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Lisa's POV

"Ya, nallalisa! Get dress, we'll go to the grocery." Jisoo unnie said.

"But it's freezing outside." I said while covering myself with a blanket.

"No buts! We don't have any food on the cabinet."

"Unnie!" I protested.

"Ppong ppong!" She said to shut me up. Ugh! That works all the time!

Since I don't have a choice, I stood up from the warm comfortable couch then I went to my room. I wore my purple hoodie and denim pants then I grab my bag, black beanie and mask to hide my face. I open my fridge, my members gave me this as a birthday gift last year, then I saw I don't any have chocolates and snacks left. I'll buy stocks later.

"Let's go." Jisoo unnie said while grinning like an idiot. She knew that I don't like going out when it's winter.

"You better treat me a dinner later, unnie." I said while wearing my coat.

We went outside and I immediately hug myself. It's freezing! We called a cab then jisoo unnie said the mall.

After an hour, we finally arrive at the mall. Traffic is really bad because of the snow last night.

We entered the mall and immediately feel relieved when warm air starts to fan on my skin.

"Ya, let's go." She held my arms then pulled me towards the supermarket.

She made me push the cart when we went inside. This is the reason why she wants me to go with her. Like jennie unnie or chaeng, they made me carry all the heavy stuffs coz they say I'm the strongest in our group.

Minutes passed and the cart is already full. "Ya, you said you only have 200 dollars." I reminded her.

"You brought your wallet with you, right?" She asked and I nodded.

"Then we have nothing to worry about." She grinned then she stole the cart from me.

"Ya, unnie! Where is our monthly food allowance! Why would you use my money!" I ranted but she went on the cashier. The line is long maybe because Christmas is just two weeks from now.

"We ate on a 5 star restaurant last week, remember? We don't have any food allowance left and since you suggested to eat there, it's your fault. So you have to—" she explains but I cut her off. I never win on an argument with her.

"Fine, I'll just get some snacks." I said then I grab a basket.

"Leave your wallet on my care, lali con artist." She said that made me groan.

"Don't spend to much, arasso?" I handed her my wallet and she immediately took it.

"Oh don't worry, kokki lisa. Your wallet is in good hands!"

I left her waiting in line then I went to the chocolate section. I was deciding if I'll get ferrero or herseys when I felt eyes staring at me.

"Oh my gosh, is that lisa of blackpink?" I froze when I heard a woman's voice behind me. Oh no! Please, they can't recognize me. Manager unnie will get mad!

I carry my basket then I walk fast, trying not to be suspicious.

"It is Lalisa!" Someone shouted. I look back then I saw more or less 20 people running towards my direction.

How did they knew it's me? My whole face is covered!

I run, leaving my basket on the floor, while finding a place to hide but unfortunately I can't find one. I thought of going to jisoo unnie but she will also be recognize by fans. That unnie cannot run fast.

I ran out of the supermarket but it's not a great idea. My fans screamed my name and it gather more attention. I look back and saw a huge amout of fans shouting at me. I've been in a situation like this before and I had a lot of bruises and scratches when the fans reach me. Manager unnie told me to never go out again without a bodyguard but I didn't listen to her so now I am in the same situation again.

"I'm sorry!" I shouted then I run fast. I took left then right then left again to lost them.

I was about to turn to the right but I saw people running too. I thought they're chasing me but I heard a fangirl scream.

"Kim Taehyung!"

I look around and saw a guy whose wearing an all black outfit and was running on my direction.

Kim Taehyung? Taehyung of Bangtan Sonyeondan?

"Lalisa Manoban!" I look at my back and saw my fans. Shoot, I forgot I am being chased too.

I took a step forward but a hand grab my arms. "Run!" He said then he pulled me inside the department store.

"Let's find a place to hide!" He said as he run to the men's section. We saw a fitting room so we went inside then he signaled me to stay quiet. I nodded while chasing my breath.

"Where are they?" A voice said.

"There! I think that's lisa!" A voice shouted again then we heard their footsteps while calling my name.

I exhaled in relief. "Thank goodness we lost them."

