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"Welcome back, I wish you all a very happy new year!" Dumbledore launched into his usual back to school speech, which Cass completely zoned out of. She'd heard it all before.

She felt McGonagalls eyes on her and she grinned, waving cheerily up at the Professor. McGonagall rolled her eyes but gave her a slight wave back, giving her a stern look to tell her to pay attention.

"—as you all know, dark times are ahead. I ask you all to remain alert when leaving the castle, we never know what is out there." Dumbledore said gravely. "I advise you all to keep your friends close, we all need people to rely on. Now, I bid you all goodnight."

"Well that was uplifting." Marlene said, rolling her eyes.

"Expect he has to address it." Dorcas muttered. "You know, prepare us for what's out there."

"All he's done is make me sad." Alice said. "I want a hot chocolate."

"Go to the kitchens then." Cass said. "Get me one if you do, I need to chat to Minnie for a sec."

"Wait, I don't know how to get into the kitchens!"

"Ask Remus!" Cass called over her shoulder as she pushed through the crowds of students towards the staff table.

Professor McGonagall was conversing with Professor Carter. Cass slowed down, not wanting to even greet the Defence Against Dark Arts Professor — who she still thought was a massive dickhead. Professor Carter turned and left, leaving McGonagall standing alone

"Hiya Minnie, happy new year." Cass said.

"Happy new year Cassiopeia." McGonagall said.

"Did you get my present?" Cass said. McGonagall nodded, smiling widely.

"Yes, thank you very much. Professor Slughorn and I had a great time dancing to that record. He showed me how to use the record player you sent." She said. Cass grinned.

"I just came to ask if we're still on for Wednesday tea?"

"Of course." McGonagall said.

"Right Minnie, well I'll be off then. Don't want to worry the gals." Cass said. McGonagall smiled.

"I'll see you in Transfiguration Cassiopeia." She said.

"Bye Minnie, love you!" Cass said, giving the older woman a tight hug. McGonagall chuckled and patted Cass gently on the back.

"Goodbye Cassiopeia."


Cass' leg bounced up and down as she tried to concentrate on the lecture that Professor Carter was giving on the patronus charm. It was the day of Averys trial and as much as Cass pretended she had forgotten about it, it was at the front of her mind.

"Miss Black, could you tell me what the incantation is?" Professor Carter drawled. Cass resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Expecto Patronum sir." She said. Carter nodded and resumed the lecture. After he dismissed the class, Cass shoved her books in her bag and attempted to hurry from the room, Lily right beside her.

"Miss Black, a word if you please." Carter said. Cass' shoulders slumped as she sighed. Lily squeezed her arm.

"I'll wait for you outside." She said. Cass smiled at her before turning to go to the Professors desk.

"Yes, sir?" She said.

"It appears you have forgotten to turn in your essay on werewolves." Carter said. "I have been looking through everybody's essays and yours is missing."

"Well sir, that essay was assigned when I was... um out of school." Cass said, averting her eyes to the floor and ignoring the slight tremor in her hands that she got every time her time at Malfoy Manor was brought up.

"Oh?" Carter raises an eyebrow. "But I thought you had caught up on all of your work."

"I have sir." Cass said, trying to keep her tone polite. "That essay must have just been missed off of the list of topics you gave me."

"I see." Carter said curtly. "Well this is a vital part of the course and you have quite simply not bothered yourself to complete it, you give me no choice but to withdraw you from my class and from taking the N.E.W.T in my subject." Cass stared at him, her jaw slackening.

"Over one essay?" She said indignantly. "I've caught up with everything after missing three months of school! I'll do the essay for you!"

"I feel it's the principle." Carter said.

"I've gotten O's in every essay I've handed in!" Cass snapped. "This is completely ridiculous Professor." Carter smirked slightly, leaning back in his chair.

"Unless you have a perfect three-feet-of-parchment essay on my desk by tomorrow morning, you are not allowed to take this class any further."

"Three feet?" Cass said.

"Yes." Carter nodded.

Cass wasn't sure what she had done to make the Professor hate her so much, but he had been out to get her since he started teaching. This was finally his chance to get at her.

"Fine." Cass said dully. As if she didn't have enough to worry about.

"Before first period tomorrow." Carter instructed.

"Right." Cass muttered, she swung her bag angrily over her shoulder, storming out of the room. Lily was waiting patiently for her outside.

"Everything okay?" She asked. Cass shook her head.

"I have to get to the library. Carter wants three feet of parchment on werewolves by tomorrow morning."

"He what?" Lily said.

"He says if it's not perfect I can't sit the N.E.W.T." Cass said. "Look Lil, I love you but I can't hang about. I'm going to need all the time I can get to write this, I'll see you later." She turned on her heel and hurried away.

