Chapter 33

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Iroh jerked awake at the sound of the bugle.

He once again cracked his head on the ceiling.

He growled and slid out of his bunk, looking at Cho as his roommate carefully got up.

"We should be back to the Fire Nation soon," Iroh said.

Cho nodded with a yawn, "Yeah. We'll get your family home safely."

Iroh nodded faintly.

Cho and Iroh quickly got ready and went above deck, only to find that they were docked in the Fire Nation.

"That was faster than I expected," Iroh said to Cho.

Cho nodded.

Iroh frowned, seeing no one was in the lineup.

Everyone was crowded against the wall, looking over.

Iroh walked to Pelo, who stood on the end of the crowd with the rest of the group.

"What's going on?" Cho asked.

"Commander Bumi's being reprimanded," Pelo said.

Iroh leaned over the wall, seeing Bumi standing in front of the United Republic Council with the General of the First Division and Avatar Aang.

"You wonder why you aren't General," The elderly leader of the First Division mocked.

"General," Tenzin said firmly. He looked at Bumi, "We have no choice but to relieve you from your duties, Bumi."

The entire crew let out a chorus of disapproval.

Iroh gripped the wall, "Why!"

The council, Aang, the General and Bumi all looked up.

"Stay out of this soldier," The General snapped.

Iroh growled.

Pelo tried to grab him, but Iroh vaulted over the wall.

He used a fireblast from his feet to slow his landing. He marched towards them.

The crew watched in silence, knowing Iroh wasn't going to take it easy.

"Commander Bumi did more than any of you!" Iroh shouted.

Bumi jumped in front of his son and attempted to push him back.

Iroh jabbed a finger at the General, "You didn't bother to do your job!"

Aang placed a hand on the General's chest when he took a step forward, looking ready to fight the young soldier.

"You're the Avatar and you didn't come when your best friend needed you!" Iroh shouted, fighting to get closer as Bumi pushed him back.

"And you ridiculous excuse for a council! You all think, just because Commander Bumi is a nonbender, that he's useless! He's done more than all of you!"

Bumi pushed Iroh back, "It's fine Iroh."

"You think any of you deserve to decide what happens under Commander Bumi's watch!"

"Commander, control your soldier!" The Council's Fire Nation representative ordered.

"You don't think I'm trying?" Bumi spat. He looked at Iroh, "Calm down, just let them do their job."

"Their job? Their job! Apparently their job is sitting around doing nothing, when one of their closest allies is in danger!"

"Who do you think you are?" The General spat. "To think you have any authority over this."

Iroh growled.

Bumi's jaw locked and he moved aside, seeing the rage in his son's eyes.

Iroh marched to the General.

Aang held his hand out, telling him he was close enough.

Iroh obeyed, but didn't calm down.

"You want to know who I am?" Iroh spat, grabbing his hat and slamming it onto the planks of the docks, "I am Prince Iroh of the Fire Nation!"

The General rolled his eyes, "I don't care about your social status!"

"Iroh," Tenzin said sternly. "Please return to your ship."

"How about you return to your city and stop acting like you have authority over this!"

"Prince Iroh," Aang said. "They do have authority over this."

"Actually," Iroh said flatly. "They don't."

Tenzin opened his mouth but couldn't get anything out before Iroh continued.

"The second rule of the United Forces states that any fleet leader can take charge if a threat occurs in their home land, therefore, Commander Bumi did nothing wrong."

"He's not Fire Nation," Tenzin stated.

"Actually, Uncle," Iroh spat. "Despite being born a United Republic Native, my father, Commander Bumi, is the husband of my mother, Crown Princess Izumi, thus, he possesses Fire Nation citizenship and a Royalty status."

The soldiers on the boat looked at each other.

Iroh's group were all sharing looks of bafflement.

Tenzin looked at Avatar Aang, "He's right."

"What!" The General spat. "Just because that Royal brat--"

"Quiet General," Aang cut him off. "You're a month from retirement, don't jeopardize your last days by insulting my grandson."

The crew all let out a sound of surprise.


Everyone looked as Suki jumped over the wall.

Aang, Tenzin, and Bumi's eyes all widened when she landed on an airscooter and rode to them, hopping to her feet next to Iroh.

"And don't berate my Dad!"

Bumi snatched her up, "Suki! Did you just Airbend?"

She smiled, "Everyone else knew, I didn't see the point in keeping it anymore."

"You're an Airbender!" He tossed her in the air.

He laughed, hugging her tight.

Aang cleared his throat and everyone looked at him, "Seeing that, Prince Iroh has made a very valid point. Commander Bumi, your position is secure. You may return to your services effective immediately."

Bumi saluted.

Aang held his hands out.

Bumi handed Suki to her Grandpa, knowing what was happening.

"And Princess Suki," Aang said. "I would be very pleased to train you in your Airbending skills."

"I would like that Grandpa," She said, smiling faintly.

Iroh glanced up to the ship, seeing all his friends had left the wall.

He sighed, "Not exactly how I wanted them to find out..."

Bumi watched as Izumi and her parents stepped off the ship.

Aang bowed to them.

The council followed the Avatar's lead.

Bumi walked to Izumi and kissed her cheek.

Izumi smiled at him.

"Commander," Zuko said.

Bumi looked at him and saluted.

"I would like to thank you and your entire crew," The Fire Lord said. "It would be a pleasure to have you all attend a special ceremony to thank you all."

"We would be honored to attend," Bumi bowed to him.

"Perfect," Zuko smiled. "I will have the palace cleaned and prepped for the event."

Zuko turned to Aang, "Would you like to join us old man?"

Aang laughed, "Who do you think you're calling old? You're more gray than me."

Zuko smirked, leading Aang and his family towards the town, "Says the one hundred and sixty-three year old man."

Iroh and Bumi watched as the council boarded Tenzin's Bison.

Tenzin was about to climb on, but stopped and walked to Bumi.

Bumi crossed his arms, looking displeased.

"For the record," Tenzin said. "I was the only one who voted to give you control."

Bumi blinked and dropped his arms, "What?"

"I knew you'd be the only one who could save them, but no one else on the council believed me," Tenzin said. "I tried getting Dad to intervene, but the representatives shot him down immediately."

"You believed in me?" Bumi asked.

"Of course," Tenzin said. "I know we fight a lot, but you're still my brother. You were always there when I needed you, Kya would say the same thing. I tried being there for you, but there was a greater power against me. I'm sorry."

Bumi smiled. He grabbed Tenzin and put him in a headlock, rubbing his bald head, "Look at my little brother, being such a big man."

Iroh laughed weakly as Tenzin struggled to get out of his brother's hold.

He looked back up to the ship. He bit his lip and climbed aboard, hoping to see his friends, but none of them were to be seen.

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