The second day

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Sarah's POV: I wake up around 6 a.m. I groan as Baka stands on the other side of the room. He puts on his shirt and looks in the mirror fixing his black hair. "Hi little one." He says, I groan louder hiding under the cold sheets. He laughs loudly, I put a pillow over my head.
"If you aren't dressed in 10 minutes I am leaving and you will have to go out like that." he says looking me up and down as if he could see through the sheets.
I flip him off and he laughs and rolls his brown eyes.
I crawl under the blankets having my face at the edge of the bed. He laughs and messes my hair up more. I growl as he hits my head softly, "7 minutes princess."
I look under the covers as I'm still in my batman t shirt and my grey booty shorts that show too much of my ass. Still no underwear or bra...
"Turn around." I say making him face the wall.
I get up out of the bed as he stares at the mirror. I bend over as I grab a black bra, white boxers, blue jean booty shorts, and my "Me sarcastic? Never" tank top. I grab a brush and a hair tie. I hear him laugh as I flip him off again
"Watch that finger young lady."
"STOP LOOKING!" I say slapping his shoulder as I walk into the bathroom.
He laughs as I change in the bathroom. He knocks on the door,
"1 minute hurry your little ass."
I get out of the bathroom and slap his shoulder. I push him over and look in the mirror as I grab my hair and put it in a messy bun.
"Grab your bag, we will get breakfast on the way." He says, grabbing one of my bags.
"Don't tell me what to do." I laugh.
We leave the room as Jeremiah pays for the room as I leave the hotel and pull on the car door impatiently as he leaves the hotel. He looks at me and he grabs the car keys,
"Stop being so damn impatient." He says as he unlocks the car.
I put my bag in the back as I still hold onto heart tightly. Jeremiah smiles at me as he puts my clothes bag in the back. I jump up into the car as I grab the handle. I put heart down first and then I get in, I put heart on my lap as I buckle us in.

Baka's POV: I get into the car, the sun is already rising; 5:53 a.m. today. I give Sarah her zebra pillow as she puts her head against the pillow, she holds heart tight as I start to drive back on the highway; when she's awake we will get breakfast. We should arrive at Kanas city most likely around 11, long drive. I look at Sarah's sleeping leaning against the door, but its worth it. Time passes by, its a little past 8, Jackson, Wyoming. Sarah wakes up,
"I'm thirsty and hungry baka..." She whines with her sleepy voice.
"Pulling over pulling over." I look at her and laugh.
I pull the car over to Starbucks drive thru, she sits up stretching her back. She leans over and whispers in my ear once I'm at the black speaker,
"Hello, my name is Nicole, how may I take your order?" The young sounding lady asks
"Strawberry and creme frap light whip creme and a blueberry muffin." Sarah whispers in my ear.
"Strawberry and creme frap light whip creme and a blueberry muffin. And a black coffee no creme bacon breakfast sandwich." I say
"17.81 please at the next window." Nicole says
I pull up to the window and pay the woman. She hands us our order as Sarah impatiently grabs her drink and starts to bite the straw sipping a little bit. I roll my eyes as I put my drink in the cup holder as I place our food in the middle of us. I start driving again,
"Will you feed me? So I dont you know drive off and kill us?" I say glancing at her
"Sure baka." She says in her cute little shy voice.

Sarah's POV: I hold tight onto Heart as I hold my cold drink. I start to eat my blueberry muffin as I look at Baka and smile. I start drinking more and whenever he asks for food or a drink I help him out as his hands are on the wheel. I have no idea where we are; all I know is that I'm finally free from the hell I was living. I know I will miss my brother and my best friend. But, I hope one day they will understand why I did this to them. Leaving them like this. I look at Baka then I look out the window as rainfall steaks the tinted windows. I see all the beautiful farmland pass on this lonely road. I think of my old life; what will it be without me? Will people miss me? If they do; why?! They never acted it like it before why should they care now? Baka is humming some old ass song. I smile and it feels like its been forever since I truly felt happiness. I don't know how but somehow it's already dusk and the beautiful sun goes away.

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