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"So, what's the deal with you guys' vocabulary? Shank? Shuck? Greenie? What do they even mean?"Clara asked Newt as they walked to breakfast they next day.

"'Shank' can mean friend, could be used to insult people too. Greenie or greenbean means new person,"Newt explained.

"What about 'shuck'?"Clara asked.

"Well, Nick isn't too fond of the word fuck, so we settled for the closet thing : Shuck,"Newt explained.

Clara nodded. "Great,"she replied simply, because she had no idea what else to say.

"Anyway, on to what you're gonna do today. You'll start trying out different jobs. First of all, you'll see what it's like to be a Slicer, and it's just as bloody pleasant as it sounds."

Clara sighed. "Once again, great."


Clara was not prepared for trying out the job of Slicer, but nevertheless she arrived at the Bloodhouse five minutes early. Something told her that she was the type of girl who was always on time.

She stood at the door of the Bloodhouse, waiting for Winston. Maybe being early wasn't a wise choice.

A small, metal creature with a silver body caught her attention. It had 12 jointed legs running through the length of it's body. A bright red light came through what seemed like the beetle's eye. The word WICKED was printed across the beetle's torso.

"The hell?"she said to herself.

"That was one of 'em beetle blades. Nasty buggers. We 'spect the Creators use 'em to watch us,"a short and muscular boy with bad acne said to Clara.

Clara nodded and smiled politely. "You must be Winston."

"Right. Now, let's get to work. Us Slicers work in the Bloodhouse. We take care of livestock and slaughter them for food."

"You kill animals?"Clara asked in horror.

"Right again. Now, let's get this over and done with. You have to at least try the job, and there ain't a damn thing I can do 'bout it,"Winston explained.

Clara nodded.

"Okay, let's get on with it."


"How did you enjoy being a Slicer?"Nick asked Clara at lunch.

"I hated it. It was awful,"Clara replied. She had refused to kill any animals, so Winston had told her to go take care of livestock instead.

Nick chuckled. "Not surprised. No-one ever really likes it."

"I wonder why,"she replied sarcastically.

Nick laughed. "Well, nevermind that. After lunch, you'll be tryin' out as a Cook."

Clara breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God." Cooking didn't sound too hard.


"Hey, Minho, Newt?"Clara started as she lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling of the dark room.

"Yeah?"Newt replied, rolling over in his bed so that he could see her.

"What are you guys' jobs?"she asked. She had been thinking about that question throughout the time she had been Cooking, which is probably why she had burnt it.

"We're Runners,"Minho answered.

"Runners,"Clara whispered, repeating the word to herself.

"Yeah, Runners. Can we go to sleep now?"Minho asked, slightly annoyed and grumpy since he was tired.

"You go to sleep, you boring shuck-face,"Clara told him.

She heard Newt laugh.

"Did you just use Glader slang?"Minho asked her, also laughing.

Clara laughed, too. "Yeah, I guess so."

The three continued to laugh.

"But seriously, go to sleep,"Minho told them, then dozed off.


The next day, Clara was supposed to try out the job of Med-jack.

Clint, the short boy who was Keeper of the Med-jacks, had set Clara straight to work, telling her to arrange the assorted medicines, bandages and first-aid kit components until somebody with an injury comes along.

Another Med-jack was also there. He had an athletic build and was very tall. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes.

"Hi,"Clara greeted him politely.

"Hi,"he said, then got back to work. He seemed to also be arranging and organising some or other first-aid kit.

Clara got to work, arranging everything to look as neat as possible.

"Fuck it,"Clara cussed as she dropped some or other ointment container.

"Don't know if you know this, but Nick doesn't like that word,"the other Med-Jack told her, laughing to himself.

"Yeah, well, Nick doesn't have to know,"Clara replied, picking up the ointment.

"I'm Archie, by the way,"the boy introduced himself.

"Clara,"she introduced herself as well.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Clara,"Archie said.

Clara smiled. "Very nice indeed."



What's up, guys? How's it going?

So, what did you think of this chapter? Drop me a comment telling me what you thought :)

Soooooo, I added Daniel Sharman to the cast to portray Archie. He's an original character, and I'm really excited about him.

That's all for now :) stay classy, sassy and a bit bad-assy 😁


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