Our Rose

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"I'm gonna be upfront with you; I like Rosé," Lisa said. She crossed her arms, giving the girl on the other side of the table a hard stare.

"So do I," Jisoo replied, her eyes narrowed in annoyance. 

"I'm not backing down," Lisa told her.

"Neither am I." Jennie rolled her eyes from the booth next to their table. She was on a date with Kai and ended up having to listen to her friends' spat about their Australian friend.

"I guess we're competing now."


"I hope you find someone good after I get Rosie," Lisa taunted with a fake smile.

"You seem like a really fun girl. I know after Rosé and I start dating, you'll move on with someone great." After the girls left, Jennie looked to Kai as he awkwardly sipped his drink, having heard the entire conversation. 

"I give them four months until they fall for each other," Jennie told him, already placing her bet.

"Six," Kai countered. 

"Rosie, let's go to the park!"

"No, we should go to the zoo!" Lisa and Jisoo stared each other down as they both asked Rosé on unofficial dates. The pink-haired girl in question shifted her gaze between the pair, the gears in her mind working quietly. Her two friends hadn't known each other long but they seemed to have a rivalry going over something she wasn't sure of. 

"How about all three of us go to the park and then to the zoo," she suggested. Jisoo and Lisa glared at each other as the trio left Rosé's apartment, a picnic basket swinging in the Australian's hands. When they got to the park, she spread out a blanket and sat down, her flowing white skirt spreading around her like a fan. 

Both the Korean and the Thai's hearts melted as they stared at the girl on the ground. All throughout lunch, the two admired their crush; the way her soft rose petal pink hair raced down her back and over her shoulders in small waves, her baby blue shirt tucked into her white skirt and the pink ballet flats on her feet. 

It wasn't hard to see why both girls were infatuated with the chipmunk cheeked girl, nor was it hard for her to see the way Lisa and Jisoo watched her. While the pair packed everything back up, Rosé discreetly texted Jennie, a smile on her face as the two began scheming.

After two months of forcing both Lisa and Jisoo to be in the same space, Rosé was starting to lose hope they would really fall for each other. Jennie was confident that if they were forced to be together, feelings would naturally form. 

The four girls and Kai were out in a small rowboat on the river, the male being forced to row for them. Jennie's attention bounced between playing around with Rosé and teasing Kai while Jisoo and Lisa made small talk at the end of the boat.

Smiling to herself, Lisa dipped her fingers in the water, her eyes searching for fish under the rippling waves. Not having anything better to do, Jisoo's eyes followed the girl next to her, a tiny grin breaking out on her face as the younger giggled at a fish swimming close to the boat. 

Humming a laugh, the Korean girl leaned over and poked the water, scaring the fish off in the opposite direction as the water rippled around their fingers. "Jisoo, why did you do that," Lisa whined as she pulled her hand back, drying it on her jeans. 

"'Cause it was funny," the older girl replied. Gaping at her, Lisa dipped her hand back into the water and splashed at the purple-haired girl next to her. Squealing, the two engaged in water warfare, neither of them noticing that they were laughing and having fun with their perceived rival. When Kai rowed them back to the bank, breath heavy, arms weak, and sweat on his brow, the oldest and youngest of the group was drenched.

Jisoo walked home alone, receiving funny looks from passerbys eyeing the soaked girl and the absent-minded smile on her face. Entering her apartment, something hit her; the happiness from earlier had faded into a sad ache starting when she walked away from a particular girl who's face bounced around her mind, and it wasn't Rosie.

After three months of forcing Jisoo and Lisa to be together, the eldest confided in Jennie about her crush on the youngest of their group. The New Zealander immediately blabbed to Kai, who in turn blabbed to Rosé, who took a victory lap around the park on her pink bike, whooping like a gibbon. The more Jisoo was around the youngest girl, the more her heart beat like a drum in a way it never had before. 

Eventually, she talked to Rosé about her new crush on Lisa and her old crush on her friend.  After a long talk, the pink-haired girl decided to help Jisoo make the Thai fall for her. All of their attempts seemed to come to naught until four long months had passed since the day at the cafe. 

While the girls were out for lunch, a friend of Kai's and a friend of a friend of Lisa's ran into them while they were having lunch. The way Doyoung and Jinyoung spoke to Jisoo made the blonde girl's blood boil. She wanted nothing more than to throw her food on the two boys and drag her friend out. Just as Kai asked the pair to sit down, Lisa exaggeratedly stretched out and wrapped her arms around Jisoo's waist. "Chichu, I'm hungry. Give me food," she fussed, missing the way Kai nudged his friends. 

Doyoung and Jinyoung knew about Jisoo's crush on Lisa and volunteered to help force the girl to make a move. Rolling her eyes, the Korean picked up a piece of chicken and held it in front of Lisa's mouth. "Open up," she ordered. Smiling widely, the Thai took the food sending a smug grin to the newcomers. 

"Jisoo, feed me too," Jinyoung whined. Always the actor, he fully committed to flirting with his co-worker, fighting a smile as the tall blonde girl stared daggers at him. Jisoo gave him a bite of chicken, making almost everyone at the table laugh as Lisa wailed for more food. Eventually, the blonde wrapped herself around Jisoo like a koala, nuzzling her face on the older girl's head. 

