Chapter Eighteen

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I look over to the corner of the room, where Lily just nodded her head towards, and I see a boy who looks just like me. Well, normal me. "Harry!" I whisper, and Lily nods her head. He's sitting talking with two friends; a bushy-haired girl and a tall boy with ginger hair (he looks like a Weasley - he probably is one!). I see Pads begin to walk towards me and Lily from where he was previously sitting. "Prongs - is that Prongslette?" he asks excitedly. I snot, and nod my head, "Yep!". Then, Lily speaks up, "Should we....umm...should we go and say hello to him?". She speaks quite quickly, and stutters, which is a thing that she only does when she is nervous. When you have literally been in love with someone for three years, and you've lived with them for five years, you kinda get to know the person. Their habits. Their likes, and dislikes. "I know I want to." I say, trying to sound calm but internally I'm screaming with nervousness.

I take a deep breath, and put my arm around Lily's shoulders, in an attempt to comfort her. Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me! To my complete and utter shock, she doesn't bat my arm away, or hit me; she smiles, and lets it stay there.




I smile back at her, and we slowly walk over to where our son is sitting. OUR SON! What the fuck! "Hello, we're the new students in fifth year. It's nice to meet you!" Lily says, shaking the bushy-haired girl's and tall red-headed boy's hands. She also shakes Harry's, and smiles. Godric, I love her smile. It just completely lights up a room! It even does this when she doesn't even look like herself. It's mad! "Hey, I'm Thomas Alexander!" I say, shaking all of their hands, and when I shake Harry's I too smile like an idiot. "Oh! I'm Holly Williams!" Lily says, after realising that she forgot to introduce herself. "Hello, it's really nice to meet you too. I'm Hermione Granger, and this is Harry Potter" here she gestures to Harry, who hesitantly raises a hand, "and Ron Weasley!". She does the same to Ron, who imitates Harry's actions. "We would offer you a seat, but unfortunately they are all filled by Hermione's books! Really though, how many subjects are you taking?" Harry says, grinning. Oh, he has my smile! Yippee!

"A fair few!" the girl called Hermione replies, immediately going back to the shit ton of work layed out in front of her. Merlin, she's worse than Lily - and I didn't think that was possible! And judging by the look on Lily's face, she didn't think so either. "Oh, Ancient Runes! I love that subject!" Lily says, and sits down on the arm of Hermione's armchair. "Here, I don't have much homework. Do you want some help?" Lily asks, being the kind, helpful, beautiful person that she is. "Actually, that would be great! Neither of the boys are doing Ancient Runes, and I find it such a fascinating subject, don't you? Would you mind grabbing that book there, and telling me...this?"" Hermione says, speaking quite quickly. In no time at all, Hermione and Lily are completely absorbed in Ancient Runes, and I go over and begin to talk to Harry and Ron.

"Hey! So, I hear that you play Quidditch!" I say, sitting beside Harry on the sofa that has just been freed from Hermione's work. "Yep! Best Seeker that Gryffindor's had in a long time!" Ron says, and Harry blushes a bit. "That's so cool! I myself prefer to play Chaser!" I say, and Harry looks up at me and smiles. "That's so cool! My dad was a great Chaser, one of the best that the school's ever seen, according to Professor McGonagall!" he says, and I can barely keep my grin from splitting my face apart. Thanks Minnie! You know, I always knew that she secretly loved me (more than Padfoot anyways!). "That's really great! Hey, what team do you support?" I say, and we begin talking about all things Quidditch.

After about half an hour of non-stop Quidditch talk, Ron says, "Hey Harry! We should probably make a start on all of this bloody homework! Merlin, I already hate Divination, and we're only two days in!". I have to agree with him there; Divination is a whole load of shit! "Bloody Trelawney's wanting us to do a dream diary. Hey, Ron! I should just say that I dreamt of dying every night! I mean, she'll definitely believe me!" Harry says, and Ron snorts. "I mean, to be fair to you mate, she has already predicted your death like twice!". Honestly, I'm just relieved that I don't have to be taught by this Trelawney woman. I'm so glad that Dumbles has only put us down for a couple of classes this year!

As they begin to get to work, I leave my SON and his friend to continue doing their homework. Merlin, that still sounds strange to say! Lily sees me stand up, and does the same herself, and together we walk back towards our friends. A chorus of, "So, how did it go?" sounds from all of them, and Lily and I just grin. "He has two great friends, and is apparently a great Seeker! Also, I found out that Minnie really does like me!" I say excitedly, and Lily and I begin to quietly tell them all about our meeting with Ron, Hermione and Harry.

After we finish, we all head up to bed, and as I fall asleep (after explaining to Fred, George and Lee why we weren't in classes all day - 'Dumbledore was explaining the OWLs to us') I think about Harry, and what mine and Lily's life together looked like. I also think of Padfoot, and all the pain that he must be in right now. I think of Moony, and how he is all alone. I made sure to pat Moony on the back before going to bed, and I gave Padfoot a hug, just to show that I definitely believe him and that he is, and always will be, my best friend. Peter is sleeping in the dormitory with us, but we all just completely ignore him. Thankfully, the Weasley twins and Lee didn't question the silence, and we all managed to get into bed without any necessary interaction.

I want to meet Padfoot, the old one. I want to tell him that it will all be ok, that I believe in his innocence. I want to tell him that he's my brother, and I love him.

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