I turned to him and I saw him sitting on the floor. He is panting while messing his already messy brown hair.

He look up to me then he remove his facemask revealing his smiling lips. "That was tiring."

I awkwardly smile then I sat in front of him. "Yes it was, s-sunbae."

"Nah, no need for formalities. You can call me by my name and I'll call you lisa."

I nodded. "Okay."

He raised his phone. "I'm just gonna call jin hyung. I was with him on the supermarket earlier. I'm sure he's finding me."

"Oh, right. Jisoo unnie must be worried too." I fetch my phone on my bag then I saw 28 miscalls and 31 texts all from jisoo unnie.

"I'm dead." I said then I heard his laugh.

"You're not the only one." He said as he stares on his phone.

I dialed jisoo unnie's number, after one ring she immediately answered.


"Unnie, relax. I'm okay but we need help."

"We? What do you mean we?"

"I am with Taehyung right now on the fitting room 23. Department store, men's section."

"Men's section? Fitting room? And why the hell are you calling taehyung sunbae taehyung?" She ranted and I groan.

"Long story, okay? Just help us get out of here."

"Okay, I'm with jin oppa right now. We're on our way there." She said then she hung up on me before I could ask why did she called jin oppa?

"They're together and they are on their way here." Taehyung said as he rest his head on the wall.

"Fans can be annoying sometimes." He added.

I smile while I rest my head on the wall too. "But we still love them."

"Yup." He said prolonging the p.

Minutes passed but jisso unnie or jin sunbae isn't here yet. "Where are they?" I asked then I dialed jisoo unnie's number again.

"Lisa-ya! Fans chased us too. We are hiding on the woman's bathroom. Just hang in there, I called manager unnie and she's on her way here with some bodyguards. Bangtan's manager too."

"Manager unnie? Oh no..." I breathed.

"Yup, oh no is right. I bet she's going to make us clean the practice room tomorrow as a punishment." She said that made me sigh.

"Then our gadgets will be confiscated for a week." I added and I know unnie is nodding at my statement.

"Just stay there on the fitting room, okay? My battery is low and I need to call manager unnie later so I'll hung up now."

"Okay, see you later." She ended the call and I can't help but to groan. I bet manager unnie is furious right now.

"Where are they?" Taehyung asked.

"They are hiding in the comfort room. Fans recognized them too."

He sighed. "Maybe it's because of jin hyung's broad shoulders!"

"And jisoo unnie's purple hair." I added and we both shake our heads.

"Don't worry, our managers are on their way." I said and it made him groan.

"Sejin hyung is going to make us clean the dorm and wake up yoongi hyung every morning for a week!" He ranted.

I laughed. "We'll goodluck to you and jin sunbae."

"Yeah, we will surely need that goodluck." He said then he closed his eyes. "I am already imagining jungkookie's dirty messy room and yoongi hyung's angry face."

I laughed. "I watched a video of hoseok sunbae unintentionally waking up yoongi sunbae. I laughed so hard when he cussed at hoseok sunbae."

"And tomorrow, yoongi hyung will do the same to me." We both laughed.

A comfortable silence enveloped us but he broke it too soon by singing my line on whistle suddenly. "Make em' whistle like a missile bomb bomb. Everytime I show up, blow up uh!"

I laughed when he continued singing it. "Wow, you memorized our song well."

"Of course, I'm a blink." He said.

When my rap part came, he sat up straight then he cleared his throat.

I chuckled. "Show me what you got, kim taehyung."

He smirked at me before starting. "Uh everyday I'm stylin'
Killin' everything in my way I'm wildin'
Aiming for your heart, Imma bout to see you darlin'

Smooth criminal I'm bad untouchable
I be feelin' myself when you look at my way
Watch your king checkmate for the win uhuh
Pull up on deck bangtan write the check girl
Let me hear you whistle again."

"Did you just rap my part better than me?" I said while frowning.

"What can I say? I'm multitalented." He bragged that made us both laugh.

We heard a knock that made us frozen on our seat. "Hello? Why are their two people inside? Get out, please." A lady said and I can't help but to gulp.

