Chapter 9- The New Era

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This might be really bad, but I didn't realize that the Miraculous Ladybug New York Special came out like a month ago...
So I just now watched it this weekend, and now I'm having a mini panic attack because now, everything that happens in that episode contradicts everything in my book T-T and there's no way in heck I'm rewriting this entire book...
So anyways, imma just ignore literally everything that happened in the special. (I'm not hating on that episode at all, I actually did really enjoy it and think that it was incredible)
Anyways, I've talked long enough, so onto the next chapter!!

I arrive at a cafe that Gwen and Becca took me to a week ago, called Triple Star Cafe. I really enjoyed it, so I thought it'd be a great place to meet Adrian at. I step inside and hear the little bell greet me, as I go sit in the corner, at a wooden round table with two blue iron chairs. I pull out my phone and send a text to Adrian.

I just got to the cafe. I'm at the table in the back.

A reply is sent to me a minute later.

Great! I'll meet you there in 5

I smile and set my phone down. I flip through the cafes new autumn menu, and check the time. Huh...I think. It's been eight minutes...Adrain should be here by now.

I wait a bit longer until I hear a giant crash outside the cafe. Me, along with several other costumers run outside to see a teenage girl wearing a red mask that covers her entire face except for a ripped hole over one of her eyes, netted gloves and leggings, a red crop top, and black shorts. Her black and purple ombré locks are braided together into a fishtail going down her back. She's holding some strange high-tech looking weapon that I've never seen before, and cackling. "Look about you people of New York!! Your new ruler will soon rise, And bring a new era with them!" She smirks and begins shooting the machine at people around her. A purple slime like substance sprays out of it, causing the civilians to become stuck to the sidewalk. The girl then pulls out two purple spheres from her purse, and loads them into the machine. She shoots the balls at a building, causing bricks and other debris to begin falling a towards the trapped civilians.

Suddenly I see him.

Chat Noir leaps down from atop a building, extends his stick, and spins it extremely fast, causing it to become a shield. He stands by the people, protecting them from the debris. They cheer, and rejoice. I stare at Chat Noir. He looks up and sees me. A light pink color forms in his cheeks, and he winks at me. I wink back and rush into an alleyway.

I smile and lean against the brick wall, my heart pumping  faster than usual. He's back...he's really back.  I think, blushing. "Kitti he's back!!"

"Yeah I get it, boys are cute and hot...but last time I checked THERES A TEENAGE GIRL OUT THERE SHOOTING PEOPLE WITH SLIME BALLS!" Kitti yells, an annoyed look on her tiny face.

I gasp. "Right!! What do you think about her?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. She has a familiar energy radiating from her..."

"Huh...I'll keep an eye out for anything unusual...but then again, fighting a girl with a slime gun is already unusual on its own..." I giggle. "Kitti, whiskers on!"

Before I exit the alleyway, I text Parakeet and Bandit, explaining the situation we were in.

I join Chat Noir and smile at him. "I've missed you Chaton." I say, pulling out my claws.

"Aww, too bad I missed you more~" he says.

"As much as I adore flirting with you, we should probably do our job first." I tease, ringing the little bell on his collar.


"Awwww that's absolutely adorable. I'm shipping it already!" The two of us turn around to see Bandit standing behind us, his arms crossed over his chest,
As he sarcastically squeals.

Chat noir and I blush, very embarrassed. "Heh heh, right..." I say, pulling out my mirror and holding it in a defensive position.

We begin fighting the girl and defending civilians. I deflect the slime shots with my mirror, and Bandit and Chat Noir work on trying to stop the villain girl. A few minutes later Parakeet swoops in. "Sorry I'm late to the party." She says, smirking.

"That's okay. It just meant more cake for me." I chuckle and blush at Chat Noir.

"Oooooo~ the tom cat came to visit his snowflake?" Parakeet teases, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Please..." I say, elbowing her.

"Alley Cat!! We can't keep doing this forever! We're getting tired but it's as though she could keep going all day!!" Bandit says, landing beside me.

I think for a moment. "You said that you had telekinesis, right?"

Bandit nods, as Chat Noir joins us. "I trapped edgy slime princess against a wall, but I get the feeling that she'll break out soon." He says, glancing back at the girl. "So what's the plan?"

"Parakeet, can you grab hold of 'Slime princess' and fly her into the air? Then Bandit can use his telekinesis and take the slime gun away from her and give it to Chat Noir who can use his cataclysm on it." I explain, glancing around the group.

"Sounds good to me."

"I'm in."

"I'm not sure about this...I've never used my telekinesis before." Bandit says, a worried tone in his voice.

Parakeet places her hands on his shoulders, and gives him a smile. "It'll be okay, Bandit. You've got this." She then leans close to his face, and whispers something into his ear, causing the lightest shade of pink to form on his cheeks. Chat Noir and I exchange a glance, and I shrug my shoulders.

"Okay. I'm ready."

The four of us split up. I lead the civilians away, and Bandit climbs to the top of a building. Parakeet jumps into the air. "Soar!!" She shouts. Green and blue sparkles fall on her wings, and she waves her arms, and she begins rising up into the air. She soars through the air with grace, and grabs hold of the slime girl. She flies about fifty feet straight up, holding the girl only by her arms.

"HEY!! PUT ME DOWN!! IM AFRAID OF HIGHTS OKAY??!??" The girl shrieks, flailing around.

"I just have a couple of questions. What's your name?" Parakeet asks, giving the girl a smug grin.


I look towards Bandit, who has closed his eyes. Wisps of Black energy leave his hands, and forms around the slime gun. His face looks extremely concentrated, and he seems completely unaware of the rest of the world. The slime gun slowly leaves Crimson Sky's hands. "HEY!! GIVE THAT BACK!" She yells, frantically trying to grab the metal gun.

Bandit smiles as the gun gently lands in his hands. He then tosses the gun over to Chat Noir. "Cataclysm!!" the gun turns to a black ash which then sifts between his fingers.

I smile as Parakeet and Bandit join me and Chat Noir. "Great job you guys!" I say, holding out my hand in a fist like Ladybug, Chat Noir and I did back in Paris. The four of us fist bump and shout 'pound it' together.

The New York police show up a few moments later and begin marking off the damaged sections of street with police tape. Two of the officers walk up to us, one with a plump round face and brown hair, and the other with long blonde hair and lipstick. "Quick, run!" Bandit says, shoving us all away.

We look at him, confused, but don't question it and jump away onto the rooftops.

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