Act III | When All Smiles Died

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When All Smiles Died



Alicia Agneson as Wylla

William's First Love

"If you make it back here, know that I will welcome you."

"You will always have a place in my heart."


Bruna Marquezine as Ashara Dayne

The Maiden with Laughing Purple Eyes

"Please. I do not want to watch you die for them."

"She will always be the love of my life. She will always be the one I go back to. My woman with those laughing purple eyes that pierced my heart like a dagger and left scars behind I could never forget."


Max Brown as Rhaegar Targaryen

The Prince of Dragonstone

"You almost got yourself killed for a lie."

"One of you must win and crown Lyanna Stark as the Queen of Love and Beauty."


Adria Arjona as Elia Martell

The Princess of Dragonstone


"I am so sorry Elia."


Pedro Pascal as Oberyn Martell

The Red Viper

"I have heard much about you, Wolf of White Harbor.   A coward was not one of them."

"Protect her."


Jonathan Keltz as Jon Connington

The Prince's Friend

"If you and I work together, we can fix this before blood can be shed."

"You know as well as I do, Jon, that this will end with blood."


Sam Claflin as Robert Baratheon

The Furious Stag

"Even though I consider you a brother because Ed is mine, do not think I will not cut off your head for speaking to her that way."

"You do not frighten me, stag."


Rhys Ifans as Aerys Targaryen

The Mad King

"Burn them all!"

"The Mad King's life ended when all the smiles died at the Tourney."


Viva Bianca as Rhaella Targaryen

The Poor Queen

"Thank you."

"You think you understand me? My mother died due to a broken heart after the death of my father. I could not do anything to stop it. Your mother is raped every night by your father. You could have prevented that from happening. You and I are nothing alike. I would have killed him for dishonoring my mother."


Charles Dance as Tywin Lannister

The Shield of Lannisport

"You remind me of someone."

"Lord Tywin Lannister. The single man who murdered an entire house."


Bradley James as Jaime Lannister

The Young Lion

"I never thought I would admire a wolf. His defense of White Harbor and its heir gave him the honor of being the Wolf of White Harbor. I wonder if I will ever be honored for what I do like that."

"If he were not born a Lannister, I would have probably taken him under my wing."


Nell Williams as Cersei Lannister

The Lioness

"I will be Princess of Dragonstone."

"She reminds me too much of Lyanna Stark."


Leo Woodruff as Howland Reed

"I would be dead if not for William Stark."

"I am glad that Ed has a friend like you."




Ian McElhinney as Barristan Selmy

"William Stark was a knight without the knighthood. He would have been a great one."

"Thank you for everything, Barristan. I hope we meet again."


You are

a villain

in someone's




Even if

you do



things can

still end


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