"Lisa, you aren't a python, stop squeezing me!"

"Nope! You're comfy." When Jennie and Rosé pried Lisa off their elder, the group went home while Lisa stood on the sidewalk, her eyes following the oldest of her group across the street and into a cab. When the yellow car was out of sight, she took off in a dead sprint, nearly tackling the three guys walking down the sidewalk. 

"Jinyoung," she yelled. Kai, Doyoung, and Jinyoung turned around,  confusion painting their faces. 

"What's up Li-"

"Don't do that again," she interrupted. "That flirting bull, don't do it." Grinning at his friends, Jinyoung looked back at her, a blank look on his face.

"Why not? She's not dating anyone so why can't I flirt with her?"

"Because," Lisa started. She opened her mouth but didn't say anything. It was true, Jisoo wasn't dating anyone and she was Lisa's rival for Rosé, only they weren't really feuding anymore, were they?  She and Jisoo were friends, so why did she want to push Jinyoung in front of a bus for flirting with her friend? "Because you just shouldn't. She's too good for you!" Turning away quickly, she power-walked in the opposite direction, missing the high fives the guys were giving each other.

"I'll tell Bambam you said hi," Jinyoung called to her. Pulling out his phone after the Thai girl was out of sight, he called his friend.

"Bambam," he said into the phone while Kai and Doyoung both making their own calls. "It worked, Lisa was all over Jisoo during lunch." Doyoung smiled as he heard Bambam laughing from over the phone, his own friends cackling as he explained what happened. "Bam, tell the guys to meet us at the park next to the weird feather statue." Another pause before the man frowned. "No, not the playground, the park." This time a sigh. "I better not find you and Jackson playing on the jungle gym or I'm duct taping you both to the ceiling while you're asleep."

Six months into Operation Lisoo, Jennie, Rosé, Kai, Doyoung, Jinyoung, and their groups of friends met up to enact their grand ploy. In total, thirty-nine people were sitting in the park at night in dark coats, looking shady as all get out, with several of them playing on the playground.

An hour later, they were ready to execute their plan.

"Jennie, where are you," Jisoo grumbled as she pulled her jacket tighter around her body. The younger girl called her thirty minutes earlier in hysterics saying that she and Kai broke up and that she needed Jisoo to pick her up. Popping her head up at the sound of footsteps, Jisoo found Lisa running down the street in a robe, pajama pants, and moose house slippers. 

"Jisoo, why are you here? Where's Jennie? She called me crying, saying that she and Kai broke up." 

"She told me the same thing. Why are you in your pajamas?"

"I just got out of the shower when my phone rang. If she called both of us, then where is she?" The sounds of several footsteps came from a nearby alleyway, causing Jisoo to stiffen. As a group of men came from the dark side lane, the older girl pushed Lisa behind her, her eyes narrowing as the men stumbled closer.

All of them were tall, each being around six feet tall, give or take a couple of inches. One of them called out to them in English, his friends laughing as they got closer. "What did they say," Jisoo asked Lisa quietly.

"I think we should go now, Jennie isn't here," Lisa mumbled softly, anxiety written all over her face. Slowly, the two backed away, Jisoo pushing on the younger girl's lower back as they turned around to walk hastily back to the main road. The men were still calling to them as they sped up, the older of the two gripping her companion's hand tightly.

As she heard them get closer, Jisoo tugged on Lisa's arm. "Run," she ordered. Hands linked, the girls took off in a run, the men hot on their trail. Both of them screamed as they were grabbed from behind, both being lifted off the ground. One held Lisa around the waist, her arms being trapped to her sides while another held her legs.

Two more captured Jisoo as they dragged the girls back to the alley and the van wedged inside. Cloths were tided around their eyes as their hands were bound behind their backs, duct tape over their lips. The men set them down gingerly in the back of the van and held down their legs as they started moving. 

Jisoo tried to curl herself around Lisa, doing her best to protect the younger girl from their kidnappers, tears rolling down both of their faces. After a while the vehicle slowed to a stop, the abductors carrying them carefully over their shoulders into the building. When the blindfolds were taken off, the two terrified girls looked around for an escape as the group of six men surrounded them, colorful bandanas concealing their identities. 

"Any last words," the one covered by a red bandana asked.

"Help," Jisoo screamed, desperate to get away from the scary group in front of her. Booming and strangely familiar laughs came from around the semicircle as Lisa buried her face in Jisoo's shoulder. 

"No one can hear you, little one," a guy with a funny accent told her. "Get everything out before we come back. It'll be the last chance you get." Together, the six stalked off, laughing as they exited the dark building through an emergency exit door vaguely lit by dim red letters. 

"We need to get out of here," Lisa said faintly. "Come on, let's run for it." She stood up, sliding her back against the wall for support, her eyes trained on the outline of the exit. 