What if she see's us then took a photo of us? We'll be in a big trouble!

"Open the door or I'll call the guards to open it." She said again. I looked at taehyung then he signaled me to stay quiet.

"This is a mall not a motel! I'll call the securities!" She said angrily then we heard her footsteps away from us.

"Oh no..." I breathed then I fetched my phone on my pocket. I dialed jisoo unnie's number and thank goodness she answered it immediately.

"Nallalisa, I am on the van. Manager unnie will be there in a few minutes. Just han—" I cut her off.

"Unnie, we're in trouble."

"What?! Why?!" She asked, almost shouting.

"A lady knocked on the door earlier and she said she's calling the security because she heard me and taehyung talking. She thought we're doing something here. We need to get out of here immediately or else!"

"Oh my god! I'll call manager unnie." She said then she ended the call.

I look at taehyung and he's biting his lower lip. "Let's stay calm." He said and I nodded, looking away from him coz he's so attractive while biting his lip.

"There! I heard a girl and boy giggling inside that room!" My breathing stopped when I heard her voice. She really called a security guard!

A knock on the door makes my fear worsen. "Ma'am Sir, please go out or I'll open this door forcefully." A man's voice said and boy, he sounded scary.

"One..." He counted and I can't help but to call every saints I know to ask for help.

"Two..." I saw the knob turning. This is the end of us.

I closed my eyes then I waited for the door to open. I felt a hand on mine and I'm sure it was his. Why is he holding me?

We heard a click, that means the door is unlocked. I swear, I'm about to cry but I heard my manager's voice outside.

"Excuse me, my children are inside. Why are you opening it?" Manager unnie reasoned and I reminded myself not to tease her anymore because she's our savior.

"Oh, I'm sorry. We thought it's a couple inside doing something bad." The security guard said.

"Those are our child." A man's voice said and taehyung whispered. "Sejin hyung."

"We're sorry." The lady said then we heard footsteps.

The knob turned again then my manager entered the fitting room. I immediately stood up then hug her.

"Unnie! I was so scared." I said then I felt her hands tapping my back.

"We'll get you out of here. Wear this coats and caps." She said then handed us a brown coat then the white caps.

We did what she said then she get our old coats and beanies. "The fans are still looking for you two so we'll split up. Taehyung-ssi, your manager is outside. We'll get out first. Thank you for saving lisa earlier." Manager said then she opened the door.

I waved my hands to taehyung and he waved back. "Take care." He said with a smile. I was about to respond but the door closed before I can even open my mouth.

"Let's go." Manager said then the two bodyguards went in front of us. I saw bts' manager so I bowed to him and he bowed back then he smiled.

Manager pulled me to her side then we went out of the department store quietly. We entered the elevator and good thing it was empty.

The body guard pressed the parking lot floor then we felt the elevator move up.

"Are you okay? Do you have any bruises or scratches again?" Manager unnie asked worriedly.

"No, I'm not hurt unlike before." I said and she sighed in relief. She was so worried because she is the one who healed my wounds before because I was mobbed by the fans.

We went out of the elevator then walk to our van. She opened it for me then I was immediately welcomed by jisoo unnie's hug.

"I was so worried!" She said then she scanned my body.

"You don't have wounds, right?" She said and I saw how her tears drop from her eyes. She rarely cries but I guess the incident that happened to me before scared her.

"I'm okay, unnie. What about you?" I look at her body and fortunately found no wounds.

"I'm fine too. I won't go to the mall with you anymore, you are recognized easily even if you're already covered." She said then she hug me again.

The bodyguard starts the car then we went out on the mall's parking lot. I closed my eyes then I leaned back on my seat. All those running and bumping to people made my body ache.

I was about to go to dreamland when my phone beeps. I checked it and saw an unregistered number.

"We are driving out of the mall. How about you? Are you okay? -Taetae." His message made my forehead creased.

"Unnie, did you give my number to jin-sunbae?" I asked jisoo unnie and she said no.

Then how did this guy get my number?

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