Episode 2- part one

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[Third person pov | Dean]

"Dad left us some coordinates." Dean spoke to Bobby through the phone, leaning back in the driver's seat of the Impala. Sam'd gone inside to get us the pair snacks which gave Dean time to ring up Bobby. 

"You aren't headin' back? What about Liv?" Bobby spoke quietly, as Olivia was asleep upstairs. "I know, I miss her, and I know she misses me. But dad might be there! He'll be gone by the time I make a run to your place and then back." Dean sighed.

"...Alright, just make sure to call frequently. She worries about you." Bobby said. "Will do." Dean nodded, even though Bobby couldn't see him. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you." Dean could practically see Bobby grin, and he could hear the raw pride in his voice. "What?" Dean asked curiously.

"So, yesterday a neighbor of mine called, Jude." Bobby started. "Wait, the one that lives in that most-likely-haunted house?" Dean questioned. "Yeah, that one. Anyway, she called, freakin' out 'cause of a guy with a knife who just disappeared." Bobby continued.

"So Liv and I headed over and she did her first case! And she did damn well. She made a salt circle, and kept Jude calm to. She knew exactly what to do." Bobby said giddily. Dean brightened, practically beaming with pride. "Sweet! I'm gonna have to buy her more presents now. Yeah, and get her a hunter's bag for beginners. Hmm, yes." Dean nodded more to himself the more he thought about it.

"Alrighty then! Well, I have to go. I wouldn't wanna wake 'er up." Bobby said. "Alright, Bobby. See yah soon, and thanks." Dean said. "No problem." Bobby replied before hanging up. Flipping his phone shut, Dean slid it into his pocket just as Sam opened the door.

"I brought pie." Sam said, handing Dean the box along with a disposable fork and knife. Dean grinned, "Ooo, pie!"

-Later that night-

It was around ten at night when Dean decided he should go ahead and head to the supermarket to get some things for his precious daughter. Plus, they needed more beer, maybe a pack of bottled water. They were low on salt to.

"Wanna come?" Dean asked, spinning the keys on his index finger. Sam glanced at him before closing his laptop and standing up, stretching. "Why not?" He shrugged. Dean smiled, nodding before turning towards the door and marching out towards the Impala.

The drive was pretty quiet, well, if you excused 'Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin' which played softly from the Impala's speakers. Sam glanced at Dean who kept his eyes on the road, aware of Sam who continued to take looks at him.

"Will you stop that?" Dean huffed, "If you wanna say something, just say it!"

"Who was that girl you were talking to back when I was making fun of your cassette tape collection?" Sam burst out the question he'd wanted to ask for a long while now. Dean blinked, wandering what the actual hell he was talking about. When he realized, he laughed.

"Oh Sammy," Dean grinned, "what makes you think I'm gonna tell you?"


Sam and Dean both entered the grocery store, one knowing what they wanted and the other not so sure as he did have to look at the children's toys. Grabbing a cart, Dean started towards the closest thing to them, the beer. He could see the sign hanging crookedly above the isle, practically calling to them.

Sam walked ahead a bit, finding their favorite brand and putting it in before going to the next isle and getting the water. "Alright, all we need is salt and then we can leave, right?" Sam asked. Dean raised a brow, "Well then, someone's in a rush.

Sam only rolled his eyes.

Nonetheless, they started towards the isle holding all the spices and such. However, something caused Dean to stop. Sam however, not noticing, continued on. Meanwhile, Dean on the other hand turned down the isle full of toys. Children's toys.

He threw many things into the cart, mostly stuffed toys and cool things he could also play with. At the end of the isle was the children's clothing section. Shrugging, he began throwing things in. Nothing girly or pink however. Liv would string him up by his toes and let him rot if he got her any pink clothing.

Sam, who was now browsing the spices, still didn't realize his brother wasn't next to him, and he certainly didn't realize he'd turned off into the children's section. Humming quietly under his breath, Sam visibly brightened when he spotted a large container of salt.

Grabbing it, he turned around, "Hey Dean, I found the..... Dean?"

Going back to Dean, the man had the bottom of his cart filled with toys and clothing for children. Well, cool clothing that is. I mean, he found a tiny brown leather jacket nearly the same as his for her, plus some grey hoodies that had no weird kid prints on them. And that itself was rare.

"Dean, what're you doing?" Dean froze, turning around slowly with a pair of small boots in his hand. "....Shopping, Sammy, I'm shopping." Dean answered after a few seconds pause. "That's not what I mean." Sam gave a small glare, "Why are you buying female clothing for a small child?"

"...Small things are cute?" Dean tried, his statement coming out as more of a question. Sam groaned, "Put it all back, Dean."

Dean looked at him, horrified. He'd made some good finds! "All of it?" He asked weakly. "Yes, all of it." Sam glared. Dean frowned, looking at the packet cart. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes! We don't even have enough money for that." Sam sighed. "No, I have a stash." Dean said, giving Sam a pointed look.

"You have a stash of money for buying children's clothing and toys?"

"Yes, yes I do. Go ahead, judge me." 

Sam just sighed and began to put things back. Hissing, Dean made a grab for the leather jacket, also snagging a few of the hoodies as Sam pulled out things by the armful. Glaring at his brother who was staring at the things Dean held in his arms, Dean hugged them slightly, scooting back.

"Dean..." Sam said slowly, inching towards him. Dean turned on his heel and sprinted for the register, ignoring Sam's groan from behind him. The look on the poor cashiers face when he sped up and slammed the items on the counter, staring at her intently.

She was quick to scan them, and Dean was quick to pay, adamant on keeping the items. Sam had caught up by the time they were bagged. Dean smirked in triumph, slowly ripping the receipt in half for his brother to see.

Sam could only sigh.

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