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Not edited πŸ™ˆ Tell me if there's any typo or grammar on this chapter so I would know. Enjoy πŸ’œ

"And... done!" My makeup artist said as she finish retouching my makeup because we just finished performing our new album, Square up, on Golden Disk Awards night.

"Thanks, jiyeon unnie." I said and she gave me a two thumbs up.

"Lisa-ya, let's go back to our seats now." Jisoo unnie said and I nodded but as soon as I stood up. I suddenly had a strong urge to pee.

Jennie unnie groaned. "This is why I told you to not drink lots of water when you're nervous. This is the third time you'll pee tonight, goodness."

I laughed awkwardly. "Sorry unnie. You guys go ahead, I'll follow you outside soon."

"Ppali ppali!" Chaeng said and I nodded before leaving our dressing room.

The restroom is actually far but thank goodness I made it right on time before my bladder bursted. I felt my body shake at the intense release I did.

After I did my business inside that restroom, I started to walk towards the exit of the backstage to go to my seat but I saw a man wearing a black long sleeves looking so stressed. He was running his hands on his hair as he talks to someone on his phone.

"Come on! This is not the right time for you to be sick!" He scolded someone on his phone and my curious self stayed to listen to their conversation.

"No, Jieun. We need you here right now! Or even someone who can replace you tonight! They will be on stage soon and they are all still barefaced!"

"That's right! Do everything to find a replacement! And be quick for your job's sake!" Then he drops the call. Wow, he looks so stressed and poor Seulmin for being scold just because she is sick.

I cleared my throat and the man looked at me. "Oh, Lisa-ssi."

"Ah ne, annyeonghaseyo. I just wanna ask what's wrong? Do you need help on something?" I offered and he looked at me with hope on his eyes.

"Can you perhaps do a male makeup?" He asked me and I creased my forehead.

"Yes, sir. Why did you asked?"

"I'm sorry but I am so desperate right now. Can you please help me, Lisa-ssi?" He said as he clasped his hands together.

"I guess so... since I just finished performing, I don't have anything to do now." I said and I saw how his eyes sparkle.

"Perfect! Let's go." He said then he pulled me with him and we stopped at a dressing room. He opened it and all we saw was chaos.

Their staffs are panicking, the wardrobe is a mess and their makeup kits are all scattered around the room. But what surprises me was the artists inside the dressing room who all looked like they'll attend a horror party with their makeups.

Everyone stopped at what they're doing when the man beside me cleared his throat. I bowed to them and they all bowed back, the artists even stood up to greet me.

"Uhh, what help do you exactly need from me?" I asked the man beside me.

He smiled widely to me. "I want you to fix Bangtan boy's makeup."

Woah what?!

All of boys and staffs are looking at their manager, Sejin, with wide eyes.

"Hyung! Are you crazy? I know we're desperate but Lisa-ssi is an idol for pete's sake!" Namjoon said as he went closer to their manager.

"I am desperate now, okay? You will be on stage soon and yet I still cannot find a makeup artist to replace Jieun but luckily, Lisa-ssi offered to help me." Sejin said before he went to Lisa who hangs her head low, clearly embarrassed with the attention she's getting.

"Lisa-ssi, you can now start." Sejin said with a wide smile on his lips.

"A-ah ne. But can you please inform my manager and members about this? They must be looking for me right now." Lisa said shyly and Sejin nodded.

"Of course, I'll handle them." The man said then he ordered someone to tell their staffs she's here. Lisa nodded before she faced the boys who is staring at her like she's a ghost, or an angel perhaps.

"U-uh sunbaenims. Can you please remove your m-makeups first?" Lisa asked politely that made the boys faced their mirror.

"Oh hell!" Yoongi said when he saw his face then he and the others started to remove their ugly makeups fast.

Earlier, the boys tried to do their own makeups and they even said it will be easy but looking at their faces now, they make the clowns want to quit their jobs.

Jin was the first one to talk after they remove their makeups. He first cleared his throat before speaking. "Lisa-ssi, please forget about our faces earlier especially mine, I don't want my "Mr. Worldwide Handsome" title to be taken away from me."

"Hyung!" Jungkook growled at him and the other members are throwing things are Jin's direction.

"Yah! You ungrateful kids!" Jin shouted then he started to throw the things back to his dongsaengs.