Lily furrowed her brows, wondering what the fuck Professor Carter was playing at. She debated going after Cass, or even going to tell McGonagall but decided against it, opting to go down to dinner instead. With a slight sigh, she went in the opposite direction towards the great hall.


Cass fell asleep with her head resting on the back table of the library. She had finished the damned essay at around 3 in the morning, and didn't have the energy to walk all the way back to the common room. Writing the essay was kind of a blessing in disguise as it meant she didn't have time to think about the outcome of Averys trial — which was sure to be announced in the daily prophet.

Sunlight crept in to the library, rays shining into Cass' eyes. She opened them groggily, immediately panicking about her essay. She skimmed it quickly, deeming it decent enough to hand in and shoved it into her bag. She looked up to the clock in the library, reading it as 8 o'clock. Cursing under her breath, she straightened her tie, patted down her hair and picked up her belongings, deciding she did not have enough time to nip to the common room and have breakfast, as well as handing in her essay on time. She walked briskly through the corridors, ignoring the stares she was receiving — figuring it was because of her messy uniform (which wasn't actually that messy). Cass knocked on the door to Carters office, hearing a quiet come in form inside.

"Here's my essay." She said breathlessly, slightly out of breath from speeding all the way from the library.

"Leave it there." Carter waved a lazy hand towards his desk, flicking through a paper. Cass blinked a few times at the page it was on, swearing she could have seen her own face looking back at her. Carter flicked the page, and Cass decided she was imaging things.

"Uh, have a good day." Cass muttered. Carter didn't even acknowledge her again, staring intently at his paper. Cass rolled her eyes, exiting his office and closing the door with a little more force than she normally would have. She ducked into the nearest bathroom to freshen up.

"Oh there you are!" Dorcas said. "We've been looking everywhere for you."

"Are you alright?" Marlene asked.

"Me? I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Cass said, splashing some water into her face. "I'm a bit tired after that killer essay and kind of hungry but I don't have time to go to breakfast."

Dorcas and Marlene exchanged an uneasy look.

"Are you guys alright?" Cass asked.

"Course." Dorcas said. She withdrew an apple from her pocket. "I know it's not much, but I couldn't well put a fried egg in my pocket could I?"

"Cheers Dor." Cass said. "Do I smell okay?"

"Fresh as a daisy babe." Marlene said, a slight smirk tugging at her lips. She handed Cass her perfume and deodorant. "Figured you wouldn't have time to head back to the dorm."

"You're a lifesaver you are." Cass said. "Fuck Professor Carter, why's he such a dick?"

"I don't know." Marlene laughed. "Come on, we'll be late to Charms."


"You haven't read the paper, have you Cass?" Sirius asked nervously as Cass joined him for a cigarette break at break. Cass shook her head.

"Haven't had a chance, I barely had time to wake up properly this morning. Fucking Carter."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't." Sirius said.

"Is the outcome of... the trial in it like?" Cass said, taking a drag from her cigarette. Sirius bit his lip, avoiding Cass' gaze.

"Cass! Padfoot! There you guys are." James called, sauntering over to the twins. "Minnies looking for you Cass, and Pads we'll be late to Herbology."

"Minnies looking for me?" Cass repeated, her eyebrows knitting together. "Whatever for?" James looked at Sirius, who shook his head.

"Dunno." James said. "She didn't say. Said it was important though." Cass narrowed her eyes.

"That's a big fat fib James Potter." She said. "I know when you're lying, you're extremely bad at it."

"Oh would you look at the time?" James said, his voice rising a few octaves. "Well Padfoot and I have a date with the greenhouses so laters!" James grabbed Sirius' arm and dragged him quickly away, Sirius offering Cass a wave as they left. Cass rolled her eyes, stubbing out her cigarette on the wall and going back inside, heading towards McGonagalls office. She knocked on the door merrily, always loving seeing her favourite teacher.

"Come in." McGonagall said. Cass flung their door open.

"Good afternoon my dearest Minnie, how are you today?"

"I'm fine enough Cassiopeia." McGonagall said. "Take a seat."

"It's not Wednesday today, am I in trouble?" Cass asked.

"No, no of course not." McGonagall said. "Tea? Biscuit?"

"Uh okay." Cass said.

McGonagall busied herself with making two cups of tea, offering Cass the biscuit tin. Cass selected a ginger newt, nibbling ok it as McGonagall surveyed her with a grave expression.

"What's going on?" She said. McGonagall sighed and picked up the daily prophet from the side of her desk, pushing it towards Cass.


CASSIUS AVERY THE THIRD (more commonly known as just Avery) was today on trial for the murder of Pierre Colombe (in November 1977), and several accounts of torture against Cassiopeia Black — including the use of the cruciartus curse. Avery and Black have dated on and off from 1974-present, deciding to finally tie the knot in November.