"Not that way," Jisoo interjected. "They're probably waiting out there. We need to find another way out." Standing by her side, Jisoo looked around for another door or window. The only light in the room came from a light above their heads, illuminating a small half-circle around the girls. Sticking close to each other, the pair shuffled into the darkness, hoping like hell they wouldn't step on anything horrifying. 

Eventually, their wanderings got them to a set of stairs in the pitch-black darkness. "I'm going up first," Jisoo told Lisa. "Follow me and be careful." Giving a small, 'okay,' the two gradually made it up the steps, arriving at a narrow walkway suspended above the black floor. 

"What do we do now," Lisa asked. Their hands were tied behind their back and they were standing high above the ground.

"We'll wait them out. When they start searching for us, they'll have to turn on the lights to find us. They probably won't think of looking up here because of the stairs so while they're busy searching the ground floor, we'll sneak back down and rush out the door." It wasn't the best plan or a good plan for that matter, but it was the best she could come up with other than throwing themselves out a window or off the catwalk.   

"Okay." The two kneeled down, watching the exit for the men to come back in, their adrenaline slowly fading the longer they waited. "Maybe we can go down and sneak out the door. I think they left," Lisa whispered. Before Jisoo could respond, the door was flung open.

"Have we had our heart to heart," one of the men shouted. His voice made both Jisoo and Lisa furrow their brows. They knew that voice. 

"Where'd they go," a man with a higher voice shouted. 

"Find them, they couldn't have gotten far!" Quickly, the six men spread out as they turned on the flashlights to their phones, poking a hole in the girls' plan as the lights stayed off. Looking around carefully, Jisoo slowly led the way to the direction of the stairs, Lisa following behind closely. The man covered by a purple bandana looked up as he heard a faint sound above him, catching Lisa's wide eyes.

"They're on the catwalk," he shouted, pointing to the faint outlines of the girls above. "Get them!" The six kidnappers sprinted towards the stairs as Jisoo and Lisa stood up, their stomachs dropping as they ran along the metal pathway, giving up on being stealthy. 

Jisoo ran into a railing, nearly knocking the wind out of herself, Lisa crashing into her back a second later. "Why'd you stop," she asked frantically.  

"There's a railing. Try going right, I'll go left" Both girls shuffled to the sides, looking for another way to go as the men charged up the stairs, their long legs letting them skip steps. 

"It's over here," Lisa shouted as she found a missing space in the railing. The two ran to the right, making sure they could feel where the railing would go missing and anther path would open up as the light of phone flashlights chased them. Being able to see the floor made running easier, though they were still caught quickly. Arms clamped around Jisoo's arms, making her jerk to a stop as Lisa ran forward. 

"Lisa, run," Jisoo screamed as her back hit the chest of an abductor. "Don't stop!" 

"Shh," the man holding her said as the other five men continued after the thin Thai girl. "You could get hurt if you keep jerking around," he told her. If she were in any other situation she would be able to name the voice, but in the heat of the moment, she was focused solely on getting away and protecting Lisa. 

When the men came back, two were carrying Lisa like a log, the five of them breathing heavily as the girls fought against their kidnappers. Going still, Jisoo watched with wide eyes as a third man wrapped his arms around Lisa's waist in an attempt to still her. The silent standoff was interrupted by the exit door opening, several more people pouring into the warehouse as Jisoo was now able to identify. 

Before the arms holding her could tighten anymore, the Korean girl pushed back against the chest and dropped down, attempting to knock the man down as she slipped in between his legs. Kicking out at the back of his knee, Jisoo was nearly crushed by the person holding her, forcing her to slide along the floor to avoid having a hundred and thirty pounds dropped on her. 

Rolling to the side, she started tipping over the edge of the catwalk as the captor caught her arms, holding them at a painfully angle to keep her from going over the side. "Stay still," the man holding her shouted. Groaning through clenched teeth, Jisoo tried to adjust her arms to a less painfully position, making her coat slip in the man's hands. "Don't move!"

Lisa screamed, thrashing around to be let go while she stared at Jisoo's dangling form, the man holding her trying to hardest to pull her back over the edge but unable to get a good grip on her arms. "Lisa," Jisoo screamed as she slipped, even more, the other captors reached their hands out to grab her as well but only managing to make it harder for the man holding her arms to pull her back up.

"I love you," she shouted, tears rolling down her face. "Remember that. I love you!" Jisoo could make out the struggling form of the girl she confessed to as the pitch-black floor became a little closer. A hand reached in between the arms wrapped around her biceps to grab the collar of her coat, effectively pushing away the hands actually keep her up. 

"I love you," Lisa shouted as she thrashed ever harder, desperate to pull Jisoo back onto the metal walkway and hug the life out of the woman herself.

"Everyone move-" the man holding Jisoo said as he got his feet underneath himself, pulling her up as he used his entire body to lift, just for the emerald fabric of the girl's coat to rip. Screaming on her way down, Jisoo flailed her legs, expecting to hit the ground and splatter like a pumpkin while the people on the walkway scream with her. Lisa howled until the men finally dropped her, all of them rushing to the railing, shining their flashlights on the ground to see if Jisoo had indeed went splat like a tossed

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