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So, my granny passed this morning. I think I'm okay. She's been in rehab for the past month because of a back issue, so we'd grown used to her not being home. My papa is having a hard time, they were together for 68 years. I'm trying to think about how the one story she never forgot was when she first saw my papa. Today was the first day I've ever in my seventeen years seen him cry.

Anyway, I still plan to do Lisoo Love Story on it's originally planned start date, but the updates might not be a frequent as chapters progress. I hope to have one new one out a week if I can't do two, but if that doesn't happen, I want to apologize ahead of time. I'm probably going to put up a new poster in two days, so look out for that.

Now I have a crying headache so I'm going to nap. Have a good day/night and cherish your time with your loved ones.


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