and Zacarias. Ginny worked with Padma, Susan Bones and Michael Cormer. I was working with Seamus, Katie and Cho.

4 practice dummies stood in front of me and my group. I pointed my wand at one of the dummies. "Reducto!" I shouted. The dummy in front of me exploded in ashes. "Now, you 3 give it a go".

One by one, they shouted, "Reducto!"

The other 3 dummies exploded into ashes. I smiled, impressed. "Good job. That was great", I said.

"How much stuff do you reckon we'll be able to blow up with this spell?" Seamus asked.

"I don't know, but please don't get any ideas", I said. Seamus has a history with blowing stuff up. If I was a Death Eater, I'd be scared to try to duel with him.

"Think about it. Next time I'm in Dark Arts or Muggle Studies, I could blow up the Caro siblings' desks", Seamus said.

"You could, yes", I said. "Okay, you 3 take a breather before we get started on the Levicorpus spell".

I walked away from the group to get a listen in on Potter Watch. I listened for any good news, but I should have known there wasn't going to be any. I mostly listened to make sure I don't hear that something bad happened to Harry or Hermione or Ron.


I turned around to see Cho. "Can I have a word with you?" She asked. For a moment, I didn't know what to say. I don't think I ever had a conversation with Cho before.

"Yes. Let's not do it over here though. I'd probably get distracted", I said. We walked into the corner and stood next to the shed. "What do you want to talk about?"

"You know, I can't help, but get the feeling that you hate me. Is there anything I'm doing wrong?" Cho asked.

"You're not doing anything wrong", I said.

"Is this about Harry-?"

"This has nothing to do with Harry. People are dying, students are getting hurt, Luna has been captured and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dean, Colin and Dennis are on the run. I know rumors are going around that Harry isn't doing anything. He's just on the run. Clearly, I don't believe that. I know I've been hard during the last few days, but I'm just determined to get Luna back", I said. "Luna has been bullied before, but now she's...now the Death Eaters have a hold of her. She doesn't deserve that".

"I'm sorry", Cho said.

"It's okay. I'll have you know that I don't hate you", I said. "I never did. If you're envious of someone, you don't hate them. I mean, at first, I wasn't sure if we could trust you, but I see I was wrong to believe that".

How could I not envy Cho? Back when the Triwizard Tournament was going on, Cho was everything I wanted to be.

She was pretty, she was kind, Harry was so into her and most importantly, she wasn't a werewolf. On the Full Moons, Cho was probably staying up late with her friends or sleeping peacefully in bed. She didn't have to worry about killing someone or turning someone into a werewolf.

"Aurelia, we're going to save Luna", Cho said. "I promise".

I smiled at the reassurance. "We should probably get back to work before Seamus decides to blow something up", I said. Cho laughed.

We walked back towards Seamus and Katie. The 4 of us worked on the Levicorpus spell for the rest of the meeting.

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