After claims that Black was held against her will, and brutally tortured, Avery was finally put to the stand today. Clarisse Colombe (wife of the late Pierre) gave a statement against Avery, claiming he was a manipulative, abusive man who treated Black horrifically and rendered her a shell of her former self — not to mention landing her in St Mungos for almost a month. She also claimed that she watched Avery murder her late husband.

Despite this, Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy gave statements on the side of Avery, denying that Avery ever laid a hand on Black. Malfoy showed records of Blacks previous medical history, showing she had been treated in the past for mental illness. Although the Malfoys say that Avery never touched a hair on Cassiopeias head, they admit he is responsible for the death of Pierre Colombe, although it was completely accidental.

So, who is lying you ask?

The judge clearly took the side of Avery, relaying the fact that Cassiopeia Black is clearly suffering from some sort of condition. Orion and Walburga Black also gave statements about Blacks history of compulsive lying, proving once again that she is not the victim here—

Cass had to stop reading the article, scrunching it up in her hands. McGonagall watched worriedly as Cass' face contorted with confusion.

"This- this is bullshit." Cass whispered. "Not the victim? Not the fucking victim? I didn't realise he was the one who was held fucking captive for two fucking months!"

"I know Cassiopeia." McGonagall said hoarsely. "I think you should keep reading." Cass angrily turned back to the article.

Avery then made a statement expressing his regret on the death of Pierre Colombe, stating his death was a tragic accident.

Andromeda Tonks gave a statement on behalf of Black, once again reiterating the alleged story of years of emotional and physical torture. Tonks has every reason to hold a vendetta against the Black family, as she was infamously disowned from it after marrying Edward Tonks.

The judge took his time to decide, leaving us all on anxious anticipation to see if he would believe the blatant lies of Cassiopeia Black.

"I'm sorry, blatant fucking lies?" Cass said angrily. "Do they want to have a look in my fucking memories?"

Eventually, Cassius Avery was sentenced to nine months in Azkaban for the death of Pierre Colombe. He was cleared of all charges against Cassiopeia Black. For a more in depth view of the trial and a peek at Blacks lies, and why she did not make an appearance at today's trial, see page twelve—

"Nine months." Cass croaked, her throat as dry as a desert. "Nine measly months, for three fucking years of terror and that's not even what he's sentenced for? Accidental my arse. We all watched him try to kill Clarisse and Pierre jump in front of the curse, the killing curse, you know? The illegal one? That means shit all to the stupid Ministry if Magic, I bet you they recieved a generation 'donation' from my so-called parents, and probably the Malfoys and most definitely the fucking Averys."


"Not to mention the fact that whoever wrote this article has made me out to be a blatant fucking liar! What would I lie for? Do they know what veritaserum is? They can have a fucking rake through my head if they want, maybe my memories will scar them as much as they've scarred me! How the fuck is this fair Minnie?"

"It's not." McGonagall said softly. "It is the exact opposite of fair Cassiopeia, it is so far from the truth that it seems absolutely absurd."

"I just— fuck Minnie, I'm so goddamn terrified of them, of all of them, and they've gotten exactly what they wanted. I look crazy, those medical records are completely fake — I've never gotten help for any 'mental illness'. As far as I know, I don't even have a mental illness!" Cass was breathing very heavily, her chest rising up and down extremely fast.

"I know Cassiopeia." McGonagall said. "It's okay to be angry." Cass leapt to her feet, knocking her chair backward.

"Angry? Angry? I'm past angry, I'm utterly livid." Cass seethed. "He- he cant just get away with this! Do they not understand what he fucking put me through?"

"Cassiopeia, please sit down." McGonagall said, trying to keep her voice calm even though she was utterly livid on Cass' behalf as well.

"No Minnie I won't sit down!" Cass snapped. She raked her hands through her hair. "I'm going to have to see him again, when he gets out. He'll come for me again. He can't get me again, I won't be able to survive." She suddenly collapsed to her knees, sobs racking her body. McGonagall shit up from her desk, bending down beside the distraught Cass.

"Cassiopeia, please. Just take some deep breaths." She soothed, rubbing small circles on Cass' back. The room spun as Cass tried to steady herself, tears pouring down her face and her breathing laboured.

"Minnie, Minnie I cant do this." She sobbed. McGonagall gently put an arm around her. "Minnie you don't get it. No one does. He- he—" Cass sobbed even harder. 

"Cassiopeia please breathe." McGonagall said, painfully aware of Cass' short, laboured, breaths. Cass' vision blurred as her whole body shook with emotion, until the room faded slowly into darkness.

She had fainted.

I didn't really know how to write that article so I hope it's okay.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I kind of don't like it but we move
lmk what u think <3
love you! xx

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