Lisa couldn't help but to laugh at them and it made the boys and the staffs turn to her. She was covering her mouth as she tried to suppress her laughters. Her dirty ash blonde hair falls perfectly on her shoulders as she slightly threw her head back but what really caught everyone's attention was her eyes. Her precious orbs are twinkling like a star and it made all the people inside smile at her.

When Lisa stopped laughing, she realized that everyone is staring at her. She bowed her head low. "I'm so sorry."

Taehyung stood up and pinch her cheeks that made everyone's eyes widen.

"I'm sorry but you're so cute. I just had to pinch your fluffy cheeks." Taehyung said while flashing his infamous box smile.

Lisa chuckled. "It's okay, sunbae. So let's start! Who wants to be first?"

"You can fix my makeup first, Lisa-ssi. I know I'm already handsome and all but sinceβ€”." Jin said but he was cut off by his members.

"Hyung! Hajima!"

Lisa laughed again. "Okay, sunbae. I'll fix your makeup first."

Jin sat down on the chair properly and Lisa stood beside him. She grab a bb cushion then starts to apply it on Jin's face.

"Wow, your skin is so bright and clear." Lisa mumbled as she dab the sponge on Jin's face.

But surprisingly, Jin didn't answered her with his cocky words instead he just stared at Lisa's face that was close to him. He never thought Lisa would be this beautiful up close. Now he knows why many idols has their eyes set on the Thai Princess.

Jin didn't know he was holding his breath until Lisa moved away to grab an eyebrow pencil. He slowly let out a shaky breath before he gulped.

Wow, Lisa has this effect on Mr. worldwide handsome huh?

After some minutes, Lisa finishes Jin and everyone was amazed by her skills.

"Hyung! You looked like a human now!" Namjoon said and everyone laughed except Jin who is still staring at the huge mirror in front of him.

"Next! Next! We're in a hurry boys!" Manager Sejin said and Hobi immediately pulled Jin away from the vanity mirror.

"Yah! I'm still not done admiring my face!" Jin said annoyed but no one payed attention to him except Lisa who grinned at what he said.

Lisa started to apply bb cushion to Hoseok's face who was showing her a wide smile. "Wow... Your smile can really light up the dark, sunbaenim."

Hoseok chuckles. "Well I guess I am not named bangtan's sunshine for nothing."

"It's cute." Lisa complimented him that made him blush. "Thanks, Lisa-ssi. I like your smile too."

Lisa showed him her smile. "Jinja? Gomawo."

And just like that, Hoseok is now a Lisa stan.

"Okay, I'm next." Namjoon said before he push Hoseok away. "Yah, I'm still admiring Lisa-ssi's work!"

"You looked like a handsome horse now so be thankful to Lisa-ssi." Yoongi said that made everyone laugh.

"Yo, Lisa-ssi. Can you please make me handsome?" Namjoon said and Lisa tilted her head in confusion.

"What do you mean? You're already handsome..."

Namjoon froze, feeling his heart stopped beating, before letting out an awkward laugh. "T-then just make me more handsome."

Little did they know, everyone heard what Lisa said and that made Yoongi smile. He knows Namjoon looks so low about his face but thanks to Lisa for reminding him something he almost forgot.

Next to Namjoon is Yoongi, he immediately sat on the chair then turned to Lisa. "Thanks for saying that to Namjoon." He whispered.

"Ha? Why, sunbae? What did I said to him?" She whispered back.

"That he's handsome. Thank you for being kind." He whispered again and he saw Lisa's frown.

"I wasn't being kind when I said that. He truly is handsome..." Lisa said confused and Yoongi smiled again.

"She's cute and has a great personality. That's very nice." Yoongi thought.

Jimin was next and Lisa grinned. "Wow, I never thought I'll do your makeup someday sunbaenim. I badly want to emphasize your plump lips using highlighter before!"

"Really?" Jimin asked shyly.

Lisa nodded. "Ne! But only if you let me..."

"O-of course! You can do whatever you want to my face. I won't mind." Jimin said, ecstatic by the fact that Lisa thought of fixing his makeup before.

When Lisa was done, Jimin eyed himself. "Woah daebak... I never thought this makeup will suit me..."

"Me next! Me next!" Taehyung said playfully then pushed Jimin out of the chair.

"Yah!" Jimin shouted but he ignored it.

"Lisa-ssi, I trust my face in your hands now." Taehyung said that made Lisa chuckle.

"It's my honor to do your makeup, Taehyung-ssi." Lisa said then she did a curtsy that made the both of them laugh.

"She had a great sense of humor. I like that." Taehyung thought as she watch Lisa pick up the makeup tools she'll be using.

"And done..." Lisa said after finishing his makeup.

"I... I... I..." Taehyung said before he slammed his hands on the table that made Lisa jumped in surprise.

"I don't like it." Taehyung continued that made Lisa sweat. His members was about to scold him and told him he look great when Lisa bowed her head low.

"I'm sorry, sunbae. I'll just fix iβ€”" but Lisa was cut off when Taehyung lifted her up.

"I don't like it coz I love it!" Taehyung said that made Lisa feel relieved.

"Okay okay. Now put me down." Lisa said and Taehyung did what she said.

"That's enough, hyung. We don't have much time." Jungkook said before entangling Taehyung's hand on Lisa's waist.

"Oh right. Talk to you later, Lisa-ssi!"

Jungkook sat on the chair wearing an expression Lisa can't understand. "C-can I start now, sunbae?"

Jungkook's face shifted to her but his features was softer now. "Ah, yes you may."

Lisa started and she can't help but to feel intimidated.

"His presence is no joke." Lisa thought as she apply cream on Jungkook's face.

"Your hands are shaking." Jungkook said then he held her free hand while her other hand was holding a sponge.

"Her hands are soft." He thought.

"Ah, sorry. You're just a lil intimidating." Lisa said like the straightforward she is.

Jungkook laughed. "Why would you feel intimidated by me?"

"Coz your expression is so unreadable! It's making me anxious." Lisa said that made Jungkook smile.

"Sorry. I'm just not used on interacting to a girl."

Lisa shook her head. "This is just my suggestion but if you do that to every girl you meet then trust me," she held his shoulder "you'll be single for the rest of your life."

Jungkook chuckled again before nodding. "I'll keep that in mind."

Lisa grinned before continuing his makeup.

When everyone is done with their looks, they all bowed to Lisa. "Kamsahamnida, Lisa-ssi!"

"Ani ani ani! You don't need to bow or thank me. It's fine and I had fun." Lisa said, hating the fact that her sunbaes bowed their heads to her.

"Bangtan Sonyeondan! You're next!" A staff said and they all exhaled. Just in time.

They all went out of the dressing room with Lisa beside them and it attracted some staffs and idols that was on backstage but they didn't said a thing.

"Hey, Lisa-ssi. Have a dinner with us after the awards show! We'll treat you out to thank you for saving our faces tonight." Jin said and the others nodded.

"Uhm yeah sure." Lisa said and when she's about to excuse herself to go back to her chair, someone shouted "Babe!" That made them look back.

"Chou Tzuyu?" Jungkook thought as she saw her running towards their direction.

"Babe? Who's her babe? Is someone her babe here?" Taehyung asked confused as hell like his other members but the one who answered confused them more.

"I am." Lisa said with a warm smile on her face as she watch tzuyu run towards her. When she was close, she pulled her into a bear hug then they both giggled.

"Hey, babe. Why are you such in a rush?" Lisa asked her as she wipe her sweat with her hand.

"Oh sorry, I was looking for you since you've been gone for two hours already." Tzuyu said then she realized bangtan's watching them.

"Oh mianhe, sunbaenims!" Tzuyu said before she bowed her head to them.

"A-are y-you and L-lisa.... together?" Namjoon asked and Lisa looked at them confused.

"You didn't know?" Lisa asked him and when he was about to shook his head, Yoongi pinched his back.

"Of course we know. Well, see you later lisa-ssi. We're about to perform." Yoongi said before pushing his members to move forward.

"Arasso. Bangtan fighting!" Lisa cheered fore them and they gave her halfhearted smiles.

When Lisa was far from them, they all sighed.

"I did not see that coming." Hoseok said and they all sighed again.

No one asked for #Tzulisa but whatevah πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ

And I know I promised Lisgyu and Lismin and it's on the future chapters so please wait for it! πŸ’